Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:25 AM

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The third scene of the vibrant play was filmed outdoors.

Shen Yin woke up early and received a message in a group chat.

Zhengzheng was still asleep. In the kitchen, Shen Yin was alone, simultaneously tending to several pots.

"If only I could come back by noon," Shen Yin sighed.

In April, the weather could be described as hot, where one would feel warm even in short sleeves and shorts, or cold enough torequire a coat and autumn trousers at times.

When Shen Yin woke up in the morning, she felt that today's weather was hot. She checked her phone and saw that the temperature would reach a maximum of 32 degrees Celsius.

Fortunately, Shen Yin had brought some summer clothes when she came. This era was quite nice, with ice and air conditioning to combat the heat, allowing her to wear shorts and short sleeves.

Shen Yin prepared breakfast and placed it on the table: preserved egg and lean meat congee, a serving of egg custard, steamed dumplings with chicken and mushrooms. She didn't have time to make more.

While thinking about preparing lunch, she also considered the hot weather. She wondered if the food would spoil if they ate it at noon.

The phone on the nearby table rang, displaying "Shen Lv" on the screen.

"Hello, what's up?" Shen Yin answered.

"Yinyin, today is the day for your follow-up check-up," Shen Lv said.

"Brother, the doctor already said that I've recovered, and besides, I'm not in Rongcheng right now."

Shen Lv grew suspicious. "You're not at home? Then where are you?"Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

Shen Lv was genuinely afraid that Shen Yin would do something abnormal. From the time Shen Yin got married until now, he thought he knew her well. She had no friends and rarely left the house. It was surprising that she wasn't at home today.

Shen Yin replied calmly, "I'm at the film and television studio near Rongcheng. Zhengzheng is filming here."

Shen Lv was greatly shocked. "Filming? How could my nephew be filming? What's the situation with Xu Xiuhe?"

"He's just helping his friend out. It'll only be for a few days. I'll hang up now; I have to go to the set."

At 9 o'clock, on the 48th floor, Shen Lv knocked on Ji Qingyan's office door.

"Come in." Ji Qingyan looked up.

"Dr. Ji, we meet again." Shen Lv greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Shen, it's you. Shen Yin didn't come today, right?" Although it was a question, Ji Qingyan's tone was firm.

"Doctor, hello. I'm Shen Yin's mother. I want to ask, is my daughter really almost cured?" Shen's Mother walked up to Shen Lv.

"Auntie, please have a seat." Ji Qingyan saw a man around 50 years old behind Shen Lv and got up to bring a chair.

"Auntie, Uncle, Shen Yin's illness is a mental one. When a mental illness persists for a long time, it will affect the nerves and gradually become psychologically distorted. Anxiety disorder and depression may also occur, which could harm others or even lead to suicide."

Shen's Mother looked a bit scared and glanced at Shen's Father.

"Doctor, please continue." Shen's Father remained relatively calm.

"Shen Yin's condition is relatively rare, but I could tell from our conversations that she longs for a normal life. May I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"How is Zhou Man doing now?"

Shen's Father and Shen's Mother looked at each other. Shen's Father said, "It was me who forced Shen Yin to get married. Three years ago, Shen Yin was still young, only 21 years old, and couldn't distinguish between good and bad people. Not to mention, I'm old and conservative, I couldn't accept that she liked women. Can she distinguish between good and bad people?"

Shen's Mother continued, "This girl named Zhou Man is someone Yin Yin (Shen Yin) met online during her high school years. Yin Yin is a bright student who could have attended any prestigious university in China. However, during her senior year, she suddenly expressed her desire to study abroad. Her father and I disagreed because she had never traveled far from home before, so naturally, we were concerned. But Shen Yin was adamant. She said that if we didn't agree, she wouldn't go to school at all. Her brother tried to persuade her, but it was in vain. Eventually, we sent her abroad, and we would visit her regularly because we worried that she wouldn't have enough money. Every month, we would send her one million yuan for her living expenses.

Then one time when we went to visit her, we met Zhou Man. Yin Yin introduced her as her friend from high school who had gone abroad a year earlier. Her father and I assumed that Yin Yin wanted to study abroad because she had friends studying abroad, so we didn't ask too many questions. But later, this Zhou Man person messaged us, saying that she and Shen Yin were together and if we wanted her to leave Shen Yin, we had to give her 20 million yuan. It was clear that she didn't really like our Yin Yin; she was just after the money. I don't know what methods she used to deceive Yin Yin into falling for her." Shen's Mother's expression was filled with anguish as she spoke.

Shen Lv couldn't stand by and watch any longer and interjected, "Let me explain. We did transfer the 20 million yuan to her. But she told Yin Yin that we forced her to leave and even gave her 20 million yuan as a breakup fee. Yin Yin came back and caused a scene. Coincidentally, at that time, my father was in talks with Xu Xiuhe for a business collaboration and thought Xu Xiuhe was quite good, so he forced Shen Yin to marry him."

Ji Qingyan listened quietly to the whole story. Based on Shen Yin's account, it was Shen's Father and Shen's Mother who forced Zhou Man to leave and forced her to marry Xu Xiuhe.

"So, what happened to Zhou Man later?" Ji Qingyan asked.

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