Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:17 AM

Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

Shen Yin picked up the umbrella, holding it over Zhengzheng as they entered the vegetable garden. Zhengzheng was delighted to see the tomatoes, cucumbers, and string beans hanging from the vines.

"Mom, look," Zhengzheng exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Shen Yin followed closely behind, worried that Zhengzheng might get sunburned in the scorching midday heat. Yet the child seemed unfazed by the blazing sun.

"Mom, pick them," Zhengzheng said, pointing at the cucumbers.

"Zhengzheng, we can't pick them. They don't belong to us. But when we get home, Mom will plant some for you, okay?" Shen Yin patiently coaxed.

"Okay." Zhengzheng reached out to touch the small cucumbers, then turned to caress the little tomatoes. Perhaps feeling the heat, they decided to head back.

Kang's mother watched from the kitchen window, making a mental note of the vegetable garden.

As Shen Yin was leaving, Kang's mother picked some cucumbers and tomatoes and handed them to her. "Miss, these aren't expensive, but they're homegrown and fresh."

"Thank you," Shen Yin replied.

"Thank you, Grandma," Zhengzheng echoed.

By the time they arrived in Yang City that afternoon, it was already late. Shen Yin carried Zhengzheng upstairs, and after bathing, she received a call from Xu Xiuhe.

"I'm almost home. Get ready."

Shen Yin dressed Xu Yunzheng in a white shirt with a small tie and black shorts, creating a cute scholarly look. She herself wore a white long dress and low heels, quickly applying only a touch of lipstick before hurrying downstairs with Zhengzheng.

"I have something to take care of. You can leave once you're done," she told Li Huanhuan, who nodded.

Xu Xiuhe's car was parked outside. Shen Yin opened the rear door and got in.

"Dad, look at the cucumber," Xu Yunzheng said, showing Xu Xiuhe the cucumber Shen Yin enjoyed.

"Is it for Dad to eat?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Xu Yunzheng didn't answer. Instead, he broke the cucumber into three pieces, handing one to Xu Xiuhe and another to Shen Yin.

"Thank you, Zhengzheng," Xu Xiuhe said with a smile.

"Dad, you don't need to thank Zhengzheng," the child replied.

Xu Xiuhe fell silent, while Shen Yin suppressed a laugh, and the corner of Xu Xiuhe's mouth curved upward.

"What's the deal with this Assistant Liu? I think he should be quite popular with the young ladies, but why is he just sitting there eating by himself?"

Xu Xiuhe looked over and indeed, Liu Bo was sitting alone, eating. The man really didn't know how to seize opportunities. Xu Xiuhe had organized this mixer partly for Liu Bo's sake, yet there he was, missing out.

Xu Xiuhe walked over, naturally drawing a wave of attention as the center of focus.

"Look, the CEO is actually going to talk to Assistant Liu."

"Speaking of which, Assistant Liu is no spring chicken. Why hasn't anyone from our company pursued him?"

"You must not know—the young ladies in our company have always thought Assistant Liu might have an unconventional sexual orientation."

"Liu Bo, what are you doing? I organized this mixer to help you find a partner, and you're just sitting here," Xu Xiuhe said as he sat down in a relaxed pose.

"CEO, I don't think this is really my thing," Liu Bo replied.

"Then what is your thing? Should I start setting you up for blind dates every day after work starting tomorrow?"


"Look at Xiao Li'er—take a page from her book." Xu Xiuhe felt exasperated. With that, he turned and left. He had done all he could; he couldn't very well force the young ladies to approach Liu Bo for a chat.

Liu Bo looked toward Xiao Li'er in the crowd. Indeed, she seemed to have a thorough understanding of the term "mixer."

Xiao Li'er wore a black minidress and shoes that Liu Bo recognized as a recent purchase.

After Xu Xiuhe left, the atmosphere in the venue noticeably livened up compared to before.

Several men surrounded Xiao Li'er. Liu Bo didn't quite understand—Xiao Li'er was just an ordinary woman. Why were so many men gathered around her?

Oh well, to each their own. Liu Bo raised his glass and took a sip of alcohol.

"You're the CEO's assistant, right? I'm a manager at a hotel in Rong City Film Town. Can I join you for a drink?" A woman sat down next to Liu Bo.

"No, I don't like drinking alcohol," Liu Bo replied, his glass still in hand.

"But you just drank some, didn't you?" The woman felt a little embarrassed and reluctant to give up.

"That was then, and this is now. Just because I drank then doesn't mean I want to drink now. Understand?" Liu Bo raised the glass and took another sip.

The woman spoke up, "At first, when they said your sexual orientation was unconventional, I didn't believe it. But now I do. Sorry for the disturbance." With that, she turned and left.

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