Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:52 AM

Chapter 114

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Chapter 114

The groomsman delivered a speech, followed by the groom's vow, and the host omitted no step.

The wedding proceeded smoothly, with most of the guests below offering their blessings, except for a few.

Qi Yan was among those few. She didn't want to come, did she have to witness in person the man who once adored her marrying someone else?

The more glamorous the wedding, the angrier Qi Yan became. Qi's father Qi Shengwu, seated on the other side, also looked displeased. He had intended for his daughter to marry Xue Jingrui, which would help advance his own official career. If possible, he could even scheme a little to push Xue Kai aside.

But unexpectedly, Xue Kai had his son get married, and the bride was from the Qi family of Yang City, sharing the same surname "Qi". Why couldn't he marry his own daughter Qi Yan? Didn't Qi Yan say that Xue Jingrui liked her?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. When he received the Xue family's wedding invitation and learned that Xue Jingrui was marrying into the Qi family of Yang City, he smashed the cup in his hand onto the floor. When he asked Qi Yan, she already knew about this news.DiiScover new stories on no/v/e/lbin(.)com

He was even angrier.

He was the last to know, so how could he stop it?

When attending the wedding, Qi Shengwu brought Qi Yan along, dressing her up prettily. During the final segment when the bride was supposed to call out "change of vows," he wanted Qi Yan to act frail, make an appearance, and incidentally make this wedding a hot topic. Since they were already married, and the situation couldn't be changed, he might as well let the Xue family's reputation hit rock bottom and give Xue Jingrui the persona of a heartbreaker.

"Please have the groom escort the bride towards the front."

Qi Yan stood up. What her father asked her to do was also what she wanted. Why? Why did they treat her like this? If she was alive, no one would have an easy life.

From the beginning, Shen Yin had noticed Qi Yan, the young lady dressed particularly beautifully. Earlier, Shen Yin had intentionally stood in front of the young lady, blocking her view.

It wasn't until the wedding ceremony was about to end that she sat in the back row of guest seats. As soon as she sat down, Qi Yan stood up, so it seemed Qi Yan had deliberately avoided her.

Shen Yin wanted to see what Qi Yan intended to do, but two seconds later, she realized she couldn't just sit still.

Qi Yan was brewing with emotions, her face contorted, looking as if she was about to cry, as she took small steps towards the stage.

He saw his daughter and another woman standing together, appearing quite intimate, and assumed they were plotting something, so he felt relieved.

Just as Qi Shengwu sat down, ready to watch the show, Shen Yin took Qi Yan out of the venue and into the tea room outside.

"What do you want to do? Why did you have to drag me here?" Qi Yan's anger had reached its peak. Her own matter wasn't settled yet, and she was interrupted. Earlier in the hall, she held back out of concern for appearances, but now, with only the two of them, she had to get an explanation.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question, Miss Qi? What did you intend to do?" Shen Yin remained calm and composed, still appearing indifferent, leaning against the bar counter.

Qi Yan felt a little guilty but tried to remain composed. "I didn't intend to do anything. It's you who insisted on dragging me here. I'll let it go since you're Xiu He's mother."

Shen Yin was amused by her shamelessness.

"You call him Xiu He? So you know I'm his son's mother too." Shen Yin curved her lips, folding her arms.

"I knew Xiu He before you did. He still has me in his heart, it's you who snatched him from me." Qi Yan argued.

"Oh? I snatched him from you? He has you in his heart?" Shen Yin raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, you snatched him. He even went abroad to pursue me back then. He definitely has me in his heart." Qi Yan defended herself.

"Hahahahahahaha, so I snatched him. What can you do about it? He's my husband now, the father of my child. What, do you regret it?" Shen Yin stood up and walked towards Qi Yan, looking at her as she spoke.

"Xiu He must have been deceived by you."

"How did I deceive him? Tell me."

"You must have seduced him."

"Sister, are you sure he has you in his heart? If he really did, why would he marry me? If he was truly infatuated with you, why would he only pursue you once? He pursued you to save face. You rejected him, so I should be thanking you."

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