Published at 12th of June 2024 05:31:27 AM

Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Shen Yin had a look of understanding on her face.

"Ma'am, would you like to take a look?" the furniture salesperson asked again.

Shen Yin shook her head. She had already bought all the furniture she needed. She was just curious why such ordinary furniture was so expensive. If she wanted Chinese-style furniture, she could simply draw up plans and have a carpenter custom make it, instead of spending so much money on something that wasn't even her preferred style.

Suddenly, Shen Yin had a flash of inspiration. She could become a Chinese furniture designer herself later on, partner with factories or even set up her own factory. That way, all the profits would be hers.

But for now, her clothing studio had just gotten up and running, and her energy was limited, so the furniture factory could wait.

With everything purchased, Shen Yin had the furniture and supplies delivered to Number 5, Qingshui Street, where she still had one very important thing to take care of.

She had noticed the sign above the small building on Qingshui Street at first glance when she arrived. It was called "Yinman Clothing Studio." The mention of Zhou Man gave Shen Yin a headache. She now had to deal with the mess the original host had made. There was no way she was using that name, not just because she found it distasteful herself, but if Shen Li ever found out about it, he would give her hell.

Returning to Qingshui Street, Shen Yin immediately took down the little wooden sign for "Yinman Clothing Studio" and had Zhengzheng toss it in the trash can nearby.

"Young lady, it's been years since I've seen you around here," she heard a voice say. Shen Yin turned to see an old woman with silver hair. The original host didn't seem to remember this person.

"Hello Granny. I've had some things come up these past few years and haven't been around this area," Shen Yin replied politely.

The silver-haired granny had an elegant and refined air about her. Shen Yin guessed she was retired and now living in this neighborhood.Geet latest novel chapters on novelbj/n(.)c/om

"I see. Young lady, what happened to that other girl who used to come here with you?"

"Hm?" Shen Yin was puzzled. She thought back and remembered the original host had come here twice before with Zhou Man, but they hadn't run into this granny then.

"You probably all got married. That handsome little boy there is your child, right?" The silver-haired granny looked at Yun Zheng and asked.

"Yes, he is."

"I could tell with one look he resembles you. So handsome." The granny was very free with her compliments.

"Thank you, Granny," Shen Yin gently taught Zhengzheng the proper response.

"Thank you, Granny," he echoed in his little milk voice without any shyness.

With all the coming and going, it was no surprise their little family of three attracted lots of attention as they walked through Qingyue Shopping Mall near Ziyue Manor. Their combined attractiveness made them unforgettable to passersby.

That night after getting home, Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin discovered they had made the hot search topics again: "Far Group CEO Seen Out with Wife and Child at Qingyue Mall."

Everyone knew the rumors that Xu Xiuhe was in a marriage of convenience and had a bad relationship with his wife. He had never appeared together with her in public before. Now there were photos of them together that even made the hot searches.

Xu Xiuhe was relatively unruffled, but the photos this time showed them face on, with Zhengzheng held in their arms, so his face wasn't visible. The previous stills of Zhengzheng released by the crew only showed his back, while Shen Yin was clearly recognizable.

There were online comments questioning whether the woman in the photo was really Xu Xiuhe's wife, and even speculation she was a mistress and he was cheating.

Xu Xiuhe's phone lit up with an incoming call from Liu Bo: "CEO, how do you want to handle this?"

"Issue a clarification on the company's official account."

"Clarifying what exactly?" Liu Bo didn't understand.

"Clarify that the woman and child in the photo are my wife and son. And clarify that I'm not cheating."

He had just gotten off the phone when Chang Zhiyuan and Xue Jingrui were tagging him frantically in the group chat.

[Dude, I thought you were always real careful. How'd you get caught this time?]

[I assumed Qingyue Mall would be safe.]

[It's your mall, you can't just assume it's secure!]

Shu Yi also called Shen Yin.

After Far Group's official clarification, Shen Group also issued a post: "Since when did my daughter Shen Yin become a mistress? And when did my son-in-law cheat on her without my knowing?"

With this post, the business community and netizens alike were stunned. When did Shen Tianzheng have a daughter? They only knew Xu Xiuhe was in an arranged marriage but didn't know which family it was to. The wedding at the time was small and rushed, with only closest relatives and friends attending. They had no idea at all who Xu Xiuhe's bride was.

Shen Group was quite famous in Rong City, especially in recent years as it was growing rapidly. If people had known there was a daughter in the Shen family, their doorstep probably would have been trampled flat.

When Shen Yin was born, Shen Group was going through financial difficulties, and the family planning policy happened to be rolling out. So Fang Yue secretly gave birth to Shen Yin and registered her under Fang Yue's maiden name. As a result, very few were aware there was a daughter in the Shen family, even with Yang Cui's incomplete investigation.

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