Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:25 AM

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

One afternoon, Zhengzheng successfully finished filming two scenes.

In the evening, a driver picked up Zhengzheng and took him to the hotel.

As soon as they entered the hotel, Shen Yin noticed that something was different from the morning. There seemed to be more hotel staff.

25th floor, manager's office. Xu Xiuhe received the news that Shen Yin and Zhengzheng had returned to the hotel.

The hotel was owned by Yuan Group, and when it opened, Xu Xiuhe came once, but he hadn't been involved since then. This time, the entire atmosphere of the hotel had changed.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in."

"CEO, the dishes are ready downstairs." The manager received a call from Liu Assistant and learned that Xu Xiuhe was coming, so he started preparing the food.

"I won't go. Select a few of the best-tasting dishes and send them to Room 2001."

Xu Xiuhe didn't even lift his head as he replied.

Suite 2001.

"Zhengzheng, you've worked hard today. I've prepared something delicious for you." Shen Yin placed Xu Zhengzheng on the sofa.

"Yan Yan, get the ingredients ready. I'll come over and cook later."

"Wife, why don't I do it?" Yan Yan felt that as an assistant, she should do more.

"No need. I promised Zhengzheng that I would cook for him. You stay with him for a while."

Yan Yan walked out of the kitchen and watched Zhengzheng play beside the sofa.

Knock, knock, knock. Someone was at the door.

Yan Yan was a bit suspicious and ran to the kitchen to ask Shen Yin if she should open it.

"Open it."

Yan Yan followed Shen Yin's instructions and cautiously opened the door.

"Hello, madam. This is dinner sent to you by the hotel."

Yan Yan fully opened the door, and the waiter pushed the cart into the room and placed the dishes on the table.

"Please enjoy." After the waiter finished speaking, he left the room.

Shen Yin guessed that it should be the food sent by Xu Xiuhe. He probably knew that the food on the set wasn't good.

"Wife, what is this?" Yan Yan pointed to the dishes on the table and asked.

"It's fine. It should be sent by his father. I still have soup cooking in the kitchen."

Shen Yin looked at Zhengzheng happily playing on the sofa and smiled. Then she went into the kitchen.

Xu Xiuhe smiled and said, "I see. Our Zhengzheng is really clever. Your godfather will be thrilled when he finds out."

"Why would godfather be happy?" Zhengzheng asked in confusion.

This question struck a chord with Shen Yin as well. Why would Chang Zhiyuan be happy when calling Shu Yi godmother?

Zhengzheng already resembled Shen Yin, and at this moment, their facial expressions were even more similar.

"Why? Let Daddy think about it," Xu Xiuhe deliberately kept them in suspense.

Seeing Zhengzheng starting to get anxious, Xu Xiuhe finally spoke.

"Because, well, your godfather likes Shu Yi. He wants Shu Yi to become your godmother."

Shen Yin suddenly realized. So, Chang Zhiyuan had Zhengzheng act in the play to get closer to Shu Yi.

"What does 'liking' mean? Does Daddy like Mommy too?" Zhengzheng still had a puzzled look. There are many things that children don't understand, such as liking, death, and faith.

The situation became awkward again; the two adults didn't know how to answer this question.

"Zhengzheng, it's like this. Liking someone is a magical thing. Zhengzheng is still young and doesn't understand, but when Zhengzheng grows up, you'll understand," Shen Yin broke the awkward silence.

What is liking, Shen Yin didn't understand either. In Dashing Dream, her skills would be infinitely amplified, so she could do so many things here: horseback riding, martial arts, cooking, brewing wine, playing musical instruments, calligraphy and painting, embroidery, traditional Chinese medicine... She wasn't proficient in all of them, but she had a basic understanding.

Skills are amplified infinitely. Has she mastered them all by now? She hasn't had a chance to try yet; for now, she only changed her clothes and doesn't need any skills.

Shen Yin doesn't understand what "liking someone" means, but Xu Xiuhe does. Xu Xiuhe had a first love, but he was hurt, and now he doesn't want to like anyone anymore, nor does he have any feelings for the word "liking."

"Zhengzheng, liking someone means wanting to be good to them, just like how Dad likes Zhengzheng."

Zhengzheng nodded and said, "Then Zhengzheng also likes Dad and Mom."

Shen Yin's eyes became moist. Children are really innocent. If you treat them well, they will like you, even if you've hurt them before.

"Mom also really, really likes Zhengzheng."

Xu Xiuhe doubted this statement. Can a person really change so much?

Oh well, as long as she doesn't hurt Zhengzheng, everything is fine.

After dinner, Xu Xiuhe left because there were still many things waiting for him at work.

Before leaving, he wanted to say something to Shen Yin, but ultimately couldn't bring himself to.

"Hello, I'm Xu Xiuhe."

"Hello, is there something wrong with Shen Yin since you called me so late?" Ji Qingyan had just come out of the bathroom when she received Xu Xiuhe's call.

"Shen Yin is doing well. There's nothing wrong. I just don't understand how someone can undergo such a big change in just half a month."

"Mr. Xu, your concern is understandable. Shen Yin has indeed undergone a significant transformation. From my perspective, she has recovered remarkably well. Healing a troubled heart requires the touch of another heart. She has managed to come out on her own, which is not easy. You should consider her as a changed person, reborn. Perhaps, it's time for you to get to know her again."

Ji Qingyan has encountered many patients, but very few recover as quickly as Shen Yin. In her conversations with Shen Yin, she noticed a significant difference since her improvement. She couldn't comprehend such a thing and could only consider it as a complete recovery. The world is full of unsolved mysteries. Perhaps, she has another personality.

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