Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:00 AM

Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Can we?" Yan Yan's voice trembled with excitement.

"Yes, we can," Shen Yin began, but her words were interrupted by the ringing of her phone. It was Wang Ming informing her that dinner tonight would be at the hotel where Shen Yin was staying.

Feeling it necessary to call Xu Xiuhe, Shen Yin picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts. There were only a few, and Xu Xiuhe's name caught her eye immediately.

Xu Xiuhe picked up almost instantly. "Is it over? I'll come to pick you up."

"Yes, we just finished the last scene this afternoon. The director wants to treat Zhengzheng to dinner tonight. You can come later," Shen Yin explained.

"Alright. Have you both packed up?" Xu Xiuhe inquired.

"Yan Yan is packing. I'm watching Zhengzheng. By the way, I wanted to ask, what are your plans for Yan Yan after Chang Zhiyuan?" Shen Yin ventured.

Xu Xiuhe didn't anticipate Shen Yin's request but replied, "Just say what you want to say."

"I know an actress who plays Zhengzheng's mother in the drama. I think she's quite good, but she doesn't have an assistant. I also think Yan Yan, this young girl, is quite suitable. If she could go and work as an assistant for Shu Yi, it would be fitting," Shen Yin suggested.

Not hearing a response from Xu Xiuhe, Shen Yin continued, "Shu Yi is really nice. I think she has a good temper. Also, Chang Zhiyuan came to visit the set today at noon. I feel like he might like Shu Yi."

Xu Xiuhe hadn't expected Chang Zhiyuan to move so quickly. He had just mentioned it last night, and today he went to visit already. Apparently, when Chang Zhiyuan came to find Zhengzheng to film, Shen Yin wasn't there.

"Alright, I'll talk to Chang Zhiyuan about it later. I'm going to the studio now," Xu Xiuhe said, glancing at his watch. It was 5:10 PM, still 20 minutes before quitting time.

"Liu Bo, come in," Xu Xiuhe called out while grabbing his suit.

Liu Bo, an employee from outside, immediately entered Xu Xiuhe's office. "CEO, what's up?"

"I have something to attend to. I'm leaving early. Take care of the evening meeting for me," Xu Xiuhe instructed.

"Isn't that inappropriate?" Liu Bo questioned.

Placing a hand on Liu Bo's shoulder, Xu Xiuhe reassured, "Liu, you've been with me for so many years. I trust you. I have to go pick up my son."

Xu Xiuhe grabbed his car keys and headed for the elevator.

"Hello, CEO," a staff member greeted as Xu Xiuhe passed.

Not recognizing the employee, Xu Xiuhe courteously nodded.

Two minutes later, the Heyuan Group's employee chat buzzed with news about Xu Xiuhe.

"CEO looks so handsome. I greeted him, and he nodded."

"Huh? What time is it? Where did you see him? Did you go to his office?"

"In the elevator. He must be heading to the underground parking lot."

"I'm curious, leaving work so early. Rare."

"Maybe going home to accompany his wife?"

Shen Yin didn't expect Xu Xiuhe to arrive so quickly, "You came so soon."

Xu Xiuhe said, "I came as soon as I got the call."

"We were just about to go to the private room reserved by Wang Ming. You probably haven't eaten yet, so why don't you join us?"

Shen Yin's invitation surprised Xu Xiuhe a bit.

"Yeah, let's go then." Xu Xiuhe said.

"Eat, eat. Eat meat." Zhengzheng became even happier.

Shen Yin thought to herself, Zhengzheng had eaten so much for lunch, and now he's looking forward to dinner so much. Xu Xiuhe wouldn't think she's not feeding Zhengzheng, right?

Xu Xiuhe carried Zhengzheng and entered the elevator first, followed by Shen Yin and Yan Yan, with Shen Yin pressing the button for the 2nd floor.

The elevator stopped on the second floor, and Shen Yin and her group stepped out. They immediately spotted Director Wang Ming along with the lead actors, as well as a few assistant directors.

"Wang Director," Shen Yin called out from behind.

Wang Ming turned around. "Shen Yin is here, and this must be Mr. Xu."

"Hello, I'm Xu Xiuhe," Xu Xiuhe introduced himself.

Wang Ming, pleasantly surprised, quickly responded, "Nice to meet you. I'm just a small director."

In the private room, the others were unaware of Shen Yin's background, so when Xu Xiuhe arrived, some of them finally realized.

One assistant director asked, "Why does the person outside talking to Director Wang look so familiar?"

Shu Yi looked up, indeed finding the person familiar.

Another assistant director slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "I remember now. Doesn't he resemble the president of Heyuan Group?"

Just as they spoke, Wang Ming led Shen Yin, Zhengzheng, and Xu Xiuhe into the private room.

"Let me introduce everyone, Mr. Xu Xiuhe, the president of Heyuan Group."

Indeed, the actor who had been filming with them for the past few days turned out to be the young prince of Heyuan Group, which certainly added a lot of prestige to the occasion.

Everyone present suddenly realized. Whoever spread the rumor about the wife of the president of Heyuan Group being unattractive clearly hadn't seen her; she could easily outshine many people in the industry with her beauty. Not to mention her equestrian skills; they were clearly well-practiced. And this young prince, he was truly the cutest, most handsome, and smartest baby they had ever seen, wasn't he?

Originally, this dinner was meant as a thank-you gesture from Wang Ming to Shen Yin, but with Xu Xiuhe's presence, the nature of the gathering shifted slightly.

One of the assistant directors was hesitant to speak, unsure of what to say, while Wang Ming and Xu Xiuhe remained courteous. Yan Yan sat next to Shen Yin, diligently serving Zhengzheng with food.

"It's our first meeting, and Mrs. Xu has helped me immensely. I'll toast to Mr. Xu," Wang Ming raised his glass from the table and downed it in one go.

Xu Xiuhe, who had been drinking with Wang Ming and the others, had his mind on Shen Yin and Zhengzheng. He remembered what Shen Yin had told him about Yan Yan in the afternoon.

He spoke up, "Yan Yan, you'll be Shu Yi's assistant from now on."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!