Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:09 AM

Chapter 163

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Chapter 163

Shu Yi changed the subject, "This drama will be over soon, and I'm going to travel!" She had no idea what this man would say next.

"Where are you going?" Shen Yin asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I want to go somewhere far away. It's been too long since I last went out to see places. Maybe I'll go to the Tibetan City."

"Tibetan City?" Shen Yin remembered that the Tibetan City was very far from Rong City. The Tibetan City was at the westernmost edge of the country, on the border, with an altitude of over 4,000 meters, known as the roof of the world.

"It's a faraway place. I've wanted to go and see how mysterious it is for a long time."ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

"Wow, that's amazing! You'll have to take lots of beautiful scenery photos when you go."

"Of course! I'm super good at photography. I even got a photography certificate."

"Impressive," Shen Yin praised.

"Zheng Zheng wants to take pictures too."

"Then Auntie will take photos of Zheng Zheng this afternoon and definitely capture all 360 degrees of my handsome nephew's charm without any blind spots. Oh, by the way, Yin Yin, you don't have anything going on this afternoon, right?"

Shen Yin thought for a moment. It seemed she didn't have any plans.

"Do I have anything this afternoon?" Shen Yin turned to Xu Xiuhe with a dazed expression.

Xu Xiuhe and Chang Zhiyuan couldn't get a word in earlier when those three were chatting so happily, as if they didn't exist at all.

Now that Shen Yin suddenly asked him, Xu Xiuhe immediately straightened his back.

"No, but I'll be with you all." After what happened yesterday, he couldn't let Shen Yin out of his sight.

Xu Xiuhe looked at the mother and son.

"Okay, but what about work? Today is Monday, and you haven't been to the company for several days."

"Liu Bo is there. Now that he has a girlfriend in the same department, he's more than happy to show off his abilities to her during work hours."

At the top floor office of Yuan Group, Liu Bo sneezed loudly.

"Someone's thinking of you?" Xiao Li'er asked as she organized the documents.

"What?" Liu Bo didn't hear clearly.

"If you suddenly sneeze, it must mean I'm thinking of you." Xiao Li'er half-sang.

"Adjust? Daddy adjust air conditioning," Xu Yunzheng pointed at Xu Xiuhe and looked at Shen Yin.

"Right, Daddy adjusted the air conditioning for Zheng Zheng. What does Zheng Zheng want to say?"

"Thank you, thank you Daddy," Xu Yunzheng looked up at Xu Xiuhe and smiled.

Shu Yi stood in front of the tripod and took the camera off it. Since she wasn't shooting video and Xu Yunzheng was just a child, a tripod wouldn't be suitable for his photoshoot. Shu Yi decided to hand-hold the camera for the shoot instead.

As expected, there was nothing cheap at Chang Zhiyuan's company. Shu Yi was interested in photography and had taken a class in her free time to learn some skills. She had also seen a lot of photographers in the entertainment industry, so she had gained quite an understanding of cameras.

The filming equipment in this studio was all high-end. The camera in her hand, combined with all these lenses, must have cost at least 150,000 yuan. The quality felt completely different.

Her own equipment only cost 100,000 yuan. As Shu Yi held this camera now, she decided she wanted to buy one for herself and take it to the Tibetan City to shoot some epic photos.

After familiarizing herself with the camera, adjusting the focal length and light sensitivity, and setting the parameters, Shu Yi finally pointed the camera at Xu Yunzheng.

"Zheng Zheng, look at Auntie," Shen Yin helped pose Xu Yunzheng.

Shu Yi snapped some shots.

"Come on, Zheng Zheng, smile at Auntie," Shu Yi half-crouched.

Xu Yunzheng revealed a few teeth and smiled.

"Zheng Zheng, is Auntie beautiful? Is she pretty?" Shu Yi walked over to Shen Yin and asked Xu Yunzheng.

"Beautiful, prett-wine," Xu Yunzheng said, mispronouncing the last word.

"It's 'liang' not 'niang', sweetie," Shen Yin corrected.

Xu Yunzheng sat on the chair with one leg dangling down, striking a cool pose. After hearing Shen Yin's words, he smiled and said, "Is 'niang', not 'liang'."

"Dad, go hug Zheng zheng and let's take a picture together," Shu Yi said.

"Me?" Xu Xiuhe said in disbelief. Apart from doing interviews, he hadn't taken many photos.

"Yes, we'll take a father-son portrait. I'm quite good at taking photos. Don't you trust my skills?"

Xu Xiuhe put down the baby bag he was holding and walked over to Xu Yunzheng.

"Dad, hug," the little one stretched out his arms, wanting Xu Xiuhe to hold him.

Xu Xiuhe bent down, gripped the little one with both hands, and lifted him up over his head.

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