Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:16 AM

Chapter 132

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Chapter 132

She unexpectedly spotted Xu Xiuhe and Zhengzheng in the audience.

Shen Yin and Xu Xiuhe made eye contact, and Xu Xiuhe gave Shen Yin an encouraging look.

Suddenly, Shen Yin felt a surge of strength. Although she was confident and assured of winning the championship, feeling neither fear nor nervousness, seeing Xu Xiuhe and Zhengzheng at that moment made her realize that she was not alone—someone was supporting her from behind.

There was a clock in the venue, ticking away the seconds.

Shen Yin's movements quickened. After threading the needle and preparing the thread, Shen Yin began embroidering.

With a clear image in her mind and the needle in her hand, the rough outline of the embroidery took shape in no time.

There were two staff members patrolling the venue, walking back and forth, while the judges on the main stage occasionally descended to observe.

The director of the literary federation stopped beside Shen Yin and watched her work. To be honest, Shen Yin, who looked about twenty years old, was a rare sight in such a competition.

Shen Yin's movements revealed her deftness, like an embroiderer with decades of experience. Undoubtedly, her movements alone had caught the attention of several judges.

While others rushed to perfect the details, only Shen Yin calmly and steadily outlined the contours, neither hurried nor arrogant.

Several judges exchanged glances and walked onto the stage. Shen Yin checked the clock—it was 11:30. By 12 o'clock, she could outline the overall contours and the smaller inner contours.

At 12 o'clock, the host announced the end of the session on time, and the venue closed.

All contestants stopped their work, and the audience members left first.

"Please exit in an orderly manner. The competition will resume promptly at 2 PM."

Shen Yin rose and walked briskly, leading the way out.

Several contestants, noticing how young Shen Yin was to participate in the competition, took a glance at her work as they left.

"I told you, this craft demands experience and age."

"Yes, she does seem a bit too young."

"Exactly, you see, after two hours, she's only outlined the contours. I can't even tell what she's embroidering. How can she possibly finish it this afternoon?"

The contestants left, murmuring their discussions.

The remaining host, patrol staff, and five judges on the main stage exchanged smiles and said, "Shall we go out for lunch?"

The judges picked up their water cups and descended from the stage.

"You'll grow taller as you get older," Shen Yin reassured Zhengzheng.

"I want to grow up fast, grow long legs, and run faster than Daddy," the little one babbled, always having more to say than Shen Yin and Xu Xiuhe combined.

It was unclear whose traits he had inherited—theirs or the original owner's.

"The afternoon session starts at 2 PM, right?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Yes, it starts at 2 PM and ends at 5 PM. The results will be announced at 5:30 PM."

"Then let's not go elsewhere. We'll find a restaurant in the mall near the museum."


In the afternoon, when Shen Yin returned to the museum, most of the contestants had arrived.

This time, there were noticeably more audience members than in the morning.

Unlike the morning, the contestants entered first this time. All contestants were in position just before 2 PM.

Shen Yin strictly followed the competition rules, keeping an eye on the time and only picking up the needle and thread when it was time.

With the image composition planned, she could now focus on embroidering the details. Under Shen Yin's nimble hands, the colorful silk threads wove in and out.

Each stitch seemed imbued with magic. Shen Yin worked quickly, while the other embroiderers were also immersed in their own embroidery worlds. When the judges came down again and saw Shen Yin's work, they nodded in approval.

Shen Yin's piece depicted a lady appreciating lotuses. The overall composition was neat and elegant, with fresh and graceful colors, intricate needlework, and delicate lines.

The piece appeared lifelike, as if painted. Inside the pavilion, a graceful lady stood holding a fan, looking expectantly toward the green lotus pond outside.

The upright lotus flowers, like timid maidens, hid among the leaves, waiting for the lady to discover them.

Shen Yin looked at the overall picture, put away the needle and thread. She took this piece of cloth off the frame.

When looking around, she noticed that many other contestants had also completed their works.

"Time's up. Please lay the fabric flat on the table for the judges to score," a voice announced.

The venue suddenly became lively, as the five-hour competition came to an end. Some were joyful, others worried.

"Contestants, please leave the venue. Come back in half an hour."

All the contestants left the venue. The five judges came down from the stage and began scoring the first work, with a maximum of 10 points. After removing the highest and lowest scores, they calculated the average of the three remaining middle scores as the contestant's final score.

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