Published at 12th of June 2024 05:31:28 AM

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

After coming out of the crew, Shen Yin took care of Zhengzheng at home every day, making all kinds of delicious food for him and teaching him how to speak.

Over a period of time, Zhengzheng had become completely dependent on her, trusting her with his whole heart. The lack of maternal love was made up during this time, but Shen Yin knew this was far from enough. A mother's love flows steadily for a long time, so in the days to come, she would always accompany Zhengzheng. He was the closest person to her in this world. Even if she and Xu Xiuhe really reached the worst stage in the future, she still hoped Zhengzheng’s custody would be in her hands. So she had to do something instead of always relying on Xu Xiuhe.

Shen Yin thought about some of her own skills and combined them with the original owner's major. She decided to start with clothing. The original owner had a studio before. When the original owner was abroad, she had a dream of becoming a fashion designer. Her family was in Rong City, so she built one with the help of Shen Lyu.

However, the studio basically had no customers. Moreover, after the original owner was with Zhou Man, her studies fell behind and her professional knowledge was not up to standard. After the original owner got married, she dismissed the employees of the studio. From then on, the studio was just a decoration. Fortunately, the Shen family was rich. Otherwise, how could the original owner have opened a studio and kept losing money?

Relying on the original owner’s memory, Shen Yin drove with Zhengzheng to the studio on Qinghe Street. It was a retro street with unique buildings.

The original owner's studio was in a three-story small building. The exterior of the building was very delicate, like a Republican-era building. But the entrance of the small building was locked. Shen Yin was well prepared. When she decided to come here, she had already found all the things about this studio that belonged to the original owner, such as relevant information and the keys to the studio.

Shen Yin stopped the car, got out holding Zhengzheng, and fell in love with this street as soon as she got off. A man-made stream ran through the entire street, with clear water in the stream. Pebbles were paved on the bottom of the stream and on both sides. There was a long bench on the pebbled pavement on both sides at intervals. On the outer side of the pebbled pavement were rows of small buildings.Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

The whole street had a flavor of Jiangnan. Shen Yin had never seen such a scene of small bridges, flowing water, stone roads, and antique small buildings on both sides in Dasheng Dynasty.

The charming Qinghe Street was not as luxurious as Qingshui Avenue, and there were fewer people than that side. The rhythm here was slower than that side. When Shen Yin came, it was morning. There were residents walking slowly on Qinghe Street. Some people were washing vegetables by the stream, some people were selling breakfast at the door of the small building, and some small buildings had just opened for business. The scent of human life here was strong. Shen Yin was in no hurry to open her own studio. Instead, she walked slowly along the street holding Zhengzheng’s hand, feeling the beauty here.

"Zhengzheng, do you like it here?" Shen Yin slowed down her pace to cater to Zhengzheng and asked slowly.

After eating, Shen Yin first took Zhengzheng to the supermarket. In an hour, Shen Yin bought frying pans, woks, pancake pans, rice cookers, knives, cutting boards and various kitchen utensils. What's more important is that she bought a lot of quirky and cute tableware, as well as some household items. Seeing that more and more things were bought, she simply found a supermarket staff member to help her carry things. After a round of shopping in the supermarket, Shen Yin spent five digits. The supermarket still provided delivery service, but Shen Yin did not let them deliver it immediately, but asked them to send it to her in the evening.

"Mom, hug." Zhengzheng stretched out his little hand.

Shen Yin realized that Zhengzheng had been walking for a long time and should be tired. Then she hugged up Zhengzheng and headed to the furniture city next door.

Curtains, sofas, dining tables, coffee tables, chairs, beds, the furniture she could think of was ordered in the furniture city. However, she felt that the second floor and the first floor, especially the first floor which was the facade, needed some decoration.

After strolling around, Shen Yin discovered a new world in Chinese furniture. She didn't expect people in this era to like these wooden antiquated furniture. She took a look around and found that these furniture were much more expensive than the furniture she had just bought.

"Miss, what do you need?" The salesperson of the Chinese furniture asked.

"Why is this furniture so much more expensive than other furniture?" Shen Yin asked.

The salesperson looked at Shen Yin and felt that Shen Yin's temperament and image did not seem to be short of money at all, and could definitely afford the Chinese furniture.

"Miss, because Chinese furniture is very popular nowadays, but the cost of Chinese furniture is extremely high. The shape of these furniture are restored by designers based on many books, and even after running to many museums around the world. For some museums, they have to go many times. The design cost is very high," said the salesperson.

After listening to this, Shen Yin carefully observed these Chinese furniture and felt they were just so-so. Compared to those in Dasheng Dynasty, they were not delicate enough, and the appearance was not as good as those in Dasheng Dynasty. No wonder, how could people nowadays make an exact replica of ancient objects?

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