Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:59 AM

Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

During this period of time, he would involuntarily think of Shen Yin when working. He would suddenly wonder what Shen Yin was doing and could even say that he was worried about her.

Shen Yin brought out a bowl of clear noodle soup she just cooked from the kitchen. There was a tea egg in the noodles, as well as some vegetables, and there were some green onion slices sprinkled on top. It looked very appetizing.

"There's not enough rice, so have some noodles," Shen Yin said.

Xu Xiuhe was still immersed in his own thoughts and was disrupted again by Shen Yin's words.

"What's wrong? If you don't like eating noodles, you can eat rice and I'll eat the noodles."Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

Xu Xiuhe quickly denied: "No, I was just thinking about some things. The noodles look quite delicious."

Then, the three of them ate their meals in silence. Shen Yin saw that Xu Xiuhe was putting dishes into Zhengzheng's bowl, so she didn't add any more to his.

"What plans does this studio have next?" Xu Xiuhe asked. In his eyes, Shen Yin's clothing studio could only be regarded as a hobby to pass the time doing things she loved. He didn't expect it to make money, and of course, he wasn't lacking money either.

"The opening is tomorrow. I plan to set the starting point a little higher," Shen Yin said. At first, she hadn't thought about what kind of grade clothes she should make, but after Granny Su said her wedding dress was worth eight digits, Shen Yin decided.

"You mean doing some custom-made, building a brand?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

That was Shen Yin’s intention, but she didn’t know how to express it. Unexpectedly, Xu Xiuhe had said it out.

"The early stages may be more difficult. Everything is difficult at first. If there's anything you need, let me know and I'll have Liu Bo handle it," Xu Xiuhe had said this many times.

But Shen Yin would handle things herself if she could handle them instead of troubling others.

In the afternoon when Shen Yin was on the first floor with Zhengzheng, she felt a little uncomfortable physically with dizziness and blurred vision. Shen Yin touched her forehead, it was a little hot. Would she have a fever? The employees were going to start working tomorrow. She couldn’t fall apart at the critical moment.

Shen Yin took out her phone and called Xu Xiuhe. Xu Xiuhe was a little surprised to see Shen Yin's incoming call. Shen Yin rarely called him.

"Hello, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable physically, maybe I have a fever. I'm afraid of passing it on to Zhengzheng. Can you come get him?" Shen Yin said weakly.

Shen Yin really didn't dare to move. Xu Xiuhe locked the door of the small building swiftly, then picked up Shen Yin again.

"What's going on here?" Su Jin walked over from beside Small Building No. 4 and saw Xu Xiuhe carrying Shen Yin while asking.

Shen Yin spoke up in a small voice, "Mother-in-law, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable physically."

"Is it because you've been too busy recently and worn yourself out?" Su Jin asked with concern.

Before Shen Yin could reply, Xu Xiuhe spoke up, "Mother-in-law, I'll take her to see the doctor first, we'll get going now."

"Okay, go see the doctor early, don't overexert yourself," Su Jin said as she watched Xu Xiuhe’s back.

Xu Xiuhe carried Shen Yin to the passenger seat, changed his position, leaned his body towards Shen Yin's side, quite close. The sides of Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin's faces were less than 10 cm apart.

Shen Yin was frightened, her spirits lifted in an instant, eyes wide open, holding her breath, not daring to move at all, "What are you doing?"

Xu Xiuhe turned his face, the two people were face to face, close enough to feel each other's breath, close enough for them to see themselves reflected in each other’s eyes.

"Buckling your seatbelt for you." Xu Xiuhe found the seatbelt on the passenger side and pulled it over. In this position, it looked as if Xu Xiuhe was hugging Shen Yin.

Xu Xiuhe was truly handsome. Shen Yin felt her face become fiery hot, even hotter than before. How could it have gotten so bad so quickly? Shen Yin looked at herself in the mirror, her face was as red as a red apple.

She seemed to know why her face was burning. She was shy. Fortunately, she had a fever, otherwise she wouldn't have known how to explain and cover up why her face was so red.

"How can you still come to work here when you're sick? I'll find another auntie to help you take care of the child too," Xu Xiuhe said while driving.

But Shen Yin just shook her head again. She wouldn’t feel at ease about anyone else taking care of Zhengzheng. During this time with Zhengzheng, Shen Yin felt her feelings towards him had deepened even more. After all, Zhengzheng was her own child that she gave birth to.

"I may have caught a chill while sleeping last night. My head felt a little dizzy this morning, and I thought it was because I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't expect to feel even dizzier this afternoon, even with some pain, before realizing that I might be sick with a fever."

Xu Xiuhe stretched out his right hand and touched Shen Yin’s forehead, "It’s so hot!"

But Shen Yin’s point of attention wasn’t on how hot it was. She felt Xu Xiuhe's hand was very cool, feeling very comfortable on her forehead. Xu Xiuhe’s fingers were long and well-proportioned, his skin was fair to begin with, and the blood vessels on his hands were clearly visible. Shen Yin could even smell the masculine cologne scent on Xu Xiuhe’s arm.

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