Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:46 AM

Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Shen Yin didn't expect that Fang Yue would come so quickly. Fang Yue drove over in her own car and parked behind the small building, the one she had bought for Shen Yin. She didn't expect to come here again.

To the left after entering was some finished clothing, including the wedding dress worth millions. To the right was a set of leather sofas. Fang Yue was attracted by those clothes, could they all have been made by Shen Yin?

"Mom, you got here so fast." Shen Yin said, carrying Zhengzheng downstairs.

"I was free at home too." Fang Yue held out her hand. "Zhengzheng, can grandma hold you for a bit?"

Zhengzheng looked at Fang Yue, blinked his eyes without reacting, then turned his head to look at Shen Yin.

"Zhengzheng, this is grandma. Mom will be busy this afternoon, be good and stay with grandma okay?" Shen Yin gently coaxed.

Zhengzheng nodded, "Zhengzheng is very obedient."

"Such a good boy." Shen Yin handed Zhengzheng over to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue was still a little cautious. "Zhengzheng, do you still remember grandma? Grandma held you last time."

"Remember grandma." Zhengzheng showed his little milk teeth, answering Fang Yue's questions.

"This little mouth is so sweet, like he's eaten honey." Hearing him call her grandma made Fang Yue happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Mom, I have to finish a dress today. Xiuhe and I are attending a charity gala tomorrow night, so I'll probably have to bring Zhengzheng over to your place again tomorrow night." Shen Yin explained.

What, she was bringing Zhengzheng over again tomorrow night? This was unexpected for Fang Yue. She thought just getting to hold him and see him today would be enough to satisfy her, she didn't expect to hear Zhengzheng call her grandma himself and that he'd come over again tomorrow. Happiness seemed to have come too suddenly.

"Okay, okay, just come find me if you're busy." Fang Yue was a little excited.UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m

After cutting the panels in the afternoon and sewing the next morning, a dress was finally completed.

The four employees simply couldn't believe that such a beautiful young woman had such mature design concepts, leading them to create such an outstanding piece.

"Zhengzheng, let grandma hold you."

After Shen Yin got out of the car, she followed Fang Yue into the Shen family villa. The Shen family villa was located in the Lanyuan Villa Area in the eastern part of Rong City, similar to Ziyue Manor with one house per yard.

The yard was full of all kinds of flowers and plants. Fang Yue seemed to be someone who loved life. The past two or three years while the original owner was sick must have been quite painful for her. Unknowingly, Shen Yin actually empathized.

Upon entering the house, Shen Yin saw Shen Tianzheng waiting expectantly. She almost wanted to laugh, but held it in.

"Dad." Shen Yin called out.

Hearing her call him dad made Shen Tianzheng feel privileged. Although the misunderstanding between them was resolved, there was still estrangement that could only disappear slowly over time.

Shen Tianzheng consciously realized that his presence here would affect their mother-daughter conversation, so he took Zhengzheng out to the yard to play. Zhengzheng's laughter mixed with Shen Tianzheng's, and at that moment, Shen Yin felt the warmth of family for the first time in her two lifetimes.

Fang Yue chatted with Shen Yin about all kinds of family matters, from the changes happening around the house, to Shen Lv still not finding a wife. Seeing that Shen Yin didn't show any impatience at all, Fang Yue was even more satisfied. Her mouth didn't stop the whole time.

As the sun set over the mountains, early summer evenings were prime time. Fang Yue realized she may have talked too much, so she took Shen Yin for a walk around the yard. Zhengzheng sat on a swing in the yard while Shen Tianzheng rocked him back and forth behind him. In that moment, it was like Shen Yin could feel the warmth of family in her two lifetimes.

"Shen Yin, mom and dad." Xu Xiuhe walked into the yard and saw this harmonious scene.

"Xiuhe you're here!" Fang Yue said. There's a saying that the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she is. With how Shen Yin had been the past few years, Xiuhe still hadn't divorced her - what more could she be dissatisfied about?

"It's time, I have to go now. I'll be back later to get Zhengzheng." Shen Yin said.

Still, Shen Yin couldn't resist going over to Zhengzheng: "Zhengzheng, mommy is going out with daddy for a bit. Be good and listen to grandma and grandpa okay? No crying allowed, little men can't cry. Grandma and grandpa love you very much, so don't be scared. I'll come get you later alright?"

"Okay." Zhengzheng nodded. He would rather make himself unhappy than let mommy be sad.

"Say bye bye to mommy and daddy." Xu Xiuhe said.

Zhengzheng waved his little hand. "Bye bye!" he said in his sweet little voice.

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