Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:26 AM

Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

"Xiuhe, why are you so efficient?" Shen Yin spoke with a slightly spoiled tone.

Xu Xiuhe rarely heard Shen Yin use such a tone, feeling a bit smug. What man wouldn't be happy when the woman he loves acts spoiled with him?

"Next time you have something to do, tell me, and I'll definitely be faster than you."


"You're really not going to the company today?"

"It's Sunday today."

Shen Yin...

She knew it was Sunday, but wasn't he the company president? He used to work on Sundays too, but now he's becoming more and more indolent.

"Do you have anything planned for the afternoon?"


"Today is my mother's anniversary of passing. I want to go see her, and let her see you too."

"I'm free."

At the cemetery, Shen Yin stood beside Xu Xiuhe, who was holding Zhengzheng in his arms.

"Grandma," Zhengzheng called out.

Xu Xiuhe had brought him here last year too, but back then he couldn't speak yet. Unexpectedly, this year, without any teaching, he called out on his own.

"Mom, I've come to see you. This time, your daughter-in-law has come too," Xu Xiuhe said.

Shen Yin looked at the photo on the tombstone, where the woman was smiling happily, with features resembling Xu Xiuhe's.

"Mom, I've come to see you."

Shen Yin had been without a mother since she was young, until she met Fang Yue and experienced a mother's love, realizing the warmth of that word.

Now, she was a mother too. Looking at the photo, she couldn't help but be entranced.

"Mom, you raised Xiuhe well. He's been good to me and to Zhengzheng, and even to the employees at the company. Thank you, Mom."

Xu Xiuhe probably didn't expect Shen Yin to say such words, and he turned to look at her.

"Grandma, Dad is great, Zhengzheng is great too, and Mom is even better. Grandma must have been really great."

Hearing this, Shen Yin smiled slightly.

"Mommy, where is Grandma? Why has Zhengzheng never seen her?" Zhengzheng asked curiously, looking at the tombstone.

"Grandma is in heaven. She came to this world for a while to complete her mission, and now she has returned to heaven."

Shen Yin sat in the back, took out a water bottle from her bag, and held it to Xu Zhengzheng's mouth.

The little one gulped down a few mouthfuls.

Then Shen Yin's phone rang.


"Are you the sister who rescued me yesterday?"

Shen Yin immediately recognized the voice of the girl who had been in trouble yesterday.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I want to come learn some martial arts from you."

"Sure, when are you free?"

"I'm free on weekends."

"Then come to Qinghe Street on the weekend. There's a Yunyin Clothing Workshop here, I'll be there."

"Okay, thank you, sister."

The phone was on speaker, so Xu Xiuhe clearly heard their conversation.

"Will you be able to handle it?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Yes, do you see me busy every day? Actually, I don't have much work on my hands right now. Teaching them some self-defense would be good. If I can help one person, that's one person helped."

Xu Xiuhe didn't say more. Indeed, if you can help one person, that's one person helped. No one knows what might happen tomorrow, or if misfortune could befall them in the next second.

In the evening, Shen Yin continued embroidering the unfinished tiger head, and Xu Xiuhe was worried that Shen Yin would get tired, so he would occasionally bring her a cup of tea or a piece of fruit.

"Xiuhe, do you feel like I'm working slowly?" Shen Yin asked with a smile.

"Not at all, it hasn't been that long, and you've already embroidered so much."

Shen Yin wanted to say that Xu Xiuhe was being too attentive and it was distracting her, but the man didn't seem to notice, and he didn't even pick up on the implied meaning in her words.

"How's the online situation going?"

"It's still brewing."

"That's good."

"Indeed, I did buy a hot search trend."


Shen Yin suddenly remembered that her clothing workshop had been trending for a while, and now it seemed that it was because of the man in front of her buying the trend.

Shen Yin suddenly wanted to tease Xu Xiuhe a little, so she asked, "How many times have you bought it?"

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