Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:50 AM

Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

This was too embarrassing, Shen Yin gently took Xu Xiuhe's hand away from her waist. As soon as she touched it, Xu Xiuhe woke up.

"Sorry, I fell asleep and didn't know," Xu Xiuhe explained. He had slept extremely soundly tonight.

Shen Yin knew she was in the wrong, so she hurriedly got up and tidied up her pajamas before putting on her slippers.

"I'll go make some food in the kitchen first," she said hastily before running out.

This is too embarrassing, Shen Yin thought to herself while cooking. Distracted, she had added the wrong seasonings.

At the dining table, Xu Xiuhe was thinking about a charity gala he had to attend tomorrow night. He was missing a female companion. At events like these in the past, he never brought a female companion. If he absolutely had to bring one, he would bring Qin Zhenzhen, a female assistant from his company.

Now that Shen Yin's identity had been made public as his wife, it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to accompany him.

Xu Xiuhe spoke up, "Are you free tomorrow night?"

"What's going on?"

"A gala. I'd like to invite you to attend together."

Shen Yin's instinct was to refuse. "Zhengzheng needs someone to look after him." Shen Yin realized using Zhengzheng as an excuse worked very well. Just as she was secretly delighted, she seemed to spot a problem.

So Shen Yin asked with ill intentions, "What kind of gala is it?"

Xu Xiuhe looked at Shen Yin's eyes blinking around suspiciously. He was a little worried that Shen Yin had changed her mind.

"It's a charity gala hosted by Xue Jingui's mother," he explained.

Xue Jingrui's mother was in business, while his father Xue Kai was in politics. The two complemented each other well. This charity gala was initiated by Xue Jingrui's mother, Ye Rong. The money raised from the final auction would all be donated to welfare institutions, which would further raise Xue Kai's popularity and cement his position as the second highest leader in Rong City. Recently, there had been talks that the current top leader would be transferred out soon, making Xue Kai the most likely successor.

"So there will be a lot of people attending?" Shen Yin asked.

"Yes, from business and political circles."

"I've changed my mind. Can I attend wearing clothes from my studio?" Shen Yin looked expectant.

"Boss, isn't a day too rushed for making gowns? These aren't ordinary clothes."

"Don't worry, I'll cut the patterns and fabrics in the afternoon. You guys just need to machine sew them tomorrow morning." Shen Yin assured.

Shen Yin would be very busy in the afternoon and couldn't watch Zhengzheng the whole time. With how sensible Zhengzheng was, he definitely couldn't be left alone without supervision.

Thinking about sending Zhengzheng to stay with Fang Yue for the night, Shen Yin figured she might as well have Fang Yue over this afternoon to accompany Zhengzheng. It would let her familiarize herself with him too.

Shen Yin took out her phone and scrolled through her short contact list consisting of Shu Yi, Xu Xiuhe, Ji Qingyan, Yan Yan, and Fang Yue. This was a new phone Shen Lv had given her after confiscating her old one. Out of hatred toward Shen Lv and Shen Tianzheng, she had deleted their contacts and blocked them.

Fang Yue had always treated her well - at least according to the original host's memories.

"Hello, is this Yin Yin?" There was a slight quiver in Fang Yue's voice. This was the first call from Shen Yin since her marriage.

"Mom, it's me." Shen Yin replied.

"Oh Yin Yin, did something happen? Did Xiuhe bully you?" Fang Yue asked.

It was understandable she would ask that. She knew Shen Yin's stubborn temperament all too well. Since she married Xu Xiuhe, Fang Yue had been worried that Shen Yin's stubbornness would make her unpleasing to her husband and cause her grief. Her worries grew when Shen Yin developed mental health issues. She would call Xu Xiuhe periodically to understand the situation and observe his attitude toward Shen Yin.

"No, Mom. Are you free now?"

This was the first call from Shen Yin in so long. Even if Fang Yue was busy, she would make time.

"Yin Yin, tell me what's going on. Have you run into some difficulty?"

Hearing Fang Yue's words moved Shen Yin deeply. This was the first time in her life she had experienced a mother's love.

"Mom, I'll be busy with some things in the studio at Qinghe Villa this afternoon. Could you come over to help look after Zhengzheng?"

"You're bringing Zhengzheng? Sure, of course, I'll head over now!" Fang Yue was overjoyed. She looked forward to bonding more with her grandson.

"Be careful on your way here, Mom," Shen Yin reminded caringly. This hard-earned familial love was now precious to her.

Hearing that brought tears to the corners of Fang Yue's eyes. Her daughter still cared about her.

After hanging up, Fang Yue called Shen Tianzheng to inform him she would be going out at noon.Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

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