Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:27 AM

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Shen Yin started to regret not waking up early in the morning to prepare lunch for her child and bring it along.

After finishing lunch, Yan Yan led Shen Yin and Zhengzheng into the dressing room.

Zhengzheng had hair that was neither too long nor too short, perfectly suitable for a child's hairstyle. His fair and tender skin didn't require any makeup artist's touch.

However, there was a slight issue with the costumes. The props team had no concept of clothing sizes for a two-year-old child. Shen Yin and Yan Yan dressed Zhengzheng in the clothes, only to realize that they were quite oversized.

Zhengzheng stood up from the chair, clapping his little hands, resembling someone about to perform on stage. It seemed like the only thing missing was a theater stage.

The members of the costume and props team also became worried. What could they do? They couldn't grasp the sizes correctly, and it was their mistake. Considering Wang Ming's directorial seriousness when it came to filming, he would surely criticize them.

As if on cue, Director Wang pushed open the door of the dressing room, smiled at Shen Yin, and turned to ask about the progress of the costume team.

"Is everything ready? If it's ready, we can start shooting."

The members of the costume team became nervous. One of them stammered, "I'm sorry, Director. The size of the costumes for the young actor is a bit inappropriate."

After saying that, the entire costume team became even more anxious, standing there uneasily. The room fell into silence, with everyone waiting for Wang Ming's scolding.

Wang Ming turned his head to look at Zhengzheng, who was still touching his own clothes, his face full of curiosity.

Perhaps afraid of startling Zhengzheng with his loud voice, Wang Ming didn't react as they had expected. He simply said, "You have two hours to figure out a solution. We'll start shooting at four o'clock sharp."

The costume team faced another dilemma. "Director, these clothes were custom-made from an external factory. Chen Jie, who is responsible for altering the sizes, took a leave today."

Misfortunes never come singly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Ming became even angrier. This was irresponsibility! He was about to reprimand them when he heard Shen Yin speak up.

"Wang Director, how about this? I can make the modifications to the clothes. It will take about half an hour. You can focus on other things for now."

"Is that possible?" Wang Ming was skeptical. After all, Chang Zhiyuan had already informed him. Zhengzheng was the son of the CEO of Yuan Corporation.

And Shen Yin was the wife of the CEO. Leaving aside whether the wife of a CEO would alter clothes, he, as a director, couldn't let her do the work for his crew.

Shen Yin noticed Wang Ming's concerns.

"Don't worry, Director. I studied costume design. It's quite easy, and it won't be much trouble."

Only then did Wang Ming feel relieved. He said, "Thank you for the trouble," and left.

The members of the costume team were immensely grateful to Shen Yin. After Wang Ming left, they busied themselves preparing things for her.

Two men directly brought Chen Jie's sewing machine and plugged it in front of Shen Yin.

Others brought scissors. Some found a measuring tape.

Yan Yan changed Zhengzheng's clothes and handed them to Shen Yin.

Shen Yin had been holding Zhengzheng for the past couple of days, so she didn't need to measure. She knew how to modify the sizes.

As for the sewing machine in front of her, Shen Yin, despite having the memories of the previous owner, had never actually practiced using it. Trying something new at this time would certainly be too late.

So, she decided to sew by hand instead. Shen Yin took apart all the threads from the clothes, which were made up of several pieces of fabric stitched together. The original patterns were already set, so all she had to do was cut each piece of fabric to the right proportions and then sew them together.

Soon, the clothes were almost finished. Shen Yin felt that the fit of the clothes was still not aesthetically pleasing enough, so she decided to make some further adjustments. The fabric was still good, so she fixed the fit and added some small patterns to the cuffs.

When Zhengzheng put on the clothes again, everyone present was shocked. They didn't expect it to fit so perfectly.

"Madam, you're amazing. You didn't even measure the size, yet it turned out to fit so well," Yan Yan couldn't believe it.


Zhengzheng sat on a chair, with Shu Yi sitting beside him.

The camera was rolling.

"Jiang Yu, shall we eat our meal obediently?"

After Shu Yi finished speaking, she picked up a piece of green vegetable and brought it to Zhengzheng's mouth.

After eating it, Zhengzheng's face showed a hint of distress. It was the most unpleasant vegetable he had ever tasted.

But then he remembered what his mom had said about cooperating with his godmother. Well, he would endure it.

Seeing Zhengzheng's expression, Shu Yi couldn't help but smile. She guessed that the little darling probably found the vegetable unappetizing.

The vegetable was put together from a lunchbox, which was quite unfair to Zhengzheng.

There was nothing they could do; it was acting after all, and the conditions on the set were like this.

Shu Yi focused on the performance, looking at Jiang Yu with a smile.

"Jiang Yu, do you not like eating green vegetables?"

Zhengzheng nodded, practically writing his agreement on his face. Not only did he dislike eating green vegetables, but he also detested eating such unpalatable ones.

"Then, Yu'er, eat another bite of the green vegetable, alright? After finishing the vegetable, we can eat the meat."

"Mom, when will Dad come back?"

Yan Xi fell into contemplation and replied, "Dad is a man who protects the family and the country. When Yu'er grows up, Dad will come back."

Zhengzheng nodded as if he understood but not really.

"Then, Yu'er will also protect the family and the country in the future."


The scene was over.

Wang Ming and the assistant director were ecstatic. They had managed to complete the scene in one take.

"Fantastic, Shu Yi! You handled the details exceptionally well!" praised Wang Ming.

"Thank you, director."

"Zhengzheng is amazing, such a young child, yet able to remember lines and catch Shu Yi's scenes."

"Yes, the pacing is also very well executed," the assistant director chimed in.

Shen Yin walked over and lifted Zhengzheng up, while Yan Yan held a cup of water and offered it to Zhengzheng's lips.

"You've worked hard, Zhengzheng. Mommy will make some meat for you to eat when we go home tonight."

"Okay, meat! No vegetables! Those vegetables are so difficult to eat! They taste bitter," Zhengzheng said, pointing at the greens on the table with a disgusted look on his face.

Shen Yin took out a tissue and wiped the corners of Zhengzheng's mouth.

Director Wang Ming walked over.

"Zhengzheng is truly amazing. If we continue at this pace, Zhengzheng will have a total of ten scenes, and we should be able to film another one this afternoon."

"Alright, I'll take Zhengzheng out for a walk. Let us know when you're ready, and we'll come back," Shen Yin replied.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!