Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:19 AM

Chapter 90: Unexpected Meeting (2)

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Chapter 90: Unexpected Meeting (2)

She was the daughter of a pastor who led the largest church in the United States, with a congregation of 100,000.

As a fiance, she was more than suitable.

He told me not to hide anything from him, but I suppose hell hide the fact that shes his fiance.

Ryu Min glanced at Ma Kyung-rok and addressed Christine fluently in English, Nice to meet you, Christine. Im Ryu Min, a business partner of CEO Ma Kyung-rok.

Ryu Mins self-introduction surprised Ma Kyung-rok.

His English was perfect.

To the extent that if you closed your eyes and listened, you might think he was a native speaker.

Christine, too, was taken aback by the unexpected English pronunciation and adjusted her posture slightly. Then, she politely lowered her head in a Korean manner and replied, Nice to meet you, Ryu Min. I had no idea CEO Ma had such a remarkable business partner.

Oh, really? I never imagined CEO Ma would have such a lovely fiance.

Ah, did he mention our relationship?

Ma Kyung-rok was startled by Christines gaze. After all, he had never mentioned that she was his fiance.

Does he somehow know about our engagement?

Ma Kyung-rok looked at Ryu Min and decided that he should never deceive the prophet again.

Now it seems as if he was trying to hide the fact that she was his fiance.

Ma Kyung-rok had no choice but to admit his mistake.

I apologize, Prophet. I didnt intend to deceive you

No need to apologize. I understand that introducing your fiance might have felt overwhelming.

Thank you for your understanding

But I wish you had trusted me a little more

As Ryu Mins disappointment subtly surfaced at the end of his sentence, Ma Kyung-rok couldnt help but feel awkward.

Damn, its not a good idea to be on the Prophets bad side

Regretting introducing her merely as a friend, Ma Kyung-rok was taken aback when Christine asked, What are you two discussing so seriously?

Curious about the serious conversation held in Korean, she must have wondered.

Its nothing, really. We were just briefly discussing business.

I see. Well, considering you mentioned opening a business soon

Christines words conveyed her understanding, but her gaze remained disinterested.

Perhaps due to their arranged engagement, there was no sweetness in their relationship.

Please convey my regards to the Chairman. I have a church service to attend, so Ill take my leave.

Of course. Dont worry about that part, as your father is also busy. Hell understand.

Thank you. Then, I hope to see you both alive in the next round.

Is that so?

Ma Kyung-rok nodded, affirming his ability.

Prophets words are entirely trustworthy. There has never been an instance of a prediction going wrong.

Does that mean youve received help from this person so far?

Yes, thanks to him, weve been able to anticipate and strategize for the next round ahead.

Although the notion was hard to fathom, the expressions on both of their faces were profoundly serious.

So, why are you suddenly revealing this to me?

Christine, I will furnish you with information about the 7th round.

Without any compensation? Christines reaction to discussing compensation hinted at the life she might have lived.

Dont worry. I will provide it without expecting anything in return.

If the Priest survived, it would also benefit Ryu Min.

Even though you survive up to the 15th round without any help

Ultimately, its the semblance of assistance that matters.

Christine appeared skeptical, but eventually, she nodded.

If youre confidently offering future information, Im willing to give it a try.

Providing future information so confidently was indeed audacious.

You still cant fully believe it though.

Ryu Min, as if prompting Ma Kyung-rok, relayed the details about the 7th round.

Do not be fooled by temptation. Just remember this for the 7th round.

Uh?! Is that all, Prophet?

I cannot divulge more. Doing so would bring harm to everyone. Resist temptation. You must memorize it like a spell, and thats all I can share.

Both Christine and Ma Kyung-rok remained silent, The somewhat vague prophecy seems absurd.

Is that all?

Yes, but Christine, theres something else I need to tell you.


This gathering was primarily to deliver this message

Ryu Min, who was pausing, spoke with a grave expression.

Christine, when the 11th round arrives, you will be in danger. Your life may be at risk.


But dont worry. A rope will come down to rescue you.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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