Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:21 AM

Chapter 157

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Chapter 157

The group quickly took their positions, with Xu Xiuhe comforting Zhengzheng, who was still hungry.

Xu Xiuhe was anxious, as Liu Bo had some news, and Xue Jingrui had also utilized his connections to help search.

When Xue Jingrui had just asked whether to report to the police, Xu Xiuhe was initially inclined to agree, but he felt that relying on themselves would be better than relying on others.

Xue Jingrui felt that more people meant more strength.

Xue Jingrui reported the case to the police and began checking various surveillance videos. He discovered that the perpetrator was very familiar with that area, riding an electric scooter that appeared in the videos only at the beginning and then disappeared.

This indicated that the kidnapper had avoided all surveillance, causing them great difficulty.

On Liu Bo's side, he had gathered a lot of information. He sent people to find those who had seen the delivery person based on the order's starting location.

People from the vegetable market said that this delivery person had been in the area for a few months, didn't talk much, and they were unaware of his character.

Upon learning this, Xu Xiuhe spent a significant sum to obtain surveillance videos of the area and hired many people to watch them. After over an hour, they finally located the kidnapper's residence.

Xue Jingrui also brought two police officers and rushed to the kidnapper's home to meet up with Xu Xiuhe and the others.

In front of the police officers, Xu Xiuhe kicked open the old wooden door of the dilapidated house.

Inside, the floor was littered with instant noodle cups and mineral water bottles.

The bedding was bundled into a heap, nestled together. The entire room had a strange odor, both foul and sour, even with a hint of musty dampness.

The two police officers covered their noses, looking disgusted.

"You two, search and see if there are any suspicious items," Xue Jingrui instructed.

The two police officers immediately sprang into action, quickly searching the premises.

They found a bag of powder under the table, and one of the officers smelled it and said after opening the powder, "It's not poison."

The other officer said, "But it seems like one of those powerful sedatives that have appeared recently. If sprayed, it would cause immediate unconsciousness and make someone pass out."

Xu Xiuhe and Xue Jingrui exchanged glances.

"Take this back as evidence first," Xue Jingrui said.

"What about you two?" The two police officers looked at each other, unsure what else they needed to do besides taking the powder back.

When they came, the chief had specifically instructed them not to neglect the person surnamed Xue.

"Contact the police and have them go to this address too," Xu Xiuhe said.

Xue Jingrui opened his phone and dialed a number.

"Head to an abandoned factory in the north of Rong City. The kidnapper may be there."

In the abandoned factory in the north of Rong City, Shen Yin was still unconscious, her hands and feet bound tightly with iron chains.

The man stood in front of Shen Yin, looking at her with a predatory gaze.

He took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, and tilted it over Shen Yin's head, pouring the water down.

The entire bottle of water flowed through Shen Yin's hair.

Shen Yin opened her eyes and looked at everything in front of her, slightly dazed, wondering if she was dreaming again. This time, she saw the kidnapper's face.

"You're awake."

The water from her hair dripped down, wetting her clothes. Shen Yin realized this wasn't a dream, but what had happened in her dream had actually occurred.

Shen Yin began to recall that she had gone downstairs to retrieve a food delivery when she lost consciousness, and the next time she woke up, she was here.

"Who are you, and why did you kidnap me?" Shen Yin had a special quality of being able to remain calm in difficult situations.

"Sweetheart, do you really not know who I am? Think about it. You can figure it out."

Shen Yin did rack her brain, but she genuinely couldn't remember who this man was, she swears she tried her best.

Shen Yin defiantly raised her head, "I don't know you."

"Baby, how could you not know me? We have a marriage agreement." The man's face moved closer.

Shen Yin felt disgusted, the man's breath was even more foul than his words.

"I don't have a marriage agreement. I'm already married," Shen Yin remained calm.

The situation had now changed, differing slightly from the dream, as the man didn't immediately resort to violence.

"No, you're engaged. You unfaithful woman, how could you forget me? I'm your fiancé." The man continued to say.

Shen Yin realized with a start that she thought this matter was over, but she didn't expect this person to come looking for her again.

"I don't know. If I'm not mistaken, we had agreed that if I got married before the age of 22, the childhood engagement would be canceled. Now my child is already two months and four weeks old. And I just turned 24. So please don't talk nonsense."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!