Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:45 AM

Chapter 146

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Chapter 146

After dinner, Xue Jingrui cleaned up everything, prepared fruits for Qi Ji, and got the water ready that Qi Ji would drink later that night. When he returned to his room, he reminded Qi Ji to go to bed early.

"Okay, I got it, Brother Jingrui," Qi Ji said, but she was not paying much attention, as she was still thinking about her plans for the night.

In the group chat with the three of them, only Shen Yin and Shu Yi were chatting enthusiastically.

[Yin Yin, our little friend Qi Ji is going to take action tonight.]

[What action?]

[She said she wants to have a baby.]

Upon seeing the message, Shen Yin's first reaction was to @ Qi Ji.

[@Little miracle, come online for a bit.]

Two minutes passed, but there was still no reply.

[Oh wow, this little rascal must have really taken action, not even looking at her phone now.]

Shen Yin [.............]

[What should we do, Yin Yin? Is Qi Ji being too impulsive?]

Shen Yin thought Qi Ji was being a bit impulsive, but the choice was hers to make. Life's path is one that each person chooses for themselves, and no one else can make that decision for them.

[Qi Ji is a girl with her own thoughts, don't worry about her.]

After sending the message, Shen Yin went to apply medicine to Zhengzheng, to prevent the little one from scratching his belly with his hands.

When they returned in the afternoon, as soon as they reached the third floor, Xu Xiuhe had trimmed Xu Yunzheng's fingernails.

In fact, both of them kept their eyes on the little one, taking turns watching him, afraid that he might scratch himself and make his condition worse.

"Zhengzheng, bear with it a little longer. We'll put the medicine on and then you can go to sleep and rest. You'll be fine in a couple of days," Shen Yin said soothingly as she applied the ointment to Zhengzheng.

At 11 PM, Qi Ji estimated that Xue Jingrui should be ready to sleep soon.

She tiptoed from the living room to Xue Jingrui's bedroom door, gently twisted the doorknob, and to her surprise, it wasn't locked.

In fact, she had already found the keys and considered various methods, afraid that her plan might not succeed.

Qi Ji felt that after finally mustering up the courage, she couldn't back down now. For the sake of the baby, she had to make some sacrifices and not hesitate.

With a burst of determination, Qi Ji approached the bedside. By the moonlight from outside, she could see where Xue Jingrui was lying on the bed.

She quietly climbed onto the bed, silently chanting to herself, "Don't be nervous, you've done your homework, this is the only chance, just this one time, and you'll have the baby."

As Qi Ji motivated herself, she slowly inched closer to Xue Jingrui.

The air conditioning was on in the room, and Xue Jingrui was covered with a blanket. It wasn't until Qi Ji pulled the blanket that he sensed something.

Xue Jingrui felt pleased and accomplished.

But he felt that he might not be able to sleep tonight, with this little girl lying next to him, and after he had consumed so many nourishing soups during the day, his body was even hotter than Qi Ji's.

"Don't be afraid, sleep peacefully. Dreams are the opposite of reality. I'm right here, no need to be scared," Xue Jingrui said as he shifted to the side. So that was Qi Ji's hand on his waist earlier.

He couldn't think about it, or the more he thought, the worse it would become.

"Brother Jingrui, why don't you ask me what kind of dream I had?"

"What kind of scary dream did Qi Ji have?"

"I dreamed that I couldn't have children, it was so terrifying. Wah wah wah, babies are so adorable, why can't I have one?"

Xue Jingrui's heart sank. What the hell, that's such a weird dream.

"Dreams are the opposite of reality. Qi Ji is healthy, how could she not be able to have babies?"



"So when can I have a baby?"

Xue Jingrui: "..........."

"When does Qi Ji want to have one?"


Upon hearing this, Xue Jingrui's heart skipped a beat. Was she implying something?

"Does Qi Ji really like babies that much?"

"Yes, babies like Zhengzheng are so cute, calling me 'auntie' and singing songs for me."

Xue Jingrui...

"Having a child is a decision between two people."

"I know, that's why I came to find you. What's wrong, Brother Xue Jingrui? Don't you want to have a child? I'm sorry, I was too selfish and didn't consider your thoughts carefully." Qi Ji seemed a little lost. Well, this was her fault, she hadn't asked Brother Xue Jingrui's opinion.

Qi Ji got up from the bed, preparing to return to her own room. It seemed that the dream she casually made up came true, and she really couldn't have a child.

Qi Ji knelt on one knee, stretching out one foot to find her slippers.

The white figure showed a sense of loss.

It took Xue Jingrui several seconds to react. He grabbed Qi Ji's ankle, not meaning what she thought.

"Qi Ji, you misunderstood me. I do want to have a child."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!