Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:01 AM

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“I saw a doctor. The Western medicine could only alleviate the pain, and the traditional Chinese medicine prescribed herbal tea for me,” Shu Yi recounted her situation truthfully.

Shen Yin continued to inquire, “Drinking herbal tea should be effective, right? Has it improved?”

“It's somewhat better. In the past two years, during filming, I even fainted from the pain. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for a few months, the fainting stopped, but it's not completely cured yet.”

When Shen Yin was thirteen or fourteen, she also suffered from menstrual pain. Her maternal grandfather arranged for the imperial doctor from the palace to treat her, finding it quite interesting. She followed the imperial doctor to learn some basic Chinese medicine, including pulse diagnosis and some knowledge of herbal medicine. In her dream, it was said that in this era, all the skills she knew would be enhanced, so would she become exceptionally skilled in medicine?

Contemplating this, Shen Yin suddenly made an important decision to try and help Shu Yi.

“Can I give it a try? Try to adjust it for you without the need for medicine,” Shen Yin asked tentatively.

“Really?” Shu Yi couldn't believe it.

“Yes, I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee a cure.”

Shu Yi expressed deep gratitude.

Zhengzheng has one last scene in the afternoon and will leave the crew. Shen Yin thought it best to treat the illness promptly.

“Shu Yi, when will you finish filming?”

“There's an outdoor scene in the afternoon, probably the last scene with Zhengzheng. It should finish tomorrow. This scene has been filming for a while, and we were missing a small actor. Now that Zhengzheng has come, it's considered a reshoot.”

“Okay, find me after you wrap up. Let's exchange WeChat then.” Shen Yin took out her phone, scanned Shu Yi's QR code, and added her as a friend.

After Shu Yi agreed, Shen Yin was about to leave as Zhengzheng still needed her.

Before leaving, Shen Yin reminded her not to consume cold items, avoid excessive fatigue, and maintain regular sleep patterns.

Shu Yi was deeply moved; someone not very familiar cared so much about her.

The sun outside was scorching. Shu Yi gave her umbrella to Shen Yin, who casually held it on her way to Zhengzheng.

Crew members were busy preparing for the final outdoor scene.

Director Wang Ming hurriedly approached Shen Yin to brief her on the last scene to be filmed in the afternoon.UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m

“In the last scene we're shooting this afternoon, Yixi hears about the return of the army outside the city. She hugs Zhengzheng, mounts a horse, and rides through the entire city to the city gate. It might take a while, so we need the whole afternoon.”

“Alright, I got it. What time does it start?” Shen Yin asked.

“It begins at two o'clock.”

Yan Yan had already prepared Zhengzheng's costumes. Shen Yin had revised several outfits for Zhengzheng's character.

In the outdoor set, resembling an ancient street, camera tracks were already set up. Shu Yi was on location, looking unwell. Shen Yin walked over.

“Shu Yi, feeling any better?”

Shu Yi shook her head. She had just taken a painkiller, and its effects hadn't kicked in yet.

As soon as the words were spoken, Shen Yin walked over to the side of the horse and skillfully mounted it. Wang Ming, seeing this, also felt relieved.


A maid held Zhengzheng at the entrance, and as Shen Yin rode past, she tilted her body, then turned and placed Zhengzheng on the horse.

"Drive." Shen Yin pulled the reins, making the horse turn, with Zhengzheng sitting in front, and the horse started galloping.

On the street, the extras made way for the horse. Shen Yin, with practiced movements, held the reins in one hand and supported Zhengzheng with the other.

The spirited horse galloped and stopped at the city gate.

The camera captured it all.

Outside the city gate, there were only troops, no sign of Jiang Yuyang.

Yan Xi felt disappointed. On the way back, the horse no longer galloped but leisurely walked to the entrance of Jiang's residence.

"Fantastic," exclaimed Wang Ming.

Shen Yin dismounted with Zhengzheng. Wang Ming hurriedly ran over with concern.

Next, there were close-ups of Shu Yi and details of Zhengzheng. For Wang Ming, these static shots were much easier to film.

Yan Yan also ran over, handing Shen Yin a cup of water, admiringly saying, "Madam, you looked so handsome riding the horse just now."

Shen Yin smiled, thinking to herself, riding a horse was nothing compared to her previous martial arts training on horseback.

"Zhengzheng, you go with Auntie to shoot other scenes, okay?" Zhengzheng patiently asked.

"Is it riding a horse? Zhengzheng wants to ride a horse." Zhengzheng looked up.

"Yes, Auntie will take you riding, but she needs you to say a few lines. She will teach you."

"Okay." Zhengzheng, upon hearing that she could ride, became excited, clapped her hands, and walked towards Shu Yi.

With Shen Yin's participation, the scene was smoothly filmed by 4:30.

Wang Ming was especially happy and invited Shen Yin for dinner.

Shen Yin hasn't received any messages from Xu Xiuhe yet, so she agreed.

"Yan Yan, after dinner, we should go back. Thank you for taking care of Zhengzheng during this time." Shen Yin expressed gratitude to Yan Yan.

"No need to thank me; it's what I should do. How about we go back to the hotel first and then head to the restaurant?" Yan Yan suggested.

Xu Xiuhe's driver was already waiting.

In the car, Shen Yin asked Yan Yan what her next job was.

"I was sent by General Chang to assist in taking care of Zhengzheng. I'll follow General Chang's arrangements next, but being an actor's assistant is really challenging. I don't know what to do next."

Shen Yin genuinely thought this young girl was nice and suggested, "Shu Yi needs an assistant. I think she's a good person. How about I mention it to General Chang?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!