Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:15 AM

Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

Liu Bo was still conscious, and the manager of Qingfeng Mingyue, seeing that Liu Bo had company, tactfully withdrew.

"Assistant Liu, shall I call you a driver?" Xiao Li'er asked.

Liu Bo shook his head and staggered over to a car. Xiao Li'er had no choice but to follow him. "Assistant Liu, that's not your car."

Xiao Li'er had seen Liu Bo's car before, and even though she hadn't drunk, she remembered it clearly - Assistant Liu's car was quite a luxury vehicle, but the one he was now leaning against was nothing like it, apart from the color.

"Assistant Liu? Assistant Liu?" Xiao Li'er called out several times, but Liu Bo didn't respond.

Xiao Li'er walked up and found that Liu Bo had fallen asleep on the front of the car.

"Oh, good heavens," Xiao Li'er sighed inwardly, wondering why she had to deal with this.

She had no choice but to reach into Liu Bo's pockets, find his car keys, and drive his car. As an assistant, being able to drive was a basic requirement.

Xiao Li'er mustered all her strength and managed to drag Liu Bo into the backseat. She had no idea where Liu Bo lived.

She regretted her earlier suggestion to get him a driver - it would have been better to just leave him at Qingfeng Mingyue instead of having to drive a grown man home in the middle of the night.

Since she couldn't get the information, Xiao Li'er had no choice but to take him back to her own home.

Fortunately, by the time Xiao Li'er reached her apartment, Liu Bo had regained some lucidity and could walk shakily, otherwise she as a woman would have had no way to get this 1.8-meter-tall man inside.Ne/w novel chapters are published on no/vel(/bin(.)co/m

In the Qinghe Residence, Zhengzheng was in her own room, while Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin had gone to bed after some amorous activities, the man not daring to demand more, though somewhat unsatisfied, out of consideration for his wife.

Sunday was a rest day for the studio, with no employees coming in. Xu Xiuhe used to have no weekends, but lately he had been slacking off more and more, occasionally skipping work and passing things on to Liu Bo.

This morning, he had originally planned to have Liu Bo handle some documents, but then he suddenly remembered that Liu Bo had attended a matchmaking event last night, and might need time for a date today, so he abandoned that idea.

Xu Xiuhe arrived at the office much later than usual.

"Go ahead, go ahead. Assistant Liu isn't here today anyway, so you won't be caught."

Xiao Li'er...

She felt she had never rushed home so quickly before. If only she had gotten up earlier, she wouldn't have to be in such a hurry, she could have just washed up and clocked in on time. She had forgotten that last night, she had tied Liu Bo up, and didn't release him this morning. Unfortunately, there were no "ifs" - what she was about to face, she didn't even dare imagine.

Xiao Li'er's apartment was small, a one-bedroom one-living room one-bathroom single-person unit, paid for by her parents when she first started working. Now she was still paying the mortgage every month.

Xiao Li'er felt a bit anxious. How could she have forgotten about this in the morning? She had just been thinking that the drunk person might sleep in a bit longer, and never thought about untying Liu Bo.

In the bedroom, Liu Bo was lying on Xiao Li'er's bed, wrapped in what seemed to be a sheet or blanket, and bound with several ropes. He was completely immobilized, and could only use voice commands on his smart device to make a call. To be honest, when he woke up, he was completely bewildered, not knowing how he had ended up in this strange room. If it weren't for the photo of Xiao Li'er on the bedside table, he would have thought he had been kidnapped.

But now, this was no different from being kidnapped - he was wrapped up and completely unable to move.

Xiao Li'er cautiously pushed open the door and saw the angry look in Liu Bo's eyes, feeling a bit too timid to approach.

"Stop standing there, hurry up and untie me," Liu Bo said, looking at Xiao Li'er.

Xiao Li'er walked to the bed and untied the ropes around his upper body, allowing Liu Bo to move a bit, though he was still wrapped in the sheet.

Xiao Li'er then quickly untied the ropes on his thighs and calves, then immediately ran back to the door, keeping a safe distance.

"Is that it?" Liu Bo was still struggling, as the sheet was wrapped around him in multiple layers, and he felt utterly humiliated.

Xiao Li'er hurriedly went back to help Liu Bo unwrap the sheet.

"What did I do to deserve being tied up with three ropes?" Liu Bo asked.

Xiao Li'er didn't dare say a word. He hadn't really done anything, he had just had a drunken outburst, sitting on the table in the living room crying, clinging to her arm like a child, going to the bathroom without closing the door, and even taking off his shirt, complaining that it smelled bad.

Last night, she had been completely at a loss - this was the first time she had seen someone have such a drunken fit, and as a proper young lady, she couldn't tolerate him being undressed, so she had coaxed him into wrapping up in the sheet.

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