Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:15 AM

Chapter 133

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Chapter 133

"This work is decent, the needlework is quite delicate, but the ending threads could have been secured better."

"This one is not bad either, quite an artistic effect."

"This one won't do, it's not even finished."

The five judges commented on the contestants' works while scoring them.

When they reached Shen Yin's piece, they were momentarily stunned.

"This morning, did any of you figure out what this young lady was embroidering?" asked the President of the Literary Federation.

They all shook their heads. That morning, there were only outlines, with scattered thread fragments - it was impossible to tell what it was. But now, they could see the outlines from earlier.

"Setting aside the embroidery technique, the pattern itself is already a work of art. And the needlework?"

One judge suddenly exclaimed in shock, "The needlework is indeed exquisite."

Shen Yin had indeed employed various needlework techniques - satin stitch, stem stitch, knot stitch - one could see them all at a glance.

The requirements for embroidery craftsmanship are: smoothness, evenness, flatness, consistency, and cleanliness. Smoothness means straight lines are straight, and curves are rounded. Evenness means the stitches are uniform, with no uneven edges. Flatness means the motion is precise, the embroidery lies flat, and the threads are not skewed. Consistency means the stitches have a uniform distance, with no gaps or overlaps. Cleanliness means the embroidery surface is spotless.Reead latest chapters on no/vel(b)in(.)com

Shen Yin's work met all these criteria. In such a short time, this outstanding piece featured an elegant and classic scene, with fine embroidery and lively needlework.

The judges sang their praises, agreeing that this work was worthy of competing in the national embroidery competition.

"Teachers, if I say this young lady deserves the championship, do you have any objections?" said the President of the Literary Federation.

"No objections, no objections. More importantly, this young lady is still young, and will likely achieve even greater mastery in the future."

"Exactly, she's so young. I can't imagine this piece being embroidered by a girl in her twenties - it's incredible! The new waves push the old waves on the Yangtze River. Our embroidery craft has no need to worry about finding successors."

The audience hadn't left yet. Seeing the judges lavish so much praise on one work, they naturally became curious about what kind of piece could elicit such unanimous acclaim.

"Let's take a look at the other works first. There might be one even more stunning than this," said one female judge.

Unfortunately, no other piece enraptured them like this one.

The host wasn't just busy controlling the time and explaining the rules - now he had to tally the scores as well.

[Suddenly feel like I've been wasting my life all these years.]

[This embroidery champion is so young! And she's from our Rong City - suddenly I'm standing taller.]

[The one above, I'm standing taller too. Not only beautiful, but a bit familiar.]

[Oh yeah, she does look familiar.]

[I remember now, she looks like the wife of Heyuan Group's CEO.]

After this comment, others went digging through old social media posts, then returned.

[Case solved, folks - it's her! So incredible, no wonder as the elite wife, she's a master of all trades - running her own studio and skilled in embroidery.]

[To Heyuan Group's CEO: Husband, is there anything your wife can't do?]

Xu Xiuhe wasn't watching the broadcast at the time, or he would have echoed that very question.

The online comments ran the gamut, with some saying they wouldn't even dare dream of a CEO falling for them, because the current CEO wives were too accomplished in various skills. They couldn't measure up.

Shen Yin remained completely unaware of being dissected online once again.

She was exhausted and longed to sleep. Facing the cameras, she didn't have a hint of a smile.

[Doesn't she seem rather aloof? But beautiful sister, I love you so much.]

[Cool, reserved sister - beautiful but not talkative.]

[Sob, I wish Heaven would grant me a wife like her.]

[Folks, did you see? The camera panned over to that man holding a child - doesn't he look like Heyuan Group's CEO?]

[6666, fairy tale romance where the wife competes while the husband cheers her on!]

A post on local social media about an embroidery competition drew clicks from many people, including Xiao Li'er.

Xiao Li'er was sitting in Liu Bo's office, helping him organize files. They had been working all day. Liu Bo had just stepped out, so she took the opportunity to check her phone, only to stumble upon some juicy gossip - a sweet piece of melon.

"Finished already? You're just checking your phone," Liu Bo said as he walked back into the office, catching Xiao Li'er grinning at her screen.

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