Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:01 AM

Chapter 167

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Chapter 167

Xu Xiuhe picked up his phone, searched for accompaniment music, and cleared his throat.

"My hawthorn tree romance, only with you can it be pure, I can abandon my bottom line, locking my gaze on you. My hawthorn tree romance, forever standing by your side, I promise my love won't change, sharing eternity like a dancing butterfly. Every time I regret that we didn't meet sooner~~~"

Xu Xiuhe had a naturally pleasant voice, and singing this song "My Hawthorn Tree Romance" gave it a special feeling.

"How was it?" Xu Xiuhe asked after singing.

"Beautiful, why didn't you sing for me before?" Shen Yin asked.

"You never asked to hear it before," he replied.

"If I don't ask, you won't sing for me?" Shen Yin questioned.

"Honey, I was wrong," Xu Xiuhe immediately apologized.

"Then you'll sing for me every day from now on," Shen Yin demanded.

Xu Xiuhe wanted to agree to this request, but could he admit he only knew this one song?

"What, you won't agree?" Shen Yin asked.

"Do you want the truth?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Tell me."

"I only know how to sing this one song."

"Only this one? Nothing else?" Shen Yin couldn't believe it.

"There's also 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' which I learned as a kid," Xu Xiuhe answered honestly.

"Hahahahaha, as expected from father and son. You both know 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,'" Shen Yin laughed uncontrollably.

"I'm a little better than him. Besides 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' I also know 'My Hawthorn Tree Romance,'" Xu Xiuhe defended himself.

"Aren't you ashamed? You're even comparing yourself to your son. Why don't you mention that you're over 20 years older than him?"

"I'm not ashamed. I have a wife, and he doesn't," Xu Xiuhe said proudly.

Hearing this, Shen Yin wanted to kick this man out of the bed. He was being so shameless, and Xu Yunzheng was still so young.

Unfortunately, Shen Yin was too tired and couldn't stay awake any longer, and her eyes gradually closed.

Xu Xiuhe brought Xu Yunzheng back.

They had a good night's sleep.

Shen Lv opened it.


Shen Lv looked dumbfounded. His sister, who he found annoying, had actually come back of her own accord and called him "brother."

"Xu Yunzheng, let Uncle hug you," Shen Lv stretched out his arms.

Xu Yunzheng looked at Shen Lv's face, then at Shen Yin.

"It's Uncle, Mommy's older brother," Shen Yin said.

Xu Yunzheng reached out to Shen Lv, who immediately picked him up.

"Brother, where's Mom?" Shen Yin asked.

Fang Yue happened to be coming downstairs and saw Shen Yin with a delighted expression.

"Yin Yin, you're here! I told your brother not to go to the office today so he could stay home with your dad. I was planning to visit you today."

"Well, now that both your grandson and daughter-in-law are here, it's like we had a psychic connection. You don't need to go anymore," Shen Lv said.

Shen Lv took Xu Yunzheng to play, while Fang Yue pulled Shen Yin aside to look her over.

"Yin Yin, how have you been lately? Not too tired, I hope," Fang Yue asked with concern.

"No, everything's been great recently. Work hasn't been busy, and Xu Yunzheng has been well-behaved," Shen Yin replied, not daring to mention the kidnapping to Fang Yue.

"Mom, what about that childhood engagement I had? What happened to that person?" Shen Yin asked indirectly.

"What about him? Thinking of asking him now? I told you before, if you got married before 22, the engagement would be nullified," Fang Yue said.

"No, I was just curious what that man looks like," Shen Yin said.

This made Fang Yue nervous, not for any other reason, but because she was afraid Shen Yin might have some strange idea again.

"Yin Yin, let me tell you, that man is no good. He's been to prison, and just that alone is a deal-breaker. Plus, you have a child now, and your life will only get better from here. Xiuhe is a really nice man, good-looking and talented, and knows how to make money. I can see he treats you well, too. I even asked him to introduce a friend to your cousin last time," Fang Yue said a lot in one breath, worried that Shen Yin might do something rash again with her history.

"Mom, you're overthinking it. I was just curious and asked," Shen Yin tried hard to explain.

"That's good, Mom is telling you, my eye for judging men is really not bad, very accurate. Xu Xiuhe is a good man, it won't be wrong," Fang Yue emphasized again.

"I know, Mom, Xu Xiuhe is a good man."

"Mom heard from Xu Xiuhe that he has a single friend called Si Ming. Do you know him? What kind of person is he? Could your cousin take a liking to him?" Fang Yue got curious.

"I'm not close with him, but he seems quite wealthy. I've seen him a few times. He has a private restaurant, and the food is pretty decent, I suppose."

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