Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:37 AM

Chapter 121

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Chapter 121

Shen Yin dared not open a tea house, as it would be too tiring. It was better to accompany Zhengzheng, who was obedient and handsome.

After Su Jin left, Zhengzheng sat on the sofa, opened his big eyes, and asked, "Mom, what is embroidery?"

Shen Yin hadn't embroidered for a month or two, and the competition was less than a month away, so she decided to practice first.

"Zhengzheng, shall Mom make tiger-head shoes for you?"

"Tiger's shoes?"

"Shoes that look like a tiger."

Shen Yin held Xu Yunzheng's hand and climbed the stairs. When they reached the second floor, Shen Yin stopped and didn't go in, as everyone had their own workroom, and she didn't want to disturb them. Instead, she found some thread, chose suitable fabric, took needles, and went up to the third floor.

On the sofa, Shen Yin tilted her head, threaded the needle skillfully, cut the fabric, and sewed, giving the shoes a rough outline.

"Mom, Zhengzheng misses Dad," Xu Yunzheng suddenly said.

Shen Yin thought she had been too busy and neglected Zhengzheng, making him sad.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Mom was too busy earlier. Shall Mom take you to find Dad now?"


Shen Yin felt guilty and hugged Xu Yunzheng.

"Mom is not sad or upset. Zhengzheng just wants to see Dad," Xu Yunzheng said, gently patting Shen Yin's back in her arms.

"Then Mom will take Zhengzheng to find Dad now, okay?"

"Cook dinner first. Bring food for Dad," Xu Yunzheng said.

Shen Yin: "?"

Isn't the plan to find Dad? Why bring food now?

Shen Yin checked her phone and saw that it was almost time, so she could make it if she cooked quickly.

"So, will Zhengzheng help Mom in the kitchen?"

"Zhengzheng will help Mom cook."

At 11:30 AM, the driver was waiting for Shen Yin downstairs.

Shen Yin carried the lunch boxes, as she and Xu Yunzheng hadn't eaten yet, and had put all the food in the boxes.

The driver parked the car in the underground garage, and Shen Yin and Xu Yunzheng took the elevator straight to the top floor.

Shen Yin took two seconds to understand and signaled Xu Xiuhe not to say anything inappropriate with Zhengzheng present.

"I want to learn oil painting, and Qi Ji happens to know how. She said she could teach me. What about Xue Jingrui and Qi Yan?" Shen Yin asked tentatively.

"Even without Qi Ji, they would never be together, as it involves family interests and status. Uncle Xue considers things more comprehensively, and he and Qi Yan's father will eventually be on opposing sides. So even if Xue Jingrui likes Qi Yan, it's impossible. Moreover, he doesn't like the current Qi Yan anymore."

"Does he like Qi Ji then?"

"He probably does, or at least has a good impression of her. He seemed quite concerned about her yesterday. He just reacts slowly, but once he realizes his feelings, he'll be fine. I react quickly and immediately put my plans into action. Aren't I great?" Xu Xiuhe started praising himself again.

Here we go again, Shen Yin thought. This man keeps finding ways to praise himself every day. Does Chang Zhiyuan know about Xue Jingrui?

"Eat, don't talk. Look at Zhengzheng, he's eating so attentively."

"Dad, don't talk while eating. You should learn from Zhengzheng."

Xue Jingrui sneezed from the kitchen as he brought out the dishes.

After moving here, they found a cook, but she fell ill on the first day. Qi Ji felt that since she was already married, she should learn to cook, so she went into the kitchen in the late morning even though breakfast was Xue Jingrui's responsibility. As housemates, she couldn't just let her brother-in-law do all the cooking.

Qi Ji had been spoiled since childhood and never cooked, even when living alone in college as her family had a dedicated maid.

This was her first time in a kitchen.

She looked up recipes on her phone, then there was a clatter of pots and pans.

Xue Jingrui rushed into the kitchen.

"Qi Ji, don't go into the kitchen again."

Qi Ji thought Xue Jingrui was criticizing her for making a mess and immediately apologized, saying she would clean it up.

"Qi Ji, your hands are meant for painting, not cooking. I'll do the cooking from now on," Xue Jingrui said, taking Qi Ji's hand and rinsing it under the tap before drying it with a paper towel.

"Go out, I'll cook. There are snacks in the living room cabinet," Xue Jingrui instructed.

"Thank you, Brother Jingrui," Qi Ji said sweetly.

Qi Ji returned to her room and continued working on her unfinished illustration on her iPad. Her family had spoiled her too much since childhood, providing her with everything she needed. She lived carefree until college when she started taking illustration jobs due to her talent and could now support herself comfortably every month.

On the dining table were two dishes and a soup, all cooked by Xue Jingrui.

They looked quite appealing, and Qi Ji praised him, "Brother Jingrui, you really can cook."

Xue Jingrui asked, "Really?"

"I thought you'd never been in a kitchen like me."

Before getting married, Xue Jingrui had never set foot in the kitchen. Prior to their marriage, Ye Rong told him that he wouldn't allow his wife to work in the kitchen in the future. He thought his mother was just saying that, but in reality, she hired a chef to teach him. He learned for nearly a week and became proficient in preparing basic homestyle dishes.

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