Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:36 AM

Chapter 149

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Chapter 149

"Mom, Zhengzheng understands." Zhengzheng nodded, his little hands moving with his nodding motion.

Shen Yin didn't know if Zhengzheng really understood, but looking at the baby doll's little expression, Shen Yin suddenly felt very satisfied.

As long as Zhengzheng was healthy and happy every day, she didn't hope for anything else.

"Mom, your phone is ringing," Zhengzheng said suddenly.

Shen Yin listened carefully, and it was indeed ringing. Zhengzheng's little ears were sharper.

"Okay, Mom will take the call."

Shen Yin picked up the phone and answered.

On the video call, Fang Yue's complexion had improved significantly compared to before.

Shen Yin hadn't been to see them since her last visit, and Fang Yue probably missed her.

"Yin, how have you been recently?" Fang Yue asked on the other end of the call.

"Mom, I've been doing well. How about you? How's Dad's health?"CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

After Shen Yin asked, another person suddenly appeared in the video.

"Yin, don't worry, Dad is fine. Dad's health has mostly recovered," said Shen Tianzheng with a slightly excited tone.

Zhengzheng ran over, pulled Shen Yin's hand, gesturing for her to sit down. Shen Yin sat on the sofa, and Zhengzheng leaned in, his little face taking up the entire screen.

"Grandma, do you miss Zhengzheng?"

Hearing this, Fang Yue's face lit up with joy. "Let me see, I miss my precious grandson."

Fang Yue leaned towards the camera again, adjusting her position to look at Zhengzheng.

"It's Zhengzheng! Grandma misses Zhengzheng so much, so very much. Does Zhengzheng miss Grandma?"

"Grandma, Zhengzheng misses Grandma too, and wants to eat the meat that Grandma cooks."

Saying this, even Shen Yin, who was next to him, never expected that a child's next words could be so unpredictable.

"Is that so? Then Grandma will come and cook meat for you to eat tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you, Grandma." Zhengzheng was overjoyed, nodding vigorously.

"Yin, have you been very busy recently? Your dad has mostly recovered, so I can go over and help take care of Zhengzheng."

Meanwhile, at the company, Xu Xiuhe was thinking about his son and wife.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Sir, please sign these documents."

Xu Xiuhe signed them without even looking.

"Sir, aren't you going to take a look?" Liu Bo asked.

"You've been working with me for so many years. Can't I trust you? You handle things well, and you even have a stake in the company. What do I have to worry about?"

Liu Bo realized, he was right. He did handle things reliably.

"Sir, regarding our recent collaboration with the Lin Group in Yang City, it was supposed to be a done deal, but right before we were about to sign the contract, the Lin Group suddenly said they need to reconsider."

Xu Xiuhe: "We've been working on this collaboration for a long time, and everything was going well. Why the sudden reconsideration right before signing the contract?"

This was the main reason Liu Bo had come to see Xu Xiuhe. The collaboration was indeed important, and it was understandable that the Lin Group wanted to reconsider, but if they reconsidered right before signing the contract, he had to be more cautious.

"Sir, we've got a new competitor all of a sudden."

Hearing this, Xu Xiuhe twirled his pen, signaling Liu Bo to continue.

The Xu Group had been developing well in Rong City. In just a few years, this enterprise had made a name for itself nationwide. However, there was one shortcoming – the Xu Group's industries were too concentrated in Rong City.

For an enterprise to develop and prosper in the long run, it must expand and extend its industries to neighboring cities.

The Xu Group, as a rising star, had already become quite strong. Xu Xiuhe had established a solid foundation in Rong City. The next step was to develop the industries in other cities, which required collaboration.

The Lin Group, as an old and well-established local enterprise in Yang City, had enjoyed remarkable development in recent years.

Enterprises need innovation, and as times progress, enterprises must also advance. Many old-school enterprises had stagnated in their development.

After extensive research, the Lin Group in Yang City has indeed proven to be the best choice for a partner with the Heyuan Group.

"This competitor is none other than the Xu Group."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xiuhe paused briefly. Ah, so that's what this was all about. He understood everything now.

The Xu Group had been deliberately trying to undermine the Heyuan Group's business for the past couple of years, sticking their nose into every deal. Whenever the Heyuan Group acquired land or a project, the Xu Group would also bid on it.

Although the Xu Group hadn't won very often, their persistent meddling was like a stubborn rash that couldn't be scratched away, utterly vexing.

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