Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:50 AM

Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

"You..." Qi Yan was at a loss for words, realizing she had underestimated this woman. Qi Yan felt a twinge of regret.

"Me? What about me? I know I'm pretty, but thanks for the reminder. Thank you for the compliment," Shen Yin flicked her hair coquettishly, saying.

"You shameless!"

Shen Yin pretended to ponder for a few seconds before saying, "My face is so beautiful, why would I need another one? Or perhaps you have multiple faces, each different."

Unable to retort, Qi Yan grew genuinely angry, staring at Shen Yin's face before her, so strikingly attractive. She felt jealousy creeping in, even entertaining the thought of ruining that face, raising her hand as if to strike.

Shen Yin grabbed Qi Yan's hand, applying some force, causing Qi Yan to grimace in pain.

"See, now this face has changed again. Where did that pitiful face from the wedding venue go?" Shen Yin leaned in close to Qi Yan, lifting her other hand.

Shen Yin grasped it again.

"What were you trying to do at the wedding venue? A woman should not be so wicked, meddling in others' marriages. In ancient times, one would be punished with a pig basket."

"Jing Rui likes me, not that woman outside who stole him," Qi Yan yelled hoarsely.

"Oh, I see. Xiu He also likes you, Jing Rui also likes you. Does every man in the world like you? Men's eyes may be blind for a moment, but not forever. If Jing Rui liked you, where were you earlier? Now, I still have to thank you, on behalf of Qi Ji."

Shen Yin released Qi Yan's hand, lowered her head, and toyed with her fingers, taking a step back and leaning lazily on the bar as if the recent events had nothing to do with her.

Qi Yan grew impatient; she had to leave. Failing to accomplish what her father had entrusted her with meant her allowance would likely be reduced again.

As Qi Yan turned to leave, Shen Yin pulled her back. Qi Yan lowered her head, biting Shen Yin's arm.

Shen Yin winced, using her other arm to forcefully lift Qi Yan's mouth off. Losing her balance, Qi Yan sat down.Explore new novels on novelbin(.)com

The door to the tea room opened, and Xiu He stood at the doorway, holding Zhengzheng.

Qi Yan seemed to see a savior, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Xiu He pitifully, "Xiu He, look at her, she bullied me, she pushed me to the ground."

"What's wrong? Did she hit you elsewhere?" Xiu He asked worriedly.

"No, when I hit her just now, I used some force," Shen Yin turned her head to look at Xiu He's expression. She was testing, testing Xiu He's feelings for her, and the extent of his indulgence towards her.

Xiu He: "!!!"

"Next time, when I strike, you tell me beforehand, I'll do it," Xiu He answered seriously.

"Phew," Shen Yin felt she had won the gamble. He would feel sorry for her, not blame her.

"Mom, I'll help you," Xu Yunzheng interjected.

Both of them had forgotten there was a baby in their arms.

"Zhengzheng, we can't easily resort to violence," Shen Yin said.

"But she's a bad woman, she bit Mom," Xu Yunzheng looked at the teeth marks on Shen Yin's arm.

"If a dog bites us, should we bite back? We don't stoop to the level of bad people. We only resort to violence for self-defense, when it's absolutely necessary. Normally, when encountering bad people, we can find the police," Shen Yin's voice was warm and gentle, very different from her tone in the tea room just now.

In fact, she had several faces. Depending on who she was facing, if someone hurt someone she cared about, don't blame her for not showing mercy.

"Dog? Dogs bite me, dogs have fur, I can't bite back. Mom, next time let Hua Hua bite back. Dad, bring Hua Hua next time. Let Hua Hua bite the woman badly." Xu Yunzheng glanced at Shen Yin, then at Xu Xiu He.

Shen Yin finally understood that Zhengzheng could also seize on words. He didn't hear anything about calling the police; his focus was solely on the dog biting incident. This point, probably, was influenced by Xu Xiu He.

"What just happened? Why did you two go into the tea room?" Xu Xiu He asked.

"Did you see her outfit? Leaving aside the white dress, her outfit was full of schemes, obviously trying to steal the limelight from the bride. When the bride changed her mind, preparing to go on stage, I was afraid she would cause a scene at the wedding, so I pulled her into the tea room."

At this moment, Xu Xiu He's thought was that he must have been out of his mind to agree to be Qi Yan's partner.

This woman was too dreadful, 'shameless' would be an understatement. Luckily, he met Shen Yin.

"How far along is the wedding?" Shen Yin asked.

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