Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:25 AM

Chapter 128

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Chapter 128

"Hmm? Maybe just one time." Xu Xiuhe scratched his nose slightly abashed.

"The studio's hot search last time, did you buy that?" Shen Yin looked into Xu Xiuhe's eyes and giggled coquettishly.

"Yeah, I support my wife's work. Is that not allowed?"

"It's allowed, but didn't a certain someone say before that he didn't want me to work?"

"I didn't, dear wife, you can't slander me. I just said that because I was afraid you'd get tired. Besides, I can afford to support you. I'll earn money to support the family, and you just need to look beautiful."

"Your mouth is so sweet," Shen Yin smiled sweetly, her eyes seeming to sparkle like stars.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

Xu Xiuhe gazed at Shen Yin, entranced. How fortunate he was to have met her.

"I know you can afford to support me, but I don't want to be completely dependent on you. Although I came from the Dasheng Dynasty, the status of women there was higher compared to previous dynasties. Of course, it can't be compared to now, but it was very common for women to do business in the Dasheng Dynasty. I also know that in love, money doesn't matter, but from ancient times until now, having a good match has always been valued."

Xu Xiuhe couldn't help but stroke Shen Yin's beautiful hair, twirling a lock in his fingers.

Shen Yin continued, "When I first came here, I read a poem from your era called 'To the Oak Tree,' which had a line: 'I will not be like the entwining climbing flowers that borrow your tall branches to show myself off; I must be the cotton tree standing close beside you, assuming my own true nature as a tree.' This poem is quite interesting. I think this should be the ideal state of love."

"Alright, then we'll stand together, equal under Heaven and Earth," Xu Xiuhe said after hearing Shen Yin's words, feeling that his wife's thinking was even more progressive than modern people.

"It's getting late, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is Monday," Shen Yin reminded him.

As the myriad stars in the sky turned into a distant blue, Shen Yin realized that there was still a long journey ahead, but fortunately, she wasn't alone.

The next morning, when the studio girls arrived at Qinghe Villa, they were touched to see the items on the reception desk - today's dose of warmth was from the boss.

Recently, besides accompanying Zhengzheng, Shen Yin had been studying delicious foods, occasionally doing embroidery, keeping an eye on Kang Guopeng's progress, and sometimes visiting her parents.

Weekends came and went. At the counter, Li Huanhuan saw from afar five or six girls peeking in, too afraid to approach because of the five Tibetan mastiffs standing guard.

Li Huanhuan figured they must be there to order dresses, so she went out and said, "Ladies, don't be afraid. They don't bite, they're very obedient."

At first, Li Huanhuan and Chen Nuan were also afraid of the massive dogs sitting in a row at the studio entrance. But over time, they found the dogs quite adorable. As long as you didn't mean them any harm, they would be well-behaved, greeting the girls as they arrived for work and seeing them off when they went home.

Shen Yin's eyes lit up. That wasn't a bad idea. Since she had to teach Zhengzheng and Shu Yi anyway, she might as well establish a dedicated venue that was more professional and comfortable.

"Okay, I have your contact information. I'll notify you all when it opens."

The girls left excitedly after expressing their gratitude once more.

Shen Yin was a woman of action. She had been eyeing the vacant villa across the street for a long time and had been thinking about buying it.

No sooner said than done, Shen Yin contacted the local neighborhood office to get the owner's contact information for the villa at 47 Qinghe Villa.

She made a call.

"Hello, are you the owner of the property at 47 Qinghe Villa?"

"Yes, that's me."

Shen Yin asked again, "This house has been vacant for a while. Do you have any plans to sell it?"

"How much can you offer?" the man on the other end asked.

The villa was nice and valuable, but its location was a bit remote, so the man had been wanting to sell it but hadn't found a suitable price. That's why it had remained vacant.

"What price do you think is appropriate? For a villa like this, the normal price now should be around 10 million yuan. How about 12 million yuan?" Shen Yin proposed.

"That's a bit low. How about 13 million yuan?" the man countered.

"Alright, deal," Shen Yin said. "Come over in the afternoon, and we'll take care of the paperwork. Once it's done, the money will be transferred to your account."

The man didn't expect the woman to be so straightforward and efficient. He had merely mentioned it, and selling for 12 million was a win for him. What was there to be unhappy about?

After finishing lunch, when Shen Yin came out again, the small building across the way had its doors open. Shen Yin crossed the stone bridge, leading Zhengzheng into Building No. 47.

There was no furniture inside. As Shen Yin entered, a man around 30 years old approached her.

"Would you like to take another look before deciding whether to buy?" the man suggested.

"No need, let's just go through with the paperwork," Shen Yin replied.

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