Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:12 AM

Chapter 135

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Chapter 135

[Okay, let me teach you]

[Shu Yi, I've opened a martial arts studio. You should come learn when you're free.]

[Great work, where did you open it? Shen Yin, I've noticed you're a woman of action.]

Shen Yin replied, The building across from the small building.

[Ah, that's so convenient. I feel like you could just buy out the entire Qinghe Street.]

[That would cost a lot of money, right?] Shen Yin felt a bit heartbroken.

When Shu Yi heard this, she thought this woman must really have such intentions. [Sister, I was just kidding.]

[Qi Ji can come this Saturday. The small building is already being renovated.]

[Wow, such speed, Sister Shen Yin really lives up to her reputation as a woman of action.]

Shen Yin looked at the message and smiled, replying [I'm going to eat.]

Then she put down her phone, took Xu Yunzheng's hand, and walked to the dining table, where Xu Xiuhe had prepared a plate of shredded potatoes, a plate of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers, and a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

They were all homemade dishes, and Xu Xiuhe was quite pleased with himself, as he knew how to cook. He couldn't help but take out his phone and snap a photo, also taking a side view photo of Shen Yin and Xu Yunzheng.

It was the first post he'd made on his friends circle in a long time.

There was no caption, only the side view photo of Shen Yin and Xu Yunzheng, and the three plates of food on the table.

Chang Zhiyuan: The scene looks beautiful, but the dishes don't look like they're up to your wife's standard.

To clarify, Xu Xiuhe commented below: The dishes were cooked by me, of course they can't compare to my wife's.

Chang Zhiyuan: Wow, you all secretly learned cooking skills behind my back, are you still my good friend?

Xue Jingrui: The first criterion for a good man is knowing how to cook.

Chen Siming: Brother Xu, why don't you consider coming to work as a chef at my restaurant?

Xu Xiuhe's WeChat was his personal account with not many friends, only those he could talk to.

Xiao Li'er happened to see it and took a screenshot of Xu Xiuhe's friends circle post and sent it to Liu Bo.

[Ahem, who said the CEO can't cook? What's on that table?]

Liu Bo was cooking, and his phone in his pocket buzzed. He took it out and saw it was the CEO's friends circle post.

[Look, our CEO is truly a man among men. He knows how to cook.]

[Does that mean I'm not a good man? I know how to cook too.]

Xiao Li'er shook her head, she really didn't remember.

"Hello, my name is Xu Zheyang. I just returned from studying abroad and I'm now a professor at Rong City University of Science and Technology."

"I'm Xiao Li'er, an assistant at the Heyuan Group."

"I think we're quite suited for each other. What do you think of me? I believe my salary can support you, so after we get married, you won't need to work anymore."

Xu Zheyang spoke, taking Xiao Li'er by surprise with this question.

Was he being so direct? Although they did know each other as children, this was really the first time they'd met as adults, and he was progressing so quickly? And they were already talking about marriage? How could she not need to work anymore? Her monthly salary was nearly 30,000 yuan.

Xiao Jun couldn't help but laugh out loud next to her, leaning in to whisper gleefully, "You're this old and still haven't had a boyfriend, now you're at a blind date, encountering all these weirdos."

"Shut up, who said I don't have a boyfriend?" Xiao Li'er wasn't willing to be mocked by her younger brother, stubbornly insisting she did have one.

"If you have a boyfriend, go ahead and have him call you then," Xiao Jun didn't believe her sister could have a boyfriend.

Xiao Li'er had already said it, and if no one called her, she would lose face.

She unlocked her phone, the screen still displaying her conversation with Liu Bo, with an unread message from him.

[What was your rush earlier, leaving so abruptly?]

Xiao Li'er suddenly had an idea.

[Can you do me a favor? You don't need to treat me to a meal, and I'll forgive you for threatening me before.]

Xiao Li'er didn't have high hopes originally.

But to her surprise, Liu Bo replied instantly.

[Say it]

[I'm at a blind date, it's an awkward situation. Can you call me and pretend to be my boyfriend?]


Xiao Li'er took her phone off silent mode.

One minute later.

"Come on, enjoy the moment, after all we have plenty of time~~" The ringtone blared, causing Xiao Li'er to die of embarrassment. She usually kept her phone on silent mode, having no idea when she had set this particular ringtone.

The others also felt quite awkward, except for Xiao Jun, who was about to burst out laughing. His sister was just too much, with such a unique ringtone for her phone.

Xiao Li'er's face flushed red as she quickly answered the call and put it on speakerphone.

"Babe, why didn't you reply to my messages?" Liu Bo's voice was gentle.

That single "babe" made Xiao Li'er's heart skip a beat. She had never heard him speak in such a tender tone before, even more gentle than when he had comforted her after she cried earlier in the afternoon.

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