Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:21 AM

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Zhengzheng, this is grandma, mommy's mommy," Shen Yin said gently.

"Grandma?" Zhengzheng was puzzled, he seemed to have never heard this word before.

Fang Yue was anxious, "Zhengzheng, I am grandma, your mommy's mommy. Can I hug you? Grandma just wants to hug you."

Zhengzheng stretched out his arms, Fang Yue hugged him, with a satisfied expression on her face. Shen Tianzheng was anxious beside them, he also wanted to hug Zhengzheng.

"Come here, let me hug you too, Zhengzheng, I am grandpa." Shen Tianzheng reached out.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Fang Yue hugged Zhengzheng and turned around to reject Shen Tianzheng. "I just got to hug him, don't rush, let me hug him first."

But Shen Yin felt that Shen Tianzheng and Fang Yue were quite good. If it wasn't for the original host choosing the wrong path herself and falling for the wrong person, she would have been very happy.

The car arrived, Shen Lv parked the car and got off to open the rear door, "You and Zhengzheng and mom should sit in the back."

Shen Tianzheng had no choice but to sit in the front passenger seat.

The restaurant was not far, just a 10 minutes drive. Fang Yue was busy getting close with her grandson.

"Zhengzheng, call grandma," Fang Yue had a big smile on her face.

Sitting in the front passenger seat, Shen Tianzheng saw Fang Yue's smile from the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth also curled up. In the past two years, Fang Yue had complained about him a lot because of Shen Yin's situation. Moments of happiness like this were few and far between.

They arrived at the restaurant at dinner time. After parking the car, Shen Lv opened the rear door. Fang Yue was still reluctant to let go of Zhengzheng, "Zhengzheng, grandma ordered so many dishes, what do you want to eat?"

"I love to eat meat," Zhengzheng said.

"You little glutton," Fang Yue gently poked Zhengzheng's nose with her finger.

Sure enough, when people got old, they really liked little kids. When Fang Yue gave birth to Shen Lv and Shen Yin, she didn't feel kids were so cute and well-behaved. Shen Tianzheng felt the same way too. "A Yue, let me hold him for a bit."Updated chapters on novelbin(.)com

The three of them exchanged glances, both nervous and afraid. They were afraid of stimulating Shen Yin and didn't know how to answer. Finally, Shen Tianzheng spoke.

"Zhou Man, she never liked you at all. She was just trying to scam money from you."

This answer was completely unexpected for Shen Yin. There was no such information about Zhou Man scamming her in the original host's memories.

"What do you mean? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Yin Yin, we told you before, advising you two to break up. Not only because your dad felt embarrassed that you were a lesbian, but also because she didn't really like you, she just wanted to scam money from you."

"Didn't you give her money to make her leave me?" In the original host's memories, that was indeed what happened. Zhou Man told Shen Yin that her parents gave her 20 million to leave Shen Yin.

This was getting more complicated. Shen Yin thought for a moment then said, "When did you tell me this?"

"When Zhou Man came to us asking for money, 20 million, and she would leave you."

Shen Yin sorted through the memories. After Zhou Man told Shen Yin that Shen's parents forced her to leave Shen Yin, Shen Yin cut off contact with her parents - no replies, no picking up calls, and even got very angry, simply throwing her phone to Zhou Man.

"But I didn't answer your calls. I was angry then, annoyed that you kept calling me, so I threw the phone to Zhou Man." The original host had to explain what she did.

"So this was all a misunderstanding? This misunderstanding caused Yin Yin to suffer so much and resent us for so many years." Shen Lv said.

"Now that you've mentioned Zhou Man, there's another thing. Why did your condition get worse a few months ago, even abusing Zhengzheng?" Shen Lv hadn't forgotten what Doctor Qingyan said.

Shen Yin thought about it. The original host's condition worsened because she received a message that roughly said Zhou Man was not doing well in France, and as long as she agreed to remove Zhengzheng, Zhou Man could take her away to start a new life together.

Thinking back now, the sender of the message was Yang Cui, wanting her son Xu Zhengyang to obtain the heir position in the Xu Corporation.

"It was Yang Cui who sent me the message, saying she could let me run away with Zhou Man if I removed Zhengzheng." Shen Yin truthfully recounted.

Shen Lv asked, "Who is Yang Cui?"

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