Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:04 AM

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Chang Zhiyuan said, "I'm the one with the most free time every day, so I'll do it."

Chang Zhiyuan comes from the Chang family conglomerate, where his sister is in charge. He, on the other hand, started his own media company, which has been growing bigger and bigger. He no longer takes care of trivial matters and delegates them to his subordinates, focusing only on making decisions and signing documents.

"I called Wang Ming today, and he mocked me," Chang Zhiyuan shared his experience.

Xue Jingrui was speechless. "Who is Wang Ming? Is it such a big deal?"

Xu Xiuhe chimed in, "Wang Ming is a director who has been doing very well recently. Zhengzheng is currently filming in his crew."

"What? Zhengzheng is acting? How old is he? Can he handle the hardships of a film crew? How can you, as his father, be at ease with such a young child? Who is taking care of him now?" Xue Jingrui was astonished and bombarded them with a series of questions.

Xu Xiuhe no longer wanted to explain the matter. He didn't expect it to turn out like this, so he pointed at Chang Zhiyuan and said, "Ask him."

"Well, here's the thing. I've recently developed feelings for an actress in our company, Shu Yi. The character she plays in the drama is in need of a son, so I thought about making my godson, who would also be my son. I discussed it with Xiuhe, but he wanted to refuse, so I went to talk to Shen Yin. Guess what? Shen Yin agreed. Hahaha," Chang Zhiyuan explained, purposely leaving a suspenseful pause.

"What's the situation with Shen Yin? So many things have happened recently that I'm unaware of," Xue Jingrui, now as curious as can be, knew nothing about the recent events.

The outsiders don't know what happened with Shen Yin before, but Xue Jingrui and Chang Zhiyuan, as Xu Xiuhe's best friends, are aware.

There were rumors that Xu Xiuhe was going to marry Shen Yin, but she was so unattractive that she never showed herself. Even Xu Xiuhe's employees at his own company had never seen her. The outside world was even unaware that Xu Xiuhe already had a child.

"Shen Yin suddenly improved some time ago. She went to see a doctor, who said she was basically cured. She's different now compared to before, as if she's become a different person. The doctor said it might have been due to previous psychological issues that made her abnormal, but now she's normal."

"So, is Shen Yin taking care of Zhengzheng now?" Xue Jingrui asked further.

The moment Chang Zhiyuan thought of Shen Yin, he thought of food, so he immediately answered, "Yes, Shen Yin is taking care of him, and she cooks amazingly delicious meals. It's truly incredible, comparable to a five-star chef."

"Didn't Xiuhe consider getting a divorce earlier? I suppose he won't now?" Xue Jingrui's tone was somewhat probing.

Xu Xiuhe replied, "Hmm, no, he won't. She treats Zhengzheng well now, after all, she's his biological mother."

Chang Zhiyuan and Xue Jingrui understood that the stepmother had caused quite a bit of harm to Xu Xiuhe and expressed their understanding.all new stories at nove/lbi/n(.)com

Among those present, only Xu Xiuhe had gotten married, or rather, formed an alliance. He had no experience in such matters.

Xue Jingrui had been single for twenty-seven years, let alone pursuing girls. If he knew how to do it, he wouldn't have been single for so long.

Xue Jingrui asked, "Is this serious or just a desire for victory?"

Chang Zhiyuan pondered for a moment. It should be serious, at least he really likes Shu Yi now.

Xue Jingrui realized that Chang Zhiyuan was serious, so he took out his phone, opened Baidu, and searched for "Shu Yi."

"She does have good looks, neither too hot nor too cold, and there are no scandals. She seems like a nice girl."

Xue Jingrui had heard of the name Shu Yi, but he never watched TV dramas, so he didn't have much impression of her. In this era, there was never a shortage of beautiful women. With a little grooming and packaging, there were no ugly women.

"So how should I pursue her?" It used to be Chang Zhiyuan teaching others how to pursue women.

When he pursued women, it was nothing more than giving flowers, bags, cars, spending money. If he lost interest, he would directly give an apartment as a breakup fee. But now, he had exhausted almost all of these tricks.

He gave flowers, Shu Yi accepted them. He gave a bag, Shu Yi directly returned it by express delivery. He gave a car, and Shu Yi was scared and started avoiding him. It made him hesitant to make any moves now.

"How did you pursue her?" Xu Xiuhe interrupted and asked.

Chang Zhiyuan truthfully explained the process of how he pursued her and Shu Yi's reactions.

"Do you always pursue people so directly?" Xue Jingrui joked after listening.

Xu Xiuhe replied, "Is there a possibility that this is not the right way to pursue someone?"

"What should I do then? If I knew the right way, would I come here and have a drink with you guys?" Chang Zhiyuan finished speaking, picked up his glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Let me tell you some good news. Zhengzheng now calls Shu Yi 'godmother.'"

"Damn, my godson is so clever. I think I know what to do now."

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