Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:06 AM

Chapter 96: Anger (2)

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Chapter 96: Anger (2)

Before the start of the 7th round, Ryu Min and Min Juri sat down for a meal.

Isnt the food here at this Korean restaurant delicious?

Yeah, its the best Ive had!

Im glad you like it. Lets come here often.


There wasnt any deeper meaning to Ryu Mins words, but Min Juri seemed to interpret them differently, contemplating their significance.

Ryu Min quickly clarified, Not often, just occasionally.

Oh, I see. I see

Min Juri appeared somewhat disappointed.

By the way, Min, youve seemed busy lately, havent you? Every time we talk, you say well meet later.

Oh, theres been some stuff.

Ryu Min brushed it off casually. He indeed had been busy, attending Heaven Caf meetings every weekend and Player Place meetings as the top executive. Additionally, he had to be vigilant about being tailed.

Ryu Min knew that even at this moment, there were eyes watching him. He had already identified the person.

Jeffrey Bishop, a level 28 assassin. And the mastermind behind it all is Nathan Watson, Christines father.

At first, Ryu Min didnt realize he was being followed. But he eventually figured it out using his Perception skill, as someone had been tracking him for several days.

However, they didnt show themselves. That means

They had the Invisibility skill. There was no other explanation.

The question is, why are they tailing me?

It wasnt too difficult to figure that out. In fact, tailing the tailer was the way to go.

I dont think theyve learned the Perception skill. If they had, I wouldnt have been able to follow him.

If he had known that Invisibility can be detected by the Perception skill, he would have followed from a distance in the first place.

Not so closely and openly as hes doing right now.

It was information that could be known if he thought about it a little.

With that in mind, Ryu Min followed the trailer in reverse and waited for the invisibility to be lifted.

And I found out. The person tailing me is a foreigner, and this was orchestrated by Christines father, Nathan Watson.

The 7th round had begun.

The players summoned to the meadow were bustling around.

There were fewer people summoned than expected.

[Hello, everyone! Have you been well for the past month?]

Priscilla spoke with a cheerful smile, but the players remained silent.

In a game where people died one after another every round, there was no way anyone would feel favorably toward an angel.

[There are 434 survivors this time, right? As you can see, there are too few humans, so the game wont work, right? Thats why were going to proceed with area integration again. Right now.]

As soon as the angels words ended, the ground shook.


The process of integrating ten areas was still fascinating to watch.

It was like the process of fitting together puzzle pieces with perfect precision.

Perhaps thats why the players didnt react with surprise but rather looked at it with fascination.

Seeing it once before made it easier to adapt.

[Weve integrated 10 areas. The total number of people is 4,922, and the new areas name is C2-ESKA003. As you can see, youre all Koreans, so theres no need to be on guard.]

The players nodded in agreement with the friendly explanation, albeit briefly.

[Now, before we start the round, we need to choose area representatives, right?]

Once again, the representatives of the areas, who realized that they had to kill each other, frowned.

Except for Ryu Min, of course.

Of course, theres a representative selection match this time.

Every time the areas were integrated, it felt like an annual event.

This time, I have to become the area representative for sure.

Actually, Ryu Min even wanted to be an area representative, but he couldnt miss it this time.

The reward was tremendous.

It allows you to use the authority of the area representative in the real world.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!