Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:43 AM

Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

Shen Yin opened her eyes, and Xu Xiuhe suddenly got up, taking his hands off her body.

Shen Yin thought that Xu Xiuhe would let her off tonight, so she sat up, but she was mistaken. He had only grabbed a hair dryer to blow-dry his hair.

Later, Xu Xiuhe escalated his actions.

She was grateful that she had learned martial arts, and the original owner had practiced dance, otherwise, she would not have been able to endure it.


"Wife, let me put a ring on your finger."

Xu Xiuhe took out a ring from the bedside cabinet and slid it onto Shen Yin's ring finger.

Exhausted, Shen Yin let Xu Xiuhe hold her hand and put on the ring. After he did so, she raised her arm, bringing her hand close to her face. "When did you buy this ring?" she asked.

The ring fit her perfectly, not too big or small, just right. It was exquisite, with a small but stunning pink diamond that sparkled beautifully under the light.

Shen Yin touched the diamond with her other hand.

"About a month ago, custom-made from overseas," Xu Xiuhe replied.

Shen Yin felt a bit tired and did not want to move, having just bathed earlier.

"Husband, I don't really want to bathe," she said, her large eyes looking pleadingly at Xu Xiuhe. His heart softened.


Xu Xiuhe lifted Shen Yin slightly, took out a bedsheet, and laid her back down.

In this room, Shen Yin had always used two bedsheets, which Xu Xiuhe had discovered at some point.

When Xu Xiuhe returned to the bedroom, he brought a basin and a towel and walked over to the bed.

Shen Yin had fallen asleep, looking peaceful and deep in slumber. Xu Xiuhe wrung out the towel.

The bite marks left by Zhi Yuan on Shen Yin's arm had not faded, and Xu Xiuhe felt a pang of sadness. He wiped her arm gently with the towel, again and again, his expression growing increasingly grim.

After bathing himself, Xu Xiuhe changed Shen Yin's clothes and felt reassured.

Having completed these tasks, Xu Xiuhe lay down beside Shen Yin, adjusting the air conditioning temperature, and pulled her into his embrace.

In the distance, a few cicadas chirped. On this moonlit summer night, with his beloved by his side, lying quietly and sleeping peacefully, it was a beautiful moment.

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