Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:03 AM

Chapter 141

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Chapter 141

"How did you know we were at this restaurant?" Shen Yin asked.

"If Shu Yi is somewhere, I'd certainly know as her boss," Chang Zhiyuan said without treating it as a question. If he wanted to know where someone was, it was too easy.

Shu Yi was speechless.

"Have you eaten?" Chang Zhiyuan asked.

"No," said Shen Yin.

"Yes," said Jing Rui.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

"Not finished," said Xiu He.

Three people, three different answers. Now not only Shu Yi was speechless, but the other two didn't know what to make of it either.

Why didn't they coordinate their lines?

"It's like this, I haven't eaten, I met Jing Rui who was in the middle of eating, and then the two of us met Xiu He who had finished eating," Chang Zhiyuan made up a lie on the spot.

"Jing Rui, where were you eating that you got pulled out halfway through?" Qi Ji asked.

"Um..." Jing Rui scratched his head, not saying a word. If he said he was eating in the next private room, would they believe him?

"It's like this, we happened to come out to eat too, happened to be next door to you, happened that Chang Zhiyuan hadn't eaten, Jing Rui ate halfway, and I just finished eating," Xiu He explained.


"What a coincidence, three coincidences, very very very good," Shen Yin smiled, these three brothers were quite amusing.

Chang Zhiyuan sat down next to Shu Yi, who had nearly finished eating, after all female celebrities still needed to maintain their figures.

Chang Zhiyuan took Shu Yi's chopsticks and started picking up dishes from the table.

Not only Shu Yi, but also the people across from them were stunned.

"What are you looking at? Keep eating. With so many people watching me eat, I'm not used to it. Jing Rui, you haven't finished either, so you eat too. Xiu He..."

Chang Zhiyuan's words were cut off by Xu Xiuhe: "Just eat, there's no point talking to a chatterbox like you."

Chang Zhiyuan started eating. There were no spare chopsticks on the table, so Jing Rui, seeing that Qi Ji had stopped eating, took her chopsticks instead. He wasn't hungry, but he just wanted to use Qi Ji's chopsticks.

Xu Xiuhe watched with an expression of "the student has surpassed the master."

Qi Ji: "Jing Rui, there are chopsticks at the counter over there, let me get you a pair."

"No need, using an extra pair is just wasteful," Jing Rui said.

"Sure, get some rest early. Fresh sheets in your rooms, sleep well."

"Thank you auntie," Qi Ji said sweetly.

The maid watched them go upstairs, smiling to herself: "How lovely, a handsome couple. When will I have such an obedient daughter-in-law?"

Upstairs, Xue Kai and Ye Rong were watching TV. Hearing the sounds from the staircase, they were surprised - the maid didn't usually come upstairs at night.

When Jing Rui and Qi Ji appeared, Ye Rong stood up.

"Jing Rui, Qi Ji?"

Before she could say more, Jing Rui cut her off.

"Mom, were you and dad waiting for us?"

Having been in business for years, Ye Rong understood what her son meant.

"Yes, yes, your mom hasn't seen my daughter-in-law for so long and missed her. Daughter-in-law, how have you been lately? If Jing Rui bullies you, let me know and I'll support you," Ye Rong said warmly, taking Qi Ji's hands.

"Mom, Jing Rui has been very good to me, he doesn't bully me," Qi Ji replied.

"That's good, that's good. It's getting late, you should rest up and try to give me a grandchild soon," Ye Rong smiled, as if she could hold her grandchild tomorrow.

Hearing this, Qi Ji's face reddened again, just like what Shu Yi had told her earlier that evening.

Jing Rui, on the other hand, wasn't embarrassed at all. He turned to look at Qi Ji and saw her blushing, secretly delighted - did this mean she wasn't completely indifferent to him?

"Mom, I'll go take a shower first," Qi Ji said, having been out all day, a shower would be refreshing.

After Qi Ji entered the bedroom, only the three of them remained in the living room.

"Jing Rui, out with it, what's going on that you suddenly came back?" Xue Kai spoke from the sofa.

"Nothing, I just wanted to come see you," Jing Rui replied.

"That's for the best; we can't let this girl be wronged. I didn't mention to you what happened at the wedding last time, that woman is no good. You should be cautious of her in the future."

"I understand, Dad."

"It's good that you understand, it's good that you understand. Jingrui, tell your mom, how are things going between you two now? Are you trying for a baby?"

Ye Rong pulled Xue Jingrui's arm again, with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Mom... yes, we're trying." Xue Jingrui said somewhat unnaturally.

Ye Rong thought her son was just being shy, and she looked delighted. "Let me tell you, I've been through this myself. During your trying to conceive period, you must take it seriously."

Xue Jingrui was afraid of Ye Rong launching into a long lecture, so he quickly cut her off.

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