Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:37 AM

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Aunt Song knocked on Shen Yin's door, knocking for a good while before Shen Yin groggily opened the door.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," Shen Yin rubbed her eyes to wake up.

These words frightened Aunt Song again, and she forgot what she was knocking on the door for. She stood there in a daze for a few seconds before remembering.

"Madam, your brother is waiting for you downstairs. You need to go see the doctor today." As Aunt Song spoke, she glanced at the room and noticed it was tidier than usual.

After Aunt Song left, Shen Yin contemplated for a moment. The doctor was probably Dasheng's physician. Could it be that she had some incurable illness, so she went to seek death?

Shen Yin went to the wardrobe, unsure of what to wear. She tried hard to remember the outfits worn by women on TV. She took off the dress she had worn yesterday, put on a bra and white shirt, black skinny jeans, then put on a khaki coat before going downstairs.

As soon as she got downstairs, she saw the brother Aunt Song had mentioned. Shen Yin didn't know what the previous Shen Yin was like, so she didn't dare greet him first just to be safe.

"You're down. Let's go," Shen Lv said expressionlessly.

Shen Yin followed behind Shen Lv, intending to head out.

"Madam, madam, change your shoes!" Aunt Song called out from behind.

Shen Yin looked at her slippers. She had seen shoes on TV that were all kept in shoe cabinets by the door, but there was no cabinet near the front door here. She didn't see any shoes in her room either. However, there was a small door beside the main door. Shen Yin carefully opened it and indeed, inside were many, many shoes.

It seemed this family was very wealthy to have a dedicated shoe room. Shen Yin picked a pair of white high heels to put on before leaving the shoe room.

"Didn't you always dislike high heels before?" Shen Lv asked.

In Shen Lv's impression, Shen Yin never wore high heels. At 168 cm tall, once Shen Yin put on high heels she was immediately 175 cm. High heels didn't really suit her.

"I felt like it," Shen Yin replied.

Before Shen Yin came to this place from Dasheng, women in Dasheng wore shoes with wooden heels. So when she was picking shoes earlier, she chose a high-heeled pair.

Shen Yin followed Shen Lv into the car. She had seen this kind of car on TV that could go very fast and carry several people.

Sitting in the back seat, Shen Yin looked around eagerly. As the car drove along, Shen Yin gained new insights. This car was much faster and more stable than the carriages of Dasheng Dynasty, without any bumps.

Shen Yin couldn't help but marvel at the advanced technology of this era. Outside the car windows were tall buildings and many cars filling the wide roads. She didn't know if she could return to Dasheng. If not, she wanted to live in this era and would need to learn many things, like driving this car.

As he drove, Shen Lv observed Shen Yin from the rearview mirror in the top right corner. He didn't dare speak much, afraid of agitating her.

The car stopped in an underground parking lot beneath a tall building. After parking, Shen Lv got out and opened the rear door.

"Ancestors! Now you won't even open a car door yourself?" Shen Lv said, looking helpless.

Shen Yin got out of the car and followed Shen Lv towards the elevator entrance. Arriving at the elevator, Shen Lv glanced at Shen Yin's outfit today which finally resembled her pre-wedding style.

Ever since marrying, Shen Yin had let herself go, not to mention after getting pregnant. She hardly looked like a woman anymore.

Shen Lv knew Shen Yin resented him for forcing her to marry Xu Xiuhe together with her father, and for knowing her father had drugged her on their wedding night but not telling her.

In the elevator, Shen Yin was still observing these modern things while Shen Lv observed her. He could clearly sense Shen Yin's animosity wasn't as heavy today. She didn't glare at him or argue with him.

48th floor, Counseling Office.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Shen. The questions will be like before, not difficult. Just answer according to your own thoughts. I'm going to start asking now," said Ji Qingyan.

Shen Yin nodded in agreement.

"What does Miss Shen enjoy doing lately?"

Shen Yin contemplated. She didn't know what the previous Shen Yin liked doing, but having watched TV all of last night until now, she answered that she enjoyed watching TV.

Hearing this reply astonished Ji Qingyan. Shen Yin's previous responses were always that there was nothing she enjoyed.

"What programs does Miss Shen watch?" Ji Qingyan asked again.

"Look at everything."

"So Miss Shen, have you opened up now and let go of that girl?"

When Shen Yin heard these words, she obtained a lot of information. It turned out the original Shen Yin had someone she liked, and it was even another woman. This was a bit beyond Shen Yin's cognitive range.

There were men in the Dasheng Dynasty who liked other men, but she had never heard of women liking other women.

Shen Yin was still digesting this issue and didn't hear what Ji Qingyan said next.

In Ji Qingyan's eyes, Shen Yin was still contemplating this problem.

"Let me put it another way, do you have hope for your future life? Do you want to live a normal life?" Ji Qingyan kept observing Shen Yin's facial expressions.

"I want to live a normal life." Shen Yin replied.

Ji Qingyan already felt victory was right in front of her. She asked some more questions before ending the questioning.

Shen Yin's performance this time made Ji Qingyan feel like her condition was slowly improving. Next she did some other psychological treatments before ending the session.

Ji Qingyan decided to meet Shen Yin's family this time. So she escorted Shen Yin to the door.

At the door, Shen Lv was playing games on his phone. Seeing the door open, he immediately stood up.

"Are you Shen Yin's...?" Ji Qingyan paused for a moment to avoid embarrassment from asking the wrong thing, so she only asked half the question.

When Shen Lv saw Ji Qingyan he instantly felt this trip hadn't been a waste of time. He really liked beautiful women.

"Hello, I'm Shen Lv, her older brother," he said, stretching out his hand to shake hers.

"What do I call you?" Shen Lv asked again.

"Ji Qingyan."

"Doctor Ji! I'd like to ask about my sister's condition," Shen Lv said while looking at Ji Qingyan's face.

Ji Qingyan felt a little flustered by his gaze. Shen Lv's eyes were too ill-intentioned. She was thinking about how to make her words sound more professional.

"Doctor Ji, how about this. I also have something to do later, could I add your WeChat? We can talk about Shen Yin's matters tonight." Shen Lv took out his phone and opened up the scan code function.

Although Ji Qingyan didn't want to add Shen Lv, he was still a patient's family member asking about conditions, so she couldn't refuse. She opened up her QR code.

Shen Yin didn't know what they were doing. She only knew that cell phones could make transmitting messages more convenient. It seemed that when she returned, she would have to thoroughly research cell phones and watch more TV.

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