Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:41 AM

Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"No, Shen Yin, you said you only spent 2,000 yuan." Shu Yi asked back.

"Yeah, isn't it a bargain? In the future if you need promotion, I'll buy hot searches for you." Shen Yin said.

"Are you sure no one helped you buy it?" Shu Yi was skeptical. She was in the entertainment industry after all. Although she had never bought one herself, that didn't mean she didn't know how much it cost to get into the top 5 hot searches!

Shen Yin started to doubt upon hearing this. Could it be that someone really did help buy it for her, Xu Xiuhe or Fang Yue?

"Then I guess someone must have helped me buy it." Shen Yin said.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

"What if it was Xu Xiuhe? That would be so romantic! Oh, do you know I was browsing Weibo and saw you and Xu Xiuhe have a super topic. It was pretty interesting, everyone there was shipping you two. They went crazy tonight! You two aren't just giving out candy, you're pouring it all over. Ah ah, I've become a CP fan too."

"Super topic?" Shen Yin didn't pay much attention to things like that. This era was truly interesting.

"There's something else. I really do need to come to your place to order a dress. Yan Xi's Legend needs promotion. I need to attend events but before I really hated taking endorsements so no sponsors gave me dresses!" Shu Yi continued.

"Haha, didn't I see online people saying you have a backer so you don't need to take endorsements to make money?" Shen Yin teased.

"I'm just lazy. I wanted to go out and play. There's no backer!" Shu Yi pouted. Fortunately Shen Yin wasn't facing Shu Yi or she would have laughed again.

"Okay, come to my studio tomorrow. I'll custom make one for you."

"Knock knock knock." There was a knocking sound.

Shen Yin was about to open the door and said, "Let me hang up first, see you tomorrow."

When she opened the door, it was Xu Yunzheng standing there. Seeing her, he immediately hugged Shen Yin's legs, "Mama, sleep."

"Are you sleepy?" Shen Yin asked.

Xu Xiuhe was the one who replied first however, "I just gave him a bath. He wanted to come find you as soon as he was done. He had another tiring day today so you should put him to bed early."

"Okay, thanks."

"Don't mention it. No need to thank me."

After closing the door, Shen Yin only just remembered she had forgotten to ask Xu Xiuhe about the hot search. Oh well, better not to ask. What if he didn't buy it? Wouldn't she seem full of herself then?

"Yunzheng, miss me?" Sweetheart?"


"Wow, so well behaved. Let auntie hug you." Shu Yi stepped forward and picked up Xu Yunzheng from the carpet.

"You're here early." Shen Yin said.

"I came to give you some face. I'm serious!" Shu Yi said.

Shen Yin stood up and took a measuring tape. "Put Yunzheng down first."

Shen Yin measured everything one by one, bust, waist, hips and leg circumference.

There was a beeping sound from the computer on the desk. Shen Yin was clever to begin with. After learning for a month or two she could grasp some basic office software.

When Shen Yin sat down to record the measurements she had just taken, she happened to glance at the computer. It was the orders Chen Nuan and Li Huanhuan had sent over. Qi Yan's name just so happened to be at the top and Shen Yin frowned slightly when she saw it.

"What's wrong?" Shu Yi asked.

"Got some orders. They're coming this afternoon."

"That's pretty good though."

Shu Yi leaned in to take a look at the computer screen.

"She doesn't know this workshop is opened by you right? I guess after not winning the auction yesterday and you stealing her thunder, she must be annoyed now and wants to check out this workshop."

Shu Yi was worried Qi Yan would take out her anger on the workshop. She was even more worried Shen Yin wouldn't be able to handle it with Yunzheng here so she decided to stay with Shen Yin the whole day.

"I'll keep you company. I'm free these few days anyway." There were still a few days until Shu Yi had to attend the launch event for Yan Xi's Legend.

"That's good. You just want to freeload food right." Shen Yin said jokingly.

"Oh, you know me best."

Actually Shen Yin knew Shu Yi truly cared for her as a friend. She was just considering how she should handle things when Qi Yan came over later. Should she not show herself or...

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