Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:29 AM

Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

Shen Yin walked behind the bouncing man and, taking advantage of the man's jump, tripped him. The man stumbled forward, and Shen Yin followed through with another kick.

Shen Yin wasn't foolish. She was skilled in martial arts, but the disparity between men and women was still too great. She had to use clever techniques instead of brute force.

After the man fell, Shen Yin stepped on his head and asked, "I'm meddling, so what can you do to me, call the police? Go ahead, I'll wait." Shen Yin crossed her arms and said nonchalantly.

"Don't come back. They're a bunch of social scum, looking human but acting dishonorably to their ancestors."

Shen Yin turned to the two standing girls and said.

The two girls were a bit afraid.

"Don't be afraid, you did nothing wrong. They're the ones at fault. There are no cameras here, so fight back. You were stalked and sexually harassed, can't you defend yourselves?"

The two girls then walked forward.

The woman carrying a bag vigorously hit the man's face with her bag. The man tried to get up, but he didn't know why that frail woman was so strong that he couldn't get up at all.

"Let me go, I was wrong," the man begged.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong too."

"You beast, if you knew it was wrong from the start, why did you still do it? What's wrong with me wearing a skirt?" The girl with the swollen face cried.

"Does me wearing a skirt justify you stalking me, molesting me, and using violence against me? Do women have to wear armor to go out?"

"This is a civilized society. I didn't expect to encounter such an incident. Don't take advantage of being drunk to do whatever you want and expose your true nature," said the woman carrying the bag.

"It's you who's meddling," the man lying on the ground still wanted to argue.

"I'm a woman. When I see another woman in trouble, I naturally lend a hand. As for you, do you really understand that you were wrong? If we hadn't met this sister, with your violence, would she and I still be alive?"

"Even knowing there are no cameras here, was this premeditated or just a spur of the moment?" The woman carrying the bag had remained calm until now, but she was also in tears from the aftershock. No one wants to encounter such an incident, but when it really happens, who wouldn't be afraid?

If it weren't for this sister's help, would they have been killed by violence or assaulted?

Before, she had only seen such things online – girls being stalked for wearing skirts, girls being secretly photographed on the subway, girls being insulted for speaking up for themselves. At that time, it really did seem far removed from her own life.

But when it actually happened to her, she realized that for a girl, luck sometimes isn't about having the person you like liking you back, passing exams, completing work, or getting paid.

Rather, it's about not being stalked when walking at night, not being secretly photographed for wearing a short skirt, not being ogled for wearing a tank top, going out and getting home safely without encountering bad people, and being able to speak up for women on social media without being insulted.

With Shen Yin's backing, the two girls were emboldened by their anger and slapped the man repeatedly.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

"Scum, why don't you just die? How can you even call yourself human?" The girl cursed as she hit him, but then had a thought - if they let him go today, wouldn't these lowlifes stretch out their evil hands to other girls tomorrow?

"Where did you learn? You're so formidable."

"It's a family tradition," Shen Yin replied, which was indeed the truth - her great-grandfather had taught her.

"Could you teach me? I can pay tuition."

"Me too."

Shen Yin: "Write down my phone number. You can find me if you want to learn."

The two girls expressed their gratitude again.

"Go back and treat your injuries. Get some rest."

After thanking her again, they left.

"Wife, you weren't hurt, were you?" Xu Xiuhe asked with concern.

He had been extremely worried over there.

"No, you forgot I could take on five men alone?"

"Mommy, were they bad people?" Xu Yunzheng didn't know what had happened, only seeing two people lying on the ground.

"Yes, they were bad people who bullied girls, so Mommy beat them up just now."

"Wow, Mommy is amazing!" Yunzheng applauded.

"Yunzheng wants to beat up bad people too."

"That has to wait until Yunzheng grows up and becomes strong enough to defeat them. For now, Yunzheng needs to be kind to girls and not harm them. Mom is a girl, so Yunzheng must protect Mom," Xu Xiuhe said.

"Okay, Yunzheng will protect Mom and protect girls from now on."

"So there were such beasts even in that era," Shen Yin remarked.

"You had them too in your time?"

"Yes, bullies who abducted and raped women."

Xu Xiuhe thought about it and realized she was right. Although Shen Yin came from a dynasty that never existed historically, it was still ancient times. Such things were quite normal back then.

"My grandfather taught me martial arts from a young age, not to serve the country, but to defend myself from being bullied. I always thought there were no such incidents here. But today I encountered one."

"Are these kinds of incidents common here?" Shen Yin asked further.

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