Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:04 AM

Chapter 166

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Chapter 166

"Of course I believe you, after all your ability has always been very strong," said Xu Xiuhe.

"Is that a compliment?" Shen Yin asked in return.

"Of course it is. Actually, sometimes, I always felt that you don't seem like someone from your place. Your ability to adapt is amazingly fast, your thinking is very strong, and you're also very independent. It's different from what I always imagined. If you hadn't mentioned it before, I would have thought you had a mental illness, a split personality."

"I don't have any illness. Do you want me to tell you about the Dasheng Dynasty?"

"Can you? I've always wanted to ask, but was afraid you didn't want to talk about it."

"Of course I can. My Dasheng Dynasty should be from the same period as the Great Song, except that we didn't appear in history. It could be a parallel space of the Great Song, but the Dasheng Dynasty was slightly better."

Xu Xiuhe indeed only knew about the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was the most prosperous period in Chinese history in terms of economy, culture, and education, reaching the peak of feudal society.

The capital, Bianliang, located in the center of the Yu Dong Plain, was also known as Bianliang or Bianjing. It was the capital of the Song Dynasty for 168 years, through the reigns of nine emperors, and was the famous center of culture, economy, art, and politics at that time. Its prosperity was unmatched in later times.

Additionally, the Song Dynasty valued civil over military pursuits, so there were many literati paintings and calligraphies. Emperor Taizu of Song also adopted the policy of restraining military power while promoting civil culture, co-governance between the ruler and officials, and raising the status and sense of responsibility of intellectuals.

Shen Yin continued, "Although it's said that the ancients valued men over women, you should also know the status of women in the Great Song Dynasty, right? In ancient times, women had the highest status during the Song Dynasty. Women in the Song Dynasty had the right to inherit property. Even after marriage, they could still inherit property. Moreover, married women in the Song Dynasty could remarry, they could choose to divorce, and they would not be discriminated against. Women in the Song Dynasty could also go out and do business, they would open restaurants, make tea, and supplement the family income. Except for not being able to take the imperial examination, they weren't much different from men."

Xu Xiuhe asked in puzzlement, "How do you know all this so clearly?"

"I'm not dumb. When I suddenly ended up in a new place, I naturally needed to learn and understand the history. It took me many days of study to figure it out. I always thought I was from the Great Song, but later I realized I was from the Dasheng Dynasty, a dynasty that didn't exist in history. It's just that the two were from the same period, but not in the same space. The lifestyles, cultures, and so on were still quite similar. So the status of women in our Dasheng Dynasty was not low, even a bit higher than in the Great Song. Otherwise, how could I adapt so quickly to living in this era?"

"You really are quite remarkable."

"Of course. Do you remember, there was a period when I liked watching TV every day, even the commercials? That was the fastest way for me to access this place."

Xu Xiuhe...

He couldn't help but marvel. She really was exceptionally intelligent. Indeed, even to this day, looking at the ancient cultures, the ancient buildings left behind, one still couldn't help but be in awe. In the long river of history, human wisdom was the most indispensable. From the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, the Great Wall, to the Terracotta Warriors, and then to the cultural achievements of the Qing Dynasty, each one told the story of the wisdom and patience of our ancestors.

"Zhengzheng is still young, and my career has just started. Let's wait two years, by then Zhengzheng will be almost five and able to understand a bit."

"Okay, I want a daughter, she'll definitely look like you, beautiful."

If Xu Xiuhe hadn't brought it up, all would have been fine, but once he did, Shen Yin recalled the song Zhengzheng had sung while bathing that evening.

Shen Yin propped herself up on her elbow, lying on the bed with her legs swinging lightly.

"Can you sing? I want to hear you sing."

Xu Xiuhe suddenly felt embarrassed. Rarely did anyone listen to him sing. He seldom went to KTVs, and only knew one or two songs to get by. As for the rest, they were simply unlistenable.

It had taken him who knows how long to learn the one or two songs he knew.

"Let's just sleep."

"Hahahahaha, you can't sing, so that's why Zhengzheng's singing was so indescribable. Like father, like son, I see."

Xu Xiuhe felt even more embarrassed. "You've heard Zhengzheng sing? He's only two years old, he can't even pronounce many words clearly, how could he possibly sing songs?"

"You haven't heard him?" Shen Yin laughed even harder, as if the fatigue from before had completely disappeared.

Xu Xiuhe shook his head.

"He sang while bathing tonight. I sang 'A big bridge in front of the gate, a flock of ducks swam under, come quick and count them, two four six seven eight.' Then he sang 'Ga ga ga, two four six seven eight,' not a single syllable in tune. I really cracked up."

"I can sing," Xu Xiuhe insisted. "There's one song I sing particularly well."

He was too prideful to admit he couldn't sing, or that he had only mastered one song after practicing it for a long, long time.

"I'd love to hear it, husband," Shen Yin said coyly, calling him 'husband' to coax him.

Xu Xiuhe cleared his throat, determined not to let Shen Yin think less of him.

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