Published at 27th of December 2018 05:39:15 PM

Chapter 23

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"Braedon" stared at the half-drake with a disgusted look. "How could such a majestic creature become so perversed by a filthy serpent. Dragons are not creature that like to play with their prey like an S."

The monstrous half-drake looked down at him as if it was staring at an ant. Braedon gave off an annoyed glare, "And that unbridled pride, as if you are some sort of god. You make a mockery of dragons." As Braedon whispered all of this to himself, the monster raised up its claw and to the horror of everyone present, stomped it down onto Braedon.

A cloud of dust blew up from the ground, obscuring the vision of Braedon's friends. Everyone stared worriedly at the dust cloud.

They saw the gigantic claw, that could easily crush any of them, being held up by Braedon as the dust settled.

He passively held it up as if it had the same weight as a feather. Braedon bent down his arm a bit and then pushed it back up, forcing the beast to lose its balance for a second and take a step back.

Braedon genuinely looked pissed. He didn't look mad or angry, he looked PISSED. He held out his arm and a bright flame started to form from thin air.

The flames took the shape of some sort of feather. The feather was only a bit longer than his arm length and it was more rigid than a normal feather.

Streaks of flame constantly hopped from the feather. It burned the air all around it. Even Zan Fu and gang were having some difficulties breathing. They felt as if their lungs were being dried out. Even the dragon, a monster said to have high elemental resistance, looked uncomfortable.

"Feather Of Rebirth." Braedon called out the strange weapon's name and pointed it toward the creature. His eyes were completely devoid of emotions, as if he was doing something as simple as watering a plant.

When Braedon spoke, the voice that came out wasn't his usual one. It sounded more like two voices speaking at once, this intimidated everyone even more. Braedon's voice was obviously there, but who did the other one belong to?

"Before achieving rebirth, you must overcome death. To first overcome it, you must experience death. I promise you that you will overcome noshing." Braedon said "nothing" in a strange way as if he bit his tongue.

"Sh*t! Aww tat huts a lot. Why thid I hav to bite mi tung." He didn't just sound like he bit it, he really did! Braedon covered his mouth with his free hand and tears were forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Screw it." He swung down the feather and circle of flames popped out of the ground. It rose up all the way to the ceiling and surrounded both the dragon and him. Everyone outside the could not see what was happening inside of it.

Braedon rested the feather over his shoulder. He was surprised by how much power he had already spent, "It seems this body can't handle my full power yet. I'm going to fix that later. Now as for you..." he said while walking toward the dragon, "What, do tell, is that little thing inside your body?"

"It would be too wasteful to just make you turn to ashes, rather I am more curious about that shard. Who knew that small little gadget would have such an effect." A powerful pressure erupted from his body like a dormant volcano suddenly becoming active.

The pressure caused the dragon to tremble and with fear in its eyes it started to move backwards slowly. It didn't get far thanks to the circle of flame, Braedon spun the feather around and the circle became even smaller.

The dragon didn't even try to fight back. All of its instincts were telling it that if it even thought of trying to fight or escape, its death would be instantaneous. It decided that there was only one course of action for it.

It started to lower itself in an attempt to bow down before the freak in front of it and surrender. It didn't get far before a sudden flash of light paused it mid bow.

The dragon made no sound and it didn't move. The dragon's eyes were filled with regret as his entire body was split in half. Blood and guts sprayed everywhere as Braedon walked forward and picked up a shard of glass.

"Too bad you don't have to be alive for me to regain this." Braedon gave off a devious smile as he snapped his fingers and lit the remains on fire.

The circle of flame died down and he stepped out to find Braedon's friends surrounding him.

Everyone watched him with a fearful stare. Only Zan Fu stepped forward without fear. "Hello Senior, thank you for your help in dealing with that dragon."

Braedon smiled at Zan Fu, "It was no trouble, that thing wasn't something that is naturally born in this world. As such I had a responsibility to deal with it."

Zan Fu clasped his fist together and bowed. The others followed his example and did the same.

"Braedon, their person who you are possessing, he was pierced in the chest by the dragon. Is there any way for us to heal him by chance?" Zan Fu was still worried about Braedon's condition and wanted to see if there was still any problems.

He could obviously see that the hole in Braedon's chest was healed, but Zan Fu also worried about the possible internal problems the body as well.

"Have no fear, all external and internal wounds of this body has been healed. And you don't even have to worry about my presence for I will leave soon without doing anything to you."

Zan Fu breathed out a sigh of relief at these words. The others visibly relaxed as well. Braedon turned around and started to walk away, "Goodbye then."

Zan Fu yelled back behind him, "Wait! What about Braedon, aren't you going to return him to us?"

Braedon smiled at them warmly. For some reason, no matter how warm the smile was, Zan Fu had a chill flow down his spine, "Of course I won't return him. This is the first time I have obtained a body that can truly handle my power. Why would I return it?"

Zan Fu lost his good will toward the entity possessing Braedon, "What do you mean!?" He unleashed his own cultivation and ran up behind him grabbing his shoulder.

The entity knocked away Zan Fu's hand and used the feather to blow him back, "I think it is adorable that you care for your friend so much, but you should forget about him. Even if you do the impossible and defeat me, his soul is no longer in this realm."

The entity started to dissolve into ashes slowly, "But once I regain my original strength, I will pay you back with this promise. I promise that you will receive strength beyond your wildest imaginations once I gain my true strength."

And with these final words, he disappeared into nothingness. Zan Fu ran up to the spot where he was just standing, "F***CKING BAAASSSSTTTAAAARRRRD!!!" His screamers echoed out through the entire dungeon and even several floor deeper inside of the boss room Mei Ling ears perked up as she heard her son cried out.

"What happened?"

Farther away outside of the dungeon "Braedon" stood in the streets waiting for something. A reddish-orange orb appeared suddenly and was forced into his palm, "Braedon? What are you doing here? And how did you drag me here?"

"Braedon" just smiled, "Don't worry about little core and go to sleep."

Glode's voice started to get hazy as his consciousness faded away, "W-What do y-you mea-..."

The entity looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, "It's running away from me? How curious. It matters not, no matter how far it travels, it will never be able to escape from my grasp."


The black cloaked divinity was flying away from the dungeon at maximum speed.

"What was that pressure I sensed? I have never felt anything like it!" The blood-red orb in his hand stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

"That was a terrible monster that had just reawakened. I don't know how it survived after all of these year, but right now nothing in this world can stop that thing."

The divinity actually felt the orb tremble, it had a consciousness so emotions like this was to be expected. But the orb hated to reveal its emotions. No matter what the divinity did, it always kept its feeling hidden to itself. Now that these very feelings were bursting out suddenly, the man had one question to ask, "Do you know who it is?"

The orb said four words that almost made his heart stop. He started to tremble himself and even felt as if all of the blood in his body had been drained out of him.

"It's the original phoenix."

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