Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:32 AM

Chapter 123

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Chapter 123

Fang Yue held Zhengzheng and walked over to Shen Tianzheng's side. Shen Tianzheng also wanted to carry him, but considering that he had been ill and just discharged from the hospital, he was worried it might not be good for the child, so he gave up.

Fang Yue looked at Shen Tianzheng with envy, feeling heartbroken, she said, "Zhengzheng, look, grandpa misses you too."

"Mom, why don't you put Zhengzheng down? He's quite heavy, don't tire yourself out."

Fang Yue felt happy in her heart and didn't feel that Zhengzheng was heavy at all.

Instead, Zhengzheng, having heard Shen Yin's words, was afraid his grandma would get tired, so he said, "Grandma, let Zhengzheng down. Dad often doesn't let mom carry Zhengzheng because he's afraid mom will get tired."

Zhengzheng's words sounded sensible, but his expression looked aggrieved, especially when he mentioned his dad not letting his mom carry him, it was as if he had been wronged.

Zhengzheng wanted to get down, and Fang Yue felt the baby's movement, so she put the little one down on the ground.

Once on the ground, Xu Yunzheng's little expression changed, smiling brightly. He walked over to Shen Tianzheng, held onto his knee and said, "Grandpa, you're well now."

The little one's tone was sweet and endearing, and his words were comforting.

"Zhengzheng, grandpa is well now, so we can swing together again."

"No swinging, grandpa, the sun outside is too big and hot, Zhengzheng will get tanned."

Xu Yunzheng shook his head, his tone serious, his expression grave, as if he would turn into a little black person just by going outside.

"Okay, no swinging." Shen Tianzheng went along with Zhengzheng's wish.

"Grandpa, rest, you'll get well faster," Zhengzheng said again.

"Did you hear that? I just told you to go lie down, but you wouldn't listen. Even Zhengzheng knows that resting more will help you recover faster. Go to the bedroom now!" Fang Yue turned and said.

Shen Tianzheng was reluctant. He had finally seen his daughter and great-grandson, and now they were telling him to go back to his room. What was that all about?

"Grandpa, Zhengzheng will help you." The little one pulled Shen Tianzheng's hand.Explore new novels on novelbin(.)com

Shen Tianzheng stood up, letting Xu Yunzheng hold his finger and lead him.

Xu Yunzheng didn't know where Shen Tianzheng's room was, so when Shen Tianzheng stood up, he looked at Fang Yue for help.

"Zhengzheng is so sensible," Fang Yue sighed.

Shen Yin didn't say anything, but she totally agreed with that statement. He was too sensible, too thoughtful, rarely causing her any worries, and always keeping her company.

Awards for calligraphy competitions, piano competitions, dance competitions. As Fang Yue recounted these things, she seemed nostalgic, speaking eloquently, and Shen Yin listened with relish.

Before they knew it, time had passed through Fang Yue's gentle and detailed narration.

"Mom, it's getting late. Zhengzheng and I should head back."

"Okay, let me see you off."

The sun outside was not as scorching as it was in the afternoon.

Shen Tianzheng had also gotten up and joined Fang Yue at the door to bid farewell to Shen Yin.

As always, Zhengzheng blew a kiss goodbye.

"Zhengzheng, meeting you is the greatest fortune of my life," Shen Yin said softly.

Because of Zhengzheng, she felt warmth and learned what a mother's love was. Because of Zhengzheng, she walked through an exceptionally difficult path.

"Mom, Zhengzheng is also lucky."

Life is long, looking back and looking forward. Shen Yin felt that everything was for the best, no matter what happened, there was always a purpose behind it. She was fortunate to have met Xu Xiuhe and Xu Yunzheng, to have encountered love.

All things were luxuriantly growing in the summer, and she too must strive to grow.

When they returned to the small building, the employees had just gotten off work. Her relationship with them was not close, always maintaining a superior-subordinate relationship. But the employees were not afraid of her at all.

They greeted Shen Yin warmly, bidding her farewell. As they were leaving, Shen Yin, surprisingly, said, "Have a nice weekend."

Have a nice weekend, how wonderful that sounded.

The cool evening breeze blew in, soothing the fatigue of the day. Inside the little house, the lights were bright and delicious aromas wafted through the air.

"My dear wife, you've worked hard," Xu Xiuhe said as he embraced Shen Yin from behind.

"Let's hire a maid to do the cooking."

"Why is that?" Shen Yin asked.

"I don't want you to be burdened," Xu Xiuhe said softly. He had been negligent before, until today when he saw the photo Xue Jingrui posted in their group chat.

[My mom says my wife shouldn't be in the kitchen. Look, brothers, aren't my cooking skills good?] Xue Jingrui had written, alongside a photo of the lunch he had made himself.

Seeing that message filled Xu Xiuhe with remorse for half a day.

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