Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:41 AM

Chapter 100

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Chapter 100

"I'll come with you," Xu Xiuhe suggested.

"The company still needs you, and it's not convenient for you to leave. Yang City is not far, it's only a three-hour drive. Why don't you take Zhengzheng, and I'll try to come back in the afternoon," Shen Yin replied.

Xu Xiuhe considered for a few seconds and agreed. He now had a slight understanding of Shen Yin, and once she decided on something, he couldn't change it.

On the way back, Shen Yin kept comforting Zhengzheng.

"Zhengzheng, would you like to go with your father tomorrow? Mommy has something to do and needs to go out for a day." Shen Yin patiently coaxed. She had originally wanted to take Zhengzheng with her, but Zhengzheng was too young, and she was worried it would be inconvenient to bring him to Yang City, where he had never been.

Zhengzheng was happily playing with his own fingers, but when he heard what Shen Yin said, he looked up and said, "Wherever Mommy goes, Zhengzheng goes too."

Shen Yin's heart softened, and she almost agreed to take Zhengzheng with her, but Xu Xiuhe spoke up first.

"Zhengzheng, Mommy has to go to work, and she won't be back until the afternoon. Don't you like your father? Why don't you want to go with him?"

This worked well on Xu Yunzheng, who immediately said, "I like Daddy. Mommy, please come back soon."

"Okay, Mommy promises Zhengzheng that I'll come back early tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Shen Yin got up and laid out the clothes Zhengzheng was going to wear today, so that Xu Xiuhe could dress him as soon as he woke up.

"Maybe I should go with you after all. I'm still a little worried about you going alone." Xu Xiuhe suggested again, but was ultimately rejected by Shen Yin.

"You take care of Zhengzheng. Zhengzheng hasn't woken up yet, and there's nothing to worry about. I have navigation, money, and I can even fight off any intruders if needed. I'm leaving now. If anything happens to Zhengzheng, give me a call."

Shen Yin had already found the address of the carpenter online, but she wasn't sure if she could actually find him or convince him to help her with the furniture.

On the way, Shen Yin kept thinking about what she would say. The online information said this Master Kang was over 50 years old, had an eccentric personality, and generally didn't take on new projects, as he only focused on teaching his two apprentices.

This was exactly what Shen Yin was counting on, as the rarity of his services made him highly sought after. She had already prepared several draft contracts, in case she couldn't hire him, she could try to collaborate with him instead.Reead latest chapters on no/vel(b)in(.)com

Shen Yin drove slowly, following the navigation. By around noon, she arrived in Yang City.

Soon, a man came out holding a cup of tea.

When Shen Yin saw Kang Guopeng come out, she was momentarily stunned. He looked so much like her late grandfather, as if he were ten years younger. Shen Yin's mind immediately flashed to the scenes of her grandfather teaching her martial arts, and her eyes became a little moist, almost letting out a cry.

"Dad, there's a young lady here who wants to discuss business with you, not about taking on any furniture work," the older woman said.

"Miss, what can I do for you?" Kang Guopeng asked.

Shen Yin composed herself and said, "I'm from Rong City, and I'd like to invite you to be an operations consultant for our furniture workshop."

Kang Guopeng didn't answer the question, but instead took a sip of his tea and said, "How did you know about me?"

"I saw a post online that said you have exceptional craftsmanship and unique artistry in your furniture," Shen Yin answered honestly.

"I haven't done furniture work for a long time. You should go back," Kang Guopeng replied.

Shen Yin didn't expect Kang Guopeng to refuse so directly, and without even giving a reason. The man was clearly eccentric.

"Mr. Kang, would you at least take a look at some information about the furniture workshop?" Shen Yin took out the materials she had prepared.

Kang Guopeng shook his head and went back inside.

Shen Yin was stunned. There was no room for negotiation at all? She had prepared several proposals, but it seemed like she would have to leave just like that.

Shen Yin felt frustrated. This man not only looked like her late grandfather, but his temperament was also the same - he would turn and leave at the slightest disagreement.

Shen Yin sighed, picked up the umbrella on the ground, and walked out of the bungalow.

In the courtyard, the older woman was squatting in the shade, processing the vegetables she had just picked. Seeing Shen Yin leave, she stood up and said a little embarrassedly, "Miss, would you like to stay for lunch? It's noon, and you've come all this way. Our family has an eccentric personality, please don't take it personally."

Shen Yin felt a little awkward. This was the countryside, and she didn't know where she would have her lunch.

"Okay, Auntie, if it's not too much trouble," Shen Yin agreed.

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