Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:12 AM

Chapter 162

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Chapter 162


"How could I live without you?" Wasn't this what he was supposed to say to Zhengzheng? He was Shen Yin's husband, but he hadn't said it yet.

"Shu Yi, you're holding Shen Yin too tight," Chang Zhiyuan hurried to pull Shu Yi away from Shen Yin.

"Sorry, Yin Yin, I was really too scared." Shu Yi was on the verge of tears.

"Zhengzheng is here, it's not convenient. Let's not talk about it this time. I'm safe now."

"How did you rescue her?" Chang Zhiyuan was more concerned about this.

"Based on the information of the suspect, I had Liu Bo track the suspect's recent movements and found the location where Shen Yin was held captive. But the one who ultimately rescued Yin Yin was Tan Xiao."

"Tan Xiao?" Chang Zhiyuan asked.

"Yes, the captain of the SWAT team, Tan Xiao. I was terrified by his actions at the time, as he directly snatched the knife from the kidnapper."

"It really was him."

"What, you know him?"

"Not just know him. My sister has been chasing after him for years without success."

"Sister Ning Jing, chasing after Tan Xiao?" Xu Xiuhe looked incredulous.

"Yeah, I didn't know how these two completely unrelated people even met. You may not believe it, but my sister is a strong woman. In reality, she's still a romantic at heart. As far as I know, she has liked that man for 6 years already. She hasn't gotten married or gone on any blind dates, all because of that man." Chang Zhiyuan had an expression of exasperation.

He just couldn't understand why, with so many men in the world, his sister had to hang her hopes on such a twisted tree.

Well, he admitted, Tan Xiao wasn't exactly a twisted tree, but Tan Xiao was upright and straightforward, as tough as steel.

"Sister Ning Jing has good taste," Shen Yin changed the subject.

Xu Xiuhe immediately became alert, looking at Shen Yin. He didn't understand what she meant by that sentence. Could it be that because Tan Xiao rescued her once, she...

Shen Yin quickly realized what he was thinking. "Of course, my taste is good too."

Only then was Xu Xiuhe satisfied.

"The food is here, let's eat first."

Xu Yunzheng didn't care what the adults were talking about. All he could see was the food.

He ate one piece of meat after another, and Shen Yin was a little worried that the kid might have indigestion.

"Here, Zhengzheng, eat some vegetables." Shen Yin put a piece of greens to Xu Yunzheng's mouth.

"No." Xu Yunzheng shook his head, though his mouth was already empty. But he still smacked his lips, as if savoring the taste of the meat.

"Why tonight? Didn't you request leave until tomorrow night? Do you think the commute is too long?"

Shu Yi: "Ahem, I'm worried about delaying the filming progress just because of me. That's why I planned to go back tonight. I only came back to see how Yin Yin was doing and if she was okay. Now that I've seen her, I'm relieved. But I can't keep delaying everyone else."

"Shu Yi, did you get something wrong? I'm still here, you know. Who am I? I'm the male lead of 'I Just Want to Be With You'. If both the male and female leads are absent, who exactly are you delaying?"

"The others."

"Exactly, the others." Shu Yi insisted.

"You silly girl, are you being foolish? The others would be grateful if you took a break. They haven't been home in so long."


"Really, I guarantee it. Not only am I your boss, but I'm also an investor in this drama. Of course, what I say goes."

"Well, if you say so, I'm not being a diva."

"I said so."

"It's a pity Xue Jingrui didn't come today for us to get together. What a shame." Chang Zhiyuan sighed.

Xu Xiuhe didn't say anything.

Actually, Xue Jingrui was going to join them today, but he felt it was too much trouble. There wasn't much left to do, and he could handle it himself. So he just let Xue Jingrui go to work today.

"By the way, how's his progress in pursuing Qi Ji?" Chang Zhiyuan's mouth seemed to have no filter. He didn't know that Shen Yin, Shu Yi, and Qi Ji had a small group chat.

So he just blurted it out so casually. If he hadn't said anything, it wouldn't have mattered. But once he did, Shu Yi and Shen Yin's ears perked up.

What did they hear?

Xue Jingrui pursuing Qi Ji?

The development was a bit unexpected, yet also within expectations.

Unexpected in that Xue Jingrui would actually pursue Qi Ji. Expected in that the young lady Qi Ji was so sweet, beautiful, and well-behaved – which man wouldn't be moved by her charms?

"I don't know. I didn't get a chance to ask yesterday, but they did come together." Xu Xiuhe said.


"Ah, being a lone old monk is truly miserable. When will I be able to get married, have children, and live happily ever after like you two?"

Chang Zhiyuan said this while deliberately glancing at Shu Yi.

His gaze was fixated directly on Shu Yi.

Shu Yi felt embarrassed being stared at, and lowered her head to eat from her bowl.

The Shen Yin family of three was eating dinner nearby, while the two adults were engrossed in watching their interactions with keen interest.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!