Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:27 AM

Chapter 126

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Chapter 126

This question stumped Xu Xiuhe. He knew the world didn't seem so good, and in the past when he was busy with work, he never paid attention to these kinds of incidents.

Occasionally, he would see trending topics pop up on his phone, but he would just scroll past them, letting the news pass by without leaving a trace.

Looking back carefully, it seemed like these kinds of incidents were not uncommon - being molested on the bus, having clothes stripped off on the subway, being murdered while out for a morning jog, or even being beaten bloody just for rejecting someone's advances.

Afterward, there would only be a temporary buzz in the news, and then nothing.

It would create a small ripple, but never a big wave no matter what.

"The dark side is just too prevalent, and we are helpless," Xu Xiuhe reflected. He truly hadn't paid attention to these things before.

The two of them fell into a prolonged silence.

Finally, it was Zhengzheng who broke the silence.

"Mom, the bad people are so bad."

"Yes, bad people can be heartless, and they deserve to be severely punished. You could even say they are not really human."

"Bad people need to be punished. When Zhengzheng grows up, I'll go catch the bad people."

"Good, our Zhengzheng will grow up to be a real stand-up man."

After returning home and coaxing Zhengzheng to sleep, Shen Yin asked Xu Xiuhe: "What should we do about tonight's incident? Those two men are probably crippled."

"Tomorrow I'll have someone expose this incident. Jing Rui's father is a high-ranking official in the city, so at that time, they should step up social security efforts."

"What about those two men?"

"They got what they deserved. Let them fend for themselves. I've already taken photos of them. Just now I sent the photos to Liu Bo and had him investigate them. They have criminal records."

"Criminal records?"


"No wonder these kinds of incidents are so common nowadays. It seems the punishments have been too lenient. They pay too little of a price, so they act with impunity," Shen Yin said.

"Let's sleep for now."

The next day, photos of the two perverted men appeared on the local social media.

Indeed, Xu Xiuhe had paid to make the story a trending topic. Only by doing so could he draw people's attention and make them aware of the issue. Problems need to be solved, not avoided.

Soon, many people began voicing their opinions under the post.

[I was the victim in this incident. I was just wearing a dress and trying to go home when these two men started following me. They threatened me to 'know my place.' Then we ran into another girl who tried to help, and they assaulted us both. Luckily, a good Samaritan came and helped us. I know not every victim girl is as lucky as me. Was I wrong for wearing a dress? Was I wrong for trying to go home? I know this incident has been exposed, and there will still be many people blaming me, but I just want to say - the victim is not at fault.]

Soon, 'Heyuan Group' became a trending topic.

[Let's discuss how fortunate Heyuan Group employees are.] The post included photos of the self-defense items.

More and more comments flooded in.

[I'm so envious]

[How can I get a job at Heyuan Group?]

[I wish I had a boss like this too]

[The CEO's wife must be super blessed]

[I wish my boss could learn from this]

At the Qinghe Villa, the family of three had just finished lunch and was about to take an afternoon nap when Shen Yin picked up her phone to see a message from Shu Yi.

[Your husband is so awesome.]

Shen Yin [?]

What happened that she didn't know about?

[Check social media.]

Shu Yi forwarded the trending topic to her.

[Other people's bosses]

Shen Yin protested that Xu Xiuhe was just copying her. She was the one with an awesome boss, not the other way around.

[Woo woo woo, I'm the boss of someone else's company, he saw me buying these things to give to employees, so he bought them too, but he's more efficient.]

[Hahaha hahahaha, that made me laugh, Shen Yin you're so cool.]

[I hope the girls can be treated well.]


[How's your filming going?] Shen Yin asked.

[It's too hot today, the efficiency is a bit slow, you don't know how ridiculous Chang Zhiyuan is, he wants to change the script.]

[How does he want to change it?]

[Never mind, I'll tell you when I get back, I can't explain it clearly in a few words now.]

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