Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:24 AM

Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

"It's fine, let's go." Xiao Li'er held back her pain, "It's only 1099, no big deal, I'll just not buy clothes next month."

When Liu Bo was trying on clothes, Xiao Li'er sat next to him, playing with her phone.

"Miss, your boyfriend is trying on clothes in there, aren't you going to take a look?" the salesperson asked.

Xiao Li'er didn't respond at first, but when she realized there was no one else around, she realized the salesperson was talking to her.

"Oh, he's my boss, not my boyfriend." Xiao Li'er hurriedly explained, not wanting to be misunderstood.

"I see." the salesperson said, a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

"Let's go." Liu Bo came out, already wearing the new clothes, the bag in his hand containing the old ones.

Looking at Liu Bo, Xiao Li'er couldn't help but admit that he had a good figure and didn't really need to try on clothes.

Xiao Li'er followed behind him, thinking that since it was her fault, she spoke up: "Assistant Liu, let me take these clothes back and wash them."

"Okay, you take them back and wash them." Liu Bo handed the bag to Xiao Li'er, and she took it.

"Don't think that just by washing the clothes, that's it. The President won't be coming this morning, so I'll be presiding over the meeting, and you'll be taking the meeting minutes." Liu Bo said again.

Hearing this, Xiao Li'er obediently accepted her fate.

At this time, Xu Xiuhe was driving Shen Yin's car, with Shen Yin and Zhengzheng in the backseat.

"I may have to come to Yang City again in a few days," Shen Yin said.

"Hm? Didn't you agree already?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Yes, I agreed, but the specific details haven't been worked out yet, like the job location and the salary and such, I still need to go back and draft those out," Shen Yin replied.

"Mm, that's good, I've arranged a driver for you, so you don't have to drive yourself in the future, it's too tiring," Xu Xiuhe said.

Shen Yin thought this was quite good, "Thank you." She didn't put on airs, she would just use whatever he arranged for her.

"I've told you not to say 'thank you' to me, there's no need for that between us. But Xu Yunzheng, you should say 'thank you' when someone helps you or is good to you, we need to have manners," Xu Xiuhe originally said this to Shen Yin, but then the topic shifted to Xu Yunzheng.

Xu Yunzheng was a bit bewildered, his eyes wide open, a look of confusion on his face, "Why does Mommy not need to say 'thank you', but Zhengzheng has to say 'thank you'?"Reead latest chapters on no/vel(b)in(.)com

"Someone Zhengzheng doesn't know," Shen Yin replied.

When the car arrived at the entrance of Rong City University, Shen Yin called again to tell Kang Liang the license plate number.

When Kang Liang pulled up with his suitcase and laptop bag, the driver helped put the luggage in the trunk.

"Young man, you sit in the front," the driver said.

Throughout the journey, there was only the conversation between Shen Yin and Zhengzheng in the car.

Kang Liang felt a bit at a loss, this was the first time he had ridden in a luxury car, and the driver was also being very careful, as this was his first time driving a luxury car out of town.

Kang Liang kept feeling that the woman and child in the back looked familiar. He then took out his phone and checked his previous Weibo posts, only to find that the woman in the back was actually the wife of the president of the Heyuan Group.

How did his parents know such an influential person? After all, the Heyuan Group was a big company, rising to the top in Rong City in just a few years, it was even known nationwide. Kang Liang had been dreaming of working for this company.

Kang Liang calmed down and opened the drama he had been following recently, "Yan Xi's Legend", and suddenly realized that the child in the back looked very similar to the child in the drama.

Kang Liang couldn't quite believe it, was the CEO's son acting in a drama?

Kang Liang secretly glanced at the rearview mirror, the more he looked, the more similar they seemed.

"Hello, stranger." Xu Yunzheng smiled and greeted him.

Kang Liang was a bit taken aback by this unique form of address.

Shen Yin also didn't expect Xu Yunzheng to be so lively and polite now, knowing to greet and say hello, although this form of address wasn't really necessary.

Kang Liang turned his head and smiled back, "Hello."

Xu Yunzheng was very excited that the person in front had responded to his greeting, clapping his hands.

"Is this you?" Kang Liang pointed to the screen, where Jiang Yu was displayed.

"Yes, Mommy, look, there's also Zhengzheng on the phone," Xu Yunzheng said excitedly, as he had only seen himself on TV, and this was the first time he saw himself on a phone.

"Good, that's Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng is great," Shen Yin said affectionately.

Kang Liang didn't usually watch dramas, but this drama starred Shu Yi, the campus goddess, and his whole dorm had become fans of the adorable child in the drama, his roommate dreaming of having a child like that. They had been searching online for information about this young actor, but couldn't find anything. Now he was seeing the real person, the young master of the Heyuan Group, this would explain why there was no information available online.

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