Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:22 AM

Chapter 88: Round 6 Ends (2)

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Chapter 88: Round 6 Ends (2)

There was no one who could boast of being able to kill a boss so quickly.

Is the gap between us and the 1st ranker this big?

Rather than being amazed, he felt bitter.

Can I become that strong when I reach level 40?

The Dark Knights skills were powerful.

Ma Kyung-rok was satisfied with them.


Its not on the same level as Black Scythes.

Even if he reached level 40, he wasnt sure if he could display the same presence.

He couldnt be confident.

Instead of worrying about that, I should focus on leveling up first.

Facing the unexpected situation of having subordinates with higher levels than himself, his pride couldnt allow such humiliation. Instead, a newfound determination began to kindle within him.

I need to up my game.


As Ma Kyung-rok downed a full glass of whiskey in one shot, Sang-cheol chose silence. He couldnt think of what to say after unintentionally pricking the chairmans ego.

He felt like he was sitting on a bed of thorns.

I should really thank Black Scythe. Ive been slacking off lately, and hes managed to reignite my motivation.


And not to forget, he helped level up Director An and Seo Arins levels. We should definitely show our appreciation when we meet him later, dont you think?Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Uh, should I try to find a way to personally show my gratitude too?

No need for that. After all, you sacrificed items in exchange for experience points. My subordinates benefited from him. Showing gratitude is my responsibility as the chairman.


We should also inquire with the Prophet about when we can meet Black Scythe again.

Do you think the Prophet survived?

Instead of pondering that, its faster to make a confirmation call. Besides, it falls under Director Ans jurisdiction.

Ah, I was being thoughtless. My apologies. Ill check right away.

No need to apologize. Just inform me once you have the information. Oh, and by the way, did you manage to learn those skills I mentioned earlier?

Yes, Ive indeed acquired the Tracking and Erasing Traces skills as you advised.

Then, later on, when we put those skills to use, join us for a little cleanup. Were planning to take care of some nuisances, and its been a while.

You intend to work at this hour? Its almost dawn

Its nothing, dont worry about it.

Ryu Min responded casually, then fell silent.

Seo Arin observed him thoughtfully.

Hes quite an intriguing person. At just 20 years old, he carries himself with confidence even in the presence of Chairman Ma Kyung-rok. And his business insight

While Ma Kyung-rok exuded an aura of intimidation, Ryu Min seemed different.

Could I have displayed such confidence if I were a Prophet?

No, even if she possessed the same ability, she doubted she could exude such self-assuredness.

Where are you headed, Prophet?

Oh, Im planning to make a quick stop at the convenience store.

The convenience store? I was heading there too.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Seo Arins mind.

While she couldnt assist Black Scythe directly, she could lend a helping hand to the Prophet.

Since Im going the same way, let me run an errand for you. Were neighbors, I can drop off your items on my way back up.

No need for that.

Still, I received something from the Prophet, and I want to repay the favor in some way.

After a brief pause, Ryu Min raised his head.

You cant just send a celebrity to run errands.

Its something Im willing to do

If word gets out that I had a celebrity running errands for me, your fans will give me a hard time.


Seo Arins head dropped. Even though her face wasnt visible, her disappointment was palpable.

If you truly want to help, how about giving me an autograph?

An autograph? Seriously?

My younger brother is a fan of yours.

Oh, you want to give it to your younger brother.

The Prophet, who had made this request, turned his head.

Seo Arin was immensely popular among men in their twenties, but this particular individual seemed uninterested.

Ill gladly do that for you.

Seo Arin realized he was trying to do something nice for his brother, but somehow, it made her a bit sad.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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