Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:55 AM

Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

That night, Xu Yunzheng slept in his own bed, and even taking a bath was given by Xu Xiuhe.

When Shen Yin woke up, it was 6 o'clock in the morning. Because she had gone to bed earlier than usual last night, she woke up especially early today.

Shen Yin turned her head and looked at the bed before reacting that since she was sick, Xu Yunzheng should not be sleeping in her bed. Today was the opening day of the studio, she had to get ready, after washing up, she picked a white suit, Shen Yin lightly applied some makeup, after applying lipstick, her whole temperament was different, her aura was extremely powerful.

When Shen Yin went out, she looked at Xu Xiuhe's room, the door was still closed, so she went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Just as she reached the first floor, she saw Xu Xiuhe wearing an apron, busy in the kitchen.

Xu Xiuhe was wearing a white shirt, black suit pants, tied with a pink apron, the outfit was extremely weird, making him look even more out of place in the kitchen, but these could not affect Shen Yin from appreciating Xu Xiuhe.

Very few men of high status, except those who cook for a living, would go into the kitchen, but the man in front of her had neither low status nor position, yet he was making breakfast in the kitchen.

Perhaps feeling Shen Yin's burning gaze, Xu Xiuhe turned his head and saw Shen Yin standing on the stairs.

"You're up? Do you feel better?" Xu Xiuhe stopped what he was doing and asked.

Looking at Shen Yin's outfit, he wondered if she was still going to work.

"You're sick, why do you still have to go out?" There was some imperceptible blame in Xu Xiuhe's tone.

"Today is the opening day of the studio, I have to be there because some employees are going to report to the studio," Shen Yin explained.

"Okay, go upstairs and see if Xu Yunzheng is awake first, breakfast will be ready soon."Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

Hearing this, Shen Yin turned and climbed the stairs to the second floor.

With one hand, Xu Xiuhe turned off the fire, and with the other, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Liu Bo, I won't be going to the company this morning. If there are any documents, please handle them." After saying that, Xu Xiuhe immediately hung up, leaving Liu Bo alone in shock.

At 7:10, Shen Yin came downstairs again holding Xu Yunzheng. On the dining table, Xu Xiuhe had already served the food. Before Shen Yin approached, she could smell the aroma of the food.

At this moment, Xu Xiuhe was wandering around a small vegetable market near Qinghe Street with Xu Yunzheng while Shen Yin was busy assigning tasks to the employees. He and Xu Yunzheng didn't want to disturb her, and there were not many vegetables left in the fridge either, so he figured he'd take Xu Yunzheng out for a bit.

There were vendors selling all kinds of food items in the small Qinghe Street market. Xu Xiuhe walking among the crowds with a little toddler in his arms was very conspicuous. Xu Xiuhe was over six feet tall carrying this little one, very much looking like a daddy with his kid.

However, their outfit was not really suitable for appearing here. The market had people every morning and the vegetables were freshly grown by the farmers themselves, both affordable and fresh.

Most of the people who came here to buy vegetables were local residents, as well as those who lived on Qinghe Street.

Xu Xiuhe was well aware that the stuff here was affordable and cheap. He had gone to similar markets when he was in college too, so he didn't find the place noisy or chaotic at all, but rather, full of down-to-earth vibes.

"Oh it's you."

Hearing the voice, Xu Xiuhe turned his head. It was the silver-haired granny from yesterday.

"Granny, granny." Xu Yunzheng called out.

"Hello Granny, Shen Yin is busy, so I came to buy some vegetables." Xu Xiuhe greeted politely.

"Good, good, good." Su Jin said good a few times. She had recognized yesterday that the man in front of her was the president of the Andao Group who often appeared on TV.

"Not at work today?" Su Jin asked.

Hearing this, Xu Xiuhe told the truth: "Shen Yin was sick yesterday but she insisted on coming over, so I came along."

Xu Xiuhe had been navigating the business world for years and was good at reading people. The old lady in front of him was definitely no ordinary person.

"Young man, Shen Yin is a good girl in my eyes. Marrying her is your blessing, you must cherish her well." Su Jin spoke as one who had life experience.

"Yes Granny, I will cherish her well."

After that, it was an old, a tall man and a toddler walking in this vegetable market. Seeing Su Jin greeting some vendors, Xu Xiuhe figured she must have been living here for years.

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