Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:30 AM

Chapter 124

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Chapter 124

He felt that he was an unqualified husband.

"A good man should never let his wife into the kitchen," Xu Xiuhe said seriously.

"Haha." Shen Yin laughed out loud. This man always came up with such ideas.

"Do you think you're a good man?" Shen Yin asked.

This question stumped Xu Xiuhe.

"You are good, a good father, a good husband. As for entering the kitchen, it's not like you forced me to. I enjoy it myself, and I'm happy to cook for the one I love. It has nothing to do with whether you're a good man or not." Shen Yin spoke at length.

The one she loved, Xu Xiuhe caught the key point.

Love is a gentle stream, love is constant companionship, love is being happy just having you by my side.

After dinner, Shen Yin saw that the moonlight was perfect outside, and the evening breeze was pleasant, so she thought of going for a walk.

Xu Xiuhe naturally wanted to accompany her.

"Shall we go down Qinghe Street again?" Xu Xiuhe asked.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

The bluestone pavement of Qinghe Street was suitable for walking, but Shen Yin wanted to try a different street.

"We walked there last time. Let's go a bit further this time and experience the pace of life in the surrounding area," Shen Yin replied.

Near Qinghe Street, there were residential areas, shops, and roadside stalls, the bustling atmosphere of daily life that could soothe one's heart.

At the roadside stalls, there was barbecue and dine-and-dash eateries.

A family of three walked hand in hand, a sight Xu Xiuhe hadn't seen in many years.

In the wind, there was the aroma of cumin and grilled meat.

"Mom, it smells so good," Xu Yunzheng stood by the roadside, looking at the barbecue stall, unable to move.

"Then Mom will take Zhengzheng out to eat next time, okay?" Shen Yin asked.

Zhengzheng wasn't hungry; he had eaten a lot for dinner. But this place smelled so good, and it was the first time he had seen people casually setting up a table by the roadside to eat, so he couldn't help but be curious.

"Okay, let's go, Mom."

Xu Yunzheng turned back.

"There's an alley up ahead. Let's take a detour through there and head home," Xu Xiuhe suggested.


The alley they were taking back was dimly lit, with almost no one around, in stark contrast to the bustling and prosperous atmosphere they had just left.

"What if I refuse to mind my own business?" Shen Yin calmly spoke, her tone cold. Truly, there were strange people everywhere, and all kinds of birds in a big forest.

Beasts, animals, scum.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite. There aren't any surveillance cameras in this alley."

Shen Yin smiled. No surveillance cameras? Even better. She had noticed earlier, and Xu Xiuhe had probably understood her meaning. After this, she would have no reservations.

The two burly men approached. The two young women finally had a glimmer of hope and shrank back a little. They could run, but they didn't. One woman tried to reach for her bag to get her phone.

Shen Yin saw this and said, "Don't bother calling the police."

"Hehehehehehehehe." One of the big men turned and snatched the phone away, smashing it on the ground beside them.

The other man looked at Shen Yin's delicate frame and tried to use the same tactic, attempting to bring her down.

But Shen Yin was too quick and dodged to the side, causing the man to miss.

Enraged, he charged at Shen Yin with his fist raised.

Shen Yin dodged again.

"Not bad, you move pretty fast, little girl. If you behave now, we'll let you enjoy it a bit later," said the man who had smashed the phone.

"Screw off, you filthy dog. You think you can just grab anyone you want?" Shen Yin swore for the first time.

Shen Yin was swift and nimble. This body had learned dance, so it wasn't difficult at all. As the man charged, she lifted her leg high and kicked him in a sensitive area.

The man cried out in pain, clutching himself down there and calling out, "Bitch!" before jumping back up.

The other man continued to approach, and Shen Yin moved behind him. With all her might, she kicked the back of his knee joint, just like the woman had kneed the other man's leg earlier.

The man fell to one knee.

Shen Yin kicked his other leg, and finally, this man was on both knees.

Shen Yin swung her elbow towards the man's neck, and then she stepped on his leg.

"You two, come here," Shen Yin said, looking towards the two young girls crouched against the wall.

Then, thinking of something else, she asked, "Are you able to stand up?"

"Yes," the woman holding a bag replied, rising to her feet.

The other woman, who had previously been pinned to the ground, also struggled to stand up, smoothing out her dress. Her face was swollen, her crying just having stopped.

"What did they do to you just now? Why did you come back?" Shen Yin asked them.

After saying this, she forcefully kicked one of the men, knocking him to the ground, while the other was still hopping around.

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