Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:13 AM

Chapter 134

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Chapter 134

"I just saw the CEO!" exclaimed Xiao Li'er with excitement, completely forgetting that Liu Bo was her supervisor.

"What's so exciting about seeing the CEO? He has a wife and kids, keep it modest. Wait, the CEO hasn't been at the company today, where did you see him?"

Xiao Li'er waved her phone and said, "Here."

"Let me see too!"

Liu Bo quickly ran over to Xiao Li'er's side.

Xiao Li'er was watching a live stream on Weibo.DiiScover new stories on no/v/e/lbin(.)com

"Where's the CEO?"

"At the Rong City Museum."

Liu Bo covered his face. Oh heavens and earth, why treat him like this? He was just an assistant, yet lately he felt like the company was his.

The CEO now had time to visit museums but no time to care about his lifelong matter? Indeed, when it came to making grandiose promises, the CEO took the cake.

"He has time to visit exhibitions but no time to bake me a pie."

"The CEO wasn't visiting an exhibition. What do you mean by baking a pie?" Xiao Li'er asked, looking up.

"If he's not visiting an exhibition, why go to the museum?"

"His wife is participating in an embroidery competition at the museum. She even won the championship for this district and is now representing Rong City in the national finals."

"The CEO's wife?" Liu Bo exclaimed inwardly. Embroidery, isn't that a high-class and sophisticated art?

"Is it over? I want to see it too." Liu Bo leaned over to Xiao Li'er's side, stretching his neck to look at her phone.

Xiao Li'er turned her head, intending to say it had just ended, but before she could speak, an awkward moment arose. Their noses were almost touching, and a slight misstep could have led to a kiss.

"Ahem." Xiao Li'er immediately turned her head away and stood up.

There was a strange, awkward atmosphere between them.

Ever since the last time when Liu Bo got drunk and Xiao Li'er tied him to the bed, things had been strange between them.

To break the awkward silence, Xiao Li'er tried to change the subject. "What kind of pie was the CEO going to bake for you? Is it edible? Can the CEO even cook?"

"How do you know it's edible? Do you think the CEO looks like someone who can cook?"

Xu Xiuhe, who was driving, suddenly sneezed for no apparent reason.

"Then what kind of pie was it?"

"The CEO made me a big promise, and the pie just kept getting bigger and rounder."

"What did he promise you?" Xiao Li'er asked.

Liu Bo couldn't stand seeing a girl cry.

With her tear-stained face, it was fortunate that the office was soundproof, or others might have thought he had done something to this little girl.

"I was wrong. Don't cry anymore," he said, wiping away her tears and finding tissues for her to blow her nose.

"I didn't... didn't hear..." Xiao Li'er said between sobs, her words broken and interrupted.

"Didn't hear what?"

"Didn't hear you apologize."


"I'm sorry. I was wrong, I shouldn't have threatened you. I promise that as long as I'm at this company, you'll never have to leave your job."

This time, Xiao Li'er heard it clearly and suddenly burst into laughter.

"How quickly you change your tune, faster than turning pages. It's getting late, let me treat you to dinner. You worked hard staying late with me today."

"I want hotpot and barbecue."

Liu Bo glanced at Xiao Li'er's slender figure, privately doubting whether she could finish all that food.

At Qinghe Villa, Shen Yin sat on the sofa, eating the fruit prepared for her by Xu Xiuhe.

Xu Xiuhe said he wanted to reward her today, so he went to the kitchen to cook, while Shen Yin and Zhengzheng obediently waited to enjoy the meal.

Shen Yin was indeed tired, so she let Xu Xiuhe cook while she and Zhengzheng enjoyed the fruit.

[Audio Audio, Niu Niu]

In their group chat, Shu Yi shared today's Weibo post.

"Embroidery Competition Champion"

[Audio Audio, you were amazing! I saw your work, it's so beautiful, even more beautiful than a painting.]

[@Miracle, if you can talk, say more.]

[@Audio Audio, what don't I know about women?]

Shu Yi tagged each of them one by one.

["What else can Sister Yin do?"]

["She can cook, brew wine, fight, even cured my dysmenorrhea, and now she can do embroidery too."]

["Wow, wow. Is Sister Yin's day 48 hours long?"] Qi Ji exclaimed in amazement.

["Your Sister Yin is so versatile, fights super coolly, able to take on five at once. Being with her must make you feel extremely safe, right?"]

["I envy you, I want to learn how to fight too,"] Qi Ji replied.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!