Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:00 AM

Chapter 168

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Chapter 168

"Alright, when do you want your cousin to go and see?" Fang Yue had made up her mind.

"How's my dad doing?" Shen Yin asked.

"He had a check-up a few days ago. The doctor said he's recovering well, so there's no need to worry too much. Your dad is quite resilient."

For Shen Yin, she was always very worried about Fang Yue. But now that Shen Tianzheng is out of danger, the weight on Fang Yue's heart can finally be lifted.

In Shen Yin's view, if something were to happen to Shen Tianzheng, Fang Yue would likely follow him.

People spend their entire lives searching for two things—value and a sense of belonging. During the day, we immerse ourselves in work, engaging with the world. At night, we return home, sleeping next to the one we love. "Some are heading to the ends of the earth, while I am heading in your direction."

Sometimes, rather than saying we are seeking love, it's more like we are seeking a precious sense of belonging in someone. Upon seeing each other, we immediately envision a home in our minds.

Just like Shen Tianzheng, who has taken care of Fang Yue for so many years, while Fang Yue has silently accompanied Shen Tianzheng the same.

Shen Yin admired such a relationship. How wonderful it is. No matter how turbulent the world is, the loved ones know someone is creating warmth in the house, waiting for them to return home under the light.

Her love with Xu Xiuhe will be like this, won't it? She will wait for him to come home, and he will always think of her.

Shen Yin was very satisfied with her current marital status, a family of three, living peacefully and happily.

"Uncle, Zhengzheng also wants to play."

In the living room, Shen Lv was fighting with Zhengzheng over toys.

Cars, bulldozers, these were all bought by Shen Tianzheng before he fell ill. He thought that one day Shen Yin would bring her child home, so he prepared these just in case the child wanted to play.

Unexpectedly, they really did wait for this day, Shen Yin really brought her baby back, and their family finally reunited.

"Zhengzheng, let uncle play for a bit more."UpTodated novels on novel()bin(.)com

A big and a small one kneeling on the living room carpet, Shen Lv was controlling the little car with the remote control. Zhengzheng knelt and watched, also eager to try to hold the remote control.

However, Shen Lv was too engrossed. He never realized how fun children's toys were before, even more fun than driving. This remote control, wherever you want the car to go, it goes. The key point is, this car can even do flips.

He must not have played with these kinds of toys when he was young, that's why he...

"Uncle, Zhengzheng also wants to play." Zhengzheng squatted up, looking enviously at Shen Lv.

"Zhengzheng, wait for uncle for two more minutes, uncle will be done soon."

Shen Yin had been standing for a while too, so she went to sit on the couch next to the carpet. Propping up her chin, she watched Zhengzheng play with his car.

After Fang Yue left, Zhengzheng was engrossed in his toys again. Downstairs, it was just her and Shen Lv. Suddenly, things got a bit awkward.

"How have you been doing recently?" Shen Lv broke the silence.

"Bro, it's okay when mom asks this, but why does it sound like you're asking an ex-girlfriend when you do?" Shen Yin retorted.

On thinking about it, Shen Lv found that to be true.

"I'm doing quite well. Zhengzheng is obedient, work is going smoothly, and I'm in good health."

"Haha, that's really good indeed. I heard your studio is doing well, and you've even made it to the finals. You really live up to being my sister, good at everything you do."

"Erm, bro, if mom heard this, she would definitely say you're good for nothing and always trying to flatter yourself." Shen Yin didn't mince her words.

"Darn it, how did you know mom would say that about me? She's always nagging at me, urging me to get married. I haven't been home in so long. I finally come home for once, and she chases me away." Shen Lv complained.

Shen Yin laughed, "Who else would she nag at if not you? My child is already two years old, and you still don't have a partner."


"Can we have a proper conversation now?"

"Don't you have a lot of girlfriends on your phone?" Shen Yin still remembers when she first came here. When Shen Lv took her to see the doctor, she inadvertently saw his chat screen.

"You can't just say that, I don't have many girlfriends, this is defamation."

"Last time, Jiaosjiao, Rourou, Mengmeng, Diedié, I saw several."

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, they don't count. They're just potential interests, not yet official."

"I don't care. I will still keep Zhengzheng away from you in the future. What if you corrupt Zhengzheng?" Shen Yin looked at Zhengzheng again.

"That doctor of yours is not bad."

"Doctor Ji?"

"Hmm, yes, Ji Qingyan. I added her as a friend, but every time I reach out to her, she just brushes me off."

"Brother, you used the wrong word. She doesn't want to deal with you. The meaning of 'brushing off' implies treating people insincerely or doing things half-heartedly. It is generally used in the context of work or dealing with people you're familiar with, you're not familiar with her."

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