Published at 12th of June 2024 05:31:54 AM

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The story begins by saying Shen Yin and Yan Yan were quite surprised, while the others were just confused.

Shen Yin and Yan Yan knew that Yan Yan's boss was Chang Zhiyuan, but the others didn't know. The others all thought that Yan Yan was arranged by Xu Xiuhe for Shen Yin, so now that she was assigned to Shu Yi again, even though her husband and son were still around, was strange.

Shu Yi herself was even more confused, and looked to Shen Yin for help.

Shen Yin explained, "This was my idea. Zhengzheng has left the crew now, so he doesn't need an assistant anymore. I was quite reluctant to part with her, so when Shu Yi happened to need an assistant, as her company hadn't assigned one yet, I suggested it."

Hearing this, the others understood that she was doing a favor for her friend. Plus, in Rongcheng, everyone knew the relationship between Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe.

During the meal, Xu Xiuhe had some extra dishes and wine brought out, saying this meal was on him.

Wang Ming had been insisting on paying himself, since Shen Yin had already helped him out, so having someone else pay for the meal would be too embarrassing.

It wasn't until the waiter came to serve the dishes that the manager came along too, bringing them a few more dishes, so Wang Ming didn't say anything further. This restaurant belonged to Xu Xiuhe after all. Indeed, rich people had assets everywhere.

After dinner, Xu Xiuhe had his people move Shen Yin and Zhengzheng's luggage to his car.

"Yan Yan, you stay here first. Shu Yi will be done tomorrow. After that, just listen to Shu Yi's arrangements." Shen Yin instructed as they were leaving the building.

"Shen Yin, why don't you drive." Xu Xiuhe had drunk a little, but wasn't drunk. He adhered to the principle of never driving after drinking, so he chose to let Shen Yin drive.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not very good at driving. I got my license but barely drove after that." Shen Yin said in despair. The original owner had a license and could drive, but she couldn't!

"Having a license is enough. Put Zhengzheng in the rear baby seat. It's still early so drive slowly, there's no rush. I'll teach you." Xu Xiuhe spoke gently.

With the original owner's memories, Shen Yin had no choice but to brace herself and say, "I'll try."

Luckily today Shen Yin was on set for a long time on her feet, so she didn't wear high heels. Getting into the driver's seat, Xu Xiuhe put Zhengzheng into the rear baby seat and got into the passenger seat himself.

Relying on the original owner's memories, Shen Yin depressed the clutch all the way, released the handbrake, and turned the key.

"What's next?" Shen Yin asked, turning her head. She really had no idea what to do next.

"Slowly release your left foot, little by little," Xu Xiuhe instructed, still holding onto the steering wheel.

"OK, I think that's good, now just pay attention to the steering wheel and the cars in front."

Shen Yin held the steering wheel while her feet didn't dare move. The car crept along like a snail, with other cars zipping past one by one. Shen Yin started to panic.

"How can I drive faster?"

In Rongcheng in April, the temperature was perfect. Xu Xiuhe put Zhengzheng on the bed and seeing him sleep soundly, left the room.

After a long day, Shen Yin now just wanted to shower and sleep. So she returned to her room, showered, blow dried her hair, and just as she was about to get into bed, Xu Xiuhe knocked on her door, with Zhengzheng's cries audible behind him.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yin was still in her bathrobe.

"Zhengzheng wet the bed. Usually Nanny Song puts a diaper on him. We forgot today." Xu Xiuhe held a tearful and wronged looking Zhengzheng.

"Mama, hold." The little guy reached for Shen Yin.

Xu Xiuhe felt his two years couldn't compare to Shen Yin's two days. After just a few days apart, waking up crying and asking for mama when papa was right there.

Shen Yin took Zhengzheng. "Zhengzheng can sleep in my room tonight. The past few nights I was the one who slept with him, so he's used to it. It's my fault too, I weaned him off diapers at night. And didn't have him pee before bed."

Holding the child while in a bathrobe was a bit awkward. Zhengzheng grabbed at her chest and she flashed a bit.

Shen Yin said awkwardly, "Let me change into pajamas first. Hold him for me."

In the bathroom mirror, Shen Yin saw her flushed face, not just flushed, but a little hot too.

After quickly changing into pajamas and coming out of the bathroom, Zhengzheng was already lying in her bed.

Xu Xiuhe was still standing next to the bed.

"You go back to sleep first. You still have work tomorrow. I'll get him to sleep."

Xu Xiuhe returned to his room, with the earlier scene and smell still flashing through his mind. And the indecent dream he had...

Early next morning, at first light, Xu Xiuhe got up and showered with warm water. Seeing it was still early and Shen Yin and Zhengzheng weren't awake yet, he went downstairs to the kitchen, fried 3 eggs and poured 3 glasses of milk.

When Shen Yin came down, she saw Xu Xiuhe sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"Isn't work at 8? It's not even 7, how come you're up so early?" Shen Yin had intended to come down to make breakfast.

"Yeah, woke up early. Is Zhengzheng up yet?"

"Not yet. Children need long sleep times to grow."

Neither realized their ordinary, mundane conversation was anything but normal.

"There's milk and fried eggs in the microwave for you and Zhengzheng." Xu Xiuhe said.

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