Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:34 AM

Chapter 151

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Chapter 151

Xiao Li'er was pondering the feasibility of this plan.

"Okay, let's do it this way. You keep looking at the files."

Liu Bo left the office and knocked on Xu Xiuhe's office door again.

"Come in."


"You're here. Have you found a good excuse or decided to go to the blind date?" Xu Xiuhe looked up and asked.

"President, I have a partner now," Liu Bo said carefully.

"Oh?" Xu Xiuhe didn't quite believe it, his tone full of doubt.

"Tell me, who is it?" Xu Xiuhe asked again.

"Xiao Li'er."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xiuhe's expression changed immediately, which was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Didn't you tell me last time that you two could never be together? It's only been a few days. Did I hear it wrong?"

Liu Bo dared not make a sound. Sometimes things couldn't be judged too early, and feelings couldn't be foreseen.

"Should I believe you?" Xu Xiuhe asked again.

"Believe me."

"Alright, you can go back."

Xu Xiuhe's tone was indifferent, and his emotion couldn't be read. He didn't want to talk anymore. The two of them had been arguing not long ago, and now they were together right under his nose.

Was it because he hadn't been paying attention to his employees' lives recently, or had they hidden it too well from him?

Xu Xiuhe couldn't stop thinking about this matter even when he returned home that night.

"What's the matter? What are you thinking about? You seem absent-minded," Shen Yin asked.

"I was going to introduce Liu Bo to your cousin for a blind date, but today he said he has a partner."

"Who is it?" Shen Yin was also curious.

"Xiao Li'er. They were arguing just a while ago, and now they're together. Do you think it's true or false?"

Shen Yin...

She knew that Xu Xiuhe was quite gossipy, but she didn't expect him to be so gossipy at heart.

"Did Liu Bo tell you himself?" Shen Yin asked.

"Yes, yes. I suspect he's just using Xiao Li'er as an excuse to avoid the blind date."

The more Xu Xiuhe said it, the more he felt he was right. It must be like that.ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

"No quarrel, no acquaintance. Maybe they are just a pair of fated lovers," Shen Yin said.

"You make a good point."

"He's okay, I guess. I'll ask him later and let your mom know tonight."


On Saturday.

Shen Yin dressed Xu Yunzheng early. Without calling a driver, Xu Xiuhe drove the car, and the family of three headed to Yang City.

"I'll go with you to Master Kang's house first. We'll leave at noon, and then you can accompany me to meet a client and discuss a contract in the evening."


Shen Yin didn't inform Kang Guopeng in advance that she would visit. When she arrived at Kang Guopeng's house, Kang Guopeng was working with two apprentices, sawing wood under a shed.

Seeing Shen Yin coming, Kang Guopeng instructed the two apprentices to be careful when carving and then came over to talk to Shen Yin.

"Who is this?" Kang Guopeng asked, looking at Xu Xiuhe.

"My love," Shen Yin explained with a smile.

"He's my daddy."

"Oh, I see. You're here to check on the furniture progress, right? Come in and take a look."

Shen Yin walked in front, with Xu Xiuhe carrying Xu Yunzheng behind her, entering the shed.

The initial models of the bed and cabinets had been made. Kang Guopeng pointed to the bed and said, "This one, I'm about to carve out the details and then apply the paint."

Shen Yin didn't understand the specific process but knew that doing this work required patience and meticulousness.

"Uncle Kang, just follow the drawings. Since I've chosen you, I'll trust you."

"Okay, you guys have lunch here. I'll ask your aunt to buy some groceries."

"Uncle Kang, no need, no need. We have other things to do in Yang City, so we won't eat here. It's quite hot today. Be sure to take precautions against the heat when you're working."

"Got it."

Shen Yin just wanted to check on the progress, and now that she had seen the concrete models, she felt reassured. She told Xu Xiuhe that they should leave.

Xu Xiuhe naturally agreed, and the family of three went to a restaurant in the city.

"Mommy, Xu Yunzheng is no longer itchy. Can he eat fish and meat now?"

"Alright, little greedy cat, you can eat, but don't eat too much, okay?"

"Okay, thank you mommy."

Xu Yunzheng excitedly nodded his head.

"Where are we going in the afternoon?"

"Why don't we take Xu Yunzheng to see a movie? We haven't gone to watch a movie together yet."

"Yay, Xu Yunzheng wants to go watch a movie, Xu Yunzheng has never seen a movie before." Xu Yunzheng stopped eating, too excited to continue.

In Yang City, not many people knew this family of three. Xu Xiuhe carried Xu Yunzheng, led Shen Yin to the largest cinema in this shopping mall.

Shen Yin deliberately chose an animated film, finding the animated films of this era quite interesting. Although not real people, they could synthesize various movements and sounds. She couldn't help but marvel at how advanced modern technology really was.

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