Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:14 AM

Chapter 160

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Chapter 160

Shen Yin entered the bathroom and took a shower. She scrubbed herself over and over again, almost wanting to scrape off her skin, feeling so dirty. She could guess that she must have been touched by Wang Zhihao.

Just thinking about that arrogant and narcissistic man, Shen Yin felt vexed, wondering what gave him the audacity.

"Are you done?" Xu Xiuhe called out.

Shen Yin had been in the bathroom for quite a while, so Xu Xiuhe couldn't help but worry. While Shen Yin was showering, Xu Xiuhe kept in contact with Xue Jingrui.

Tan Xiao brought Wang Zhihao to the police station. Given the circumstances, the chief directly locked Wang Zhihao up.

"Well then, I'll head back to the team." Tan Xiao said to the chief.

"Good, good, thank you Captain Tan for your courage and bravery. This smooth operation is really thanks to your team's efforts."

After Tan Xiao left, Xue Jingrui said to the police chief, "This case is quite serious. In the following investigation, I hope your team can be more diligent. Hopefully, he will spend the rest of his life in prison."

"Yes, yes, we will follow your instructions." The chief naturally knew that Xue Jingrui's identity was not ordinary, so he dared not neglect him.

"I'll come back tomorrow. The victim will also come to give her statement. I have other matters to attend to, so I'll leave now."

"Mr. Xue, let me see you out." The chief followed Xue Jingrui.

Xue Jingrui headed to Qinghe Villa to pick up Qi Ji. It had been half a day since he last saw the little girl, and he didn't know how she was doing or if she had missed him.

When Xue Jingrui arrived at Qinghe Villa, he called Qi Ji from the lobby. Qi Ji immediately rushed down.

"Brother Jingrui."

"Slow down, don't trip and fall. Are you tired?" Xue Jingrui patted Qi Ji's head and asked.

"No, I'm a big girl now. I won't fall. I just ate the delicious little dumplings that Sister Shen Yin made."

"Yeah, but you still need to be careful."

Xu Xiuhe then came downstairs with Shen Yin and Zhengzheng.

"Did everything go well over there?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Yeah, more or less. You and your wife can go over tomorrow to give your statement, and the case should be settled. Don't worry, he won't be able to use mental illness as an excuse."

"That's good. Just be careful when you're driving."

Xue Jingrui nodded, got into the car, but Qi Ji still looked at Shen Yin with concern.

"Sister Shen Yin, get some rest soon."

"Okay, don't worry about me. I'll sleep in a bit."

Only after Qi Ji said a few words did she get into the car.

"Brother Jingrui, let's go."

[She came back in the evening. I'm in the car with Brother Jingrui going home now.]

[Okay, you should rest too. You must be exhausted.]

Shu Yi was anxious. Something so major happened, and she was the last to know. But even if she had known earlier, she wouldn't have been able to rush back.

After thinking it over, Shu Yi decided to ask for leave.

It was still early, so Shu Yi checked the time on her phone and planned to ask the director for leave. But then the question arose - with Chang Zhiyuan, the boss, there, would the director agree?

Shu Yi sent the director a message, saying she wanted to rush back home tomorrow.

She initially thought the director wouldn't agree, but the director replied immediately, saying okay, and even gave her the new schedule.

Shu Yi started packing her luggage. The director then informed Chang Zhiyuan about Shu Yi's leave.

Seeing the message, Chang Zhiyuan was also quite surprised.

"Did she say what happened?"

"No," the director replied.

The director had been in the industry for many years. How often do media company CEOs come to act? He could tell at a glance that this Chang Zhiyuan had a special relationship with Shu Yi. How could he not agree to Shu Yi's leave request?

After hanging up, Chang Zhiyuan rushed to Shu Yi's room and knocked on the door.

Shu Yi opened the door, clearly annoyed. It was already tiring enough facing him on set during the day. Why did she have to deal with him again after work?

"What is it? It's after working hours now."

"You're asking for leave to go back?"

Shu Yi wasn't too surprised. She had guessed that the director would inform Chang Zhiyuan.

"Yeah, there's an emergency."

"What emergency? I'll go back too."

"Shen Yin was kidnapped this afternoon."

"What? How did you find out? Why didn't I receive any notification?"

Upon hearing this, Shu Yi suddenly didn't feel as sad anymore. She wasn't the last one to find out, and there was still someone else who was even more in the dark.

"As Qi Ji said, it just means you're a bit behind on the news."

"I should head back too. Shall we leave tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, I've packed my bags."

"Okay, I'll come pick you up in the morning."

Shu Yi didn't refuse. There was quite a distance between Hai City and Rong City, and she hadn't driven over this time. She hadn't had a chance to book a ticket yet, so since Chang Zhiyuan was driving, she might as well hitch a ride. It wouldn't be too much to ask her boss to give her a lift, would it?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!