Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:34 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Zhengzheng ah, let grandma hold you for a bit.”

Shen Yin did not recognize this person, but she observed that this person had an air of nobility about her. She called herself grandma, could she be Xu Xiuhe’s mother?

Just as she was at a loss, Aunt Song came over.

“It’s Mrs. Xu, we should head back now.” Aunt Song said.

“When Xiuhe has time, have him come home for a meal. He hasn’t been home for so long, his dad misses him.”

On the way back, Shen Yin wanted to ask but hesitated.

“Madam, you probably want to ask who she is. You didn’t pay attention to these things before, so it’s normal you don’t recognize her.”

“She is the young master's stepmother. Just one look and you know nothing about the young master. When the young master was very little, his mother passed away. Not long after, he brought back a woman and a two-year-old child. That woman on the surface treated the young master very well, doing everything in the young master's best interest, but in reality, when no one was looking, she mistreated him. After the young master went to university, he moved out. Using the little savings left by his mother, he started his business and endured a lot before becoming as successful as he is today."

"How does Aunt Song know so clearly?” Shen Yin asked curiously.

“I used to work in their household. His mother treated me very well. After she passed, I worked there for another two years. Seeing my close relationship with the young master, that woman found an excuse to dismiss me. This time, right after you married the young master, he hired me back." Aunt Song continued explaining.

"That woman is no good. Avoid her when you see her in the future."

Zhengzheng in her arms yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Aunt Song smiled and said, "Our Zhengzheng is sleepy, let's head home first."

That night, Shen Yin was in the kitchen, organizing the vegetables bought today, preparing to cook. When Aunt Song offered to help, Shen Yin declined.

"It's okay Aunt Song, just watch over Zhengzheng."

After speaking, Shen Yin continued working in the kitchen, pairing dishes and sauces. In her past life, Shen Yin was very picky about food. Her uncle had specially requested imperial chefs for her from the emperor. Later, when her stomach was spoiled by the fine cuisine, and the imperial chefs were bestowed to her uncle’s estate and could no longer come to Shen Yin at the Prime Minister’s estate, Shen Yin started following the imperial chefs to learn cooking skills.

After Shen Yin returned to the Prime Minister’s estate, she built a kitchen in her own courtyard. She pondered daily on how to eat well, reading many books about cuisines. She dared say even the imperial chefs could not cook better meals than her with a wider repertoire.

Seeing the eggplants and other vegetables Aunt Song bought today, Shen Yin decided she could make a pot of braised eggplant.Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

She cut the eggplants into cubes, diced the mushrooms, scallion stalks, and lean meat, then mixed them into the seasoned sauce. Finally, she stuffed the mixture into the eggplant cubes. She dipped each eggplant cube in egg wash then pan-fried until golden brown before plating.

She also stir-fried a homestyle green vegetable dish and a cashew shrimp dish. Seeing there was still time, Shen Yin took out the chicken from the fridge she had bought earlier. After washing it, lacking some ingredients for her ideal recipe, Shen Yin tried her best to create the most delicious dish possible with the limited ingredients on hand.

By the time she finished cooking this dish, the previously simmering braised pork ribs and lotus root soup was also ready. Shen Yin lifted the lid of the soup pot, and the wonderful aroma immediately filled the air. She had used her secret recipe for this soup.

Xu Xiuhe had just returned and as soon as he opened the door, he could smell the fragrant aroma. He thought the chef they hired this time was really not bad.

After changing his shoes, Xu Xiuhe went upstairs directly to check on Zhengzheng.

Zhengzheng had just woken up and was being carried by Aunt Song.

"Aunt Song, where did you find the cook for the kitchen this time? I could smell the fragrance as soon as I entered the door.” Xu Xiuhe took Zhengzheng from Aunt Song's arms.

"Master, it was the mistress who cooked.”

Xu Xiuhe was really shocked to hear this.

"I was going to hire someone, but the mistress said she could do it herself and it would be more reassuring."

Aunt Song continued explaining.

Going downstairs, the dining table was already set with the dishes – braised eggplant, cashew shrimp, garlic sautéed greens, soy sauce chicken, and pork ribs lotus root soup.

The original Shen Yin did not live in this country. She studied abroad in France and also cooked for herself there.

With these memories, Shen Yin was no longer worried about exposing herself.

Four dishes with one soup.

When Shen Yin brought the dishes to the dining room, she saw Xu Xiuhe and was surprised. She didn't expect him to come home for lunch, so there may not be enough rice.

"You're back?" Shen Yin greeted him.

"You guys eat first." Shen Yin said and went back to the kitchen to cook some noodles.

At the dining table, they were all waiting for her. Zhengzheng shook his little spoon, mouth babbling "eat eat".

Crab-stuffed orange, honey tofu, fish soup, pan-fried taro, and black chicken with red dates soup.

A table full of appetizing dishes.

Shen Yin brought out a bowl of noodles and set it on the table.

"Mistress, how could I have forgotten, I'm really getting old, mind not working well. Fortunately the mistress cooked noodles, otherwise there wouldn't have been enough rice." Aunt Song blamed herself.

The noodles looked perfectly cooked, with ample ingredients mixed in. Shen Yin had used her special homemade seasoning, and cooked it in chicken broth, emitting a tempting aroma that seduced the others.

"Does Zhengzheng want to eat noodles?" Seeing Zhengzheng's impatient little hands, Shen Yin asked aloud.

Zhengzheng's expression and actions clearly showed his anticipation.

Shen Yin used chopsticks to place some noodles from the bowl into Zhengzheng's small bowl, then spooned in some soup.

Zhengzheng immediately started eating eagerly.

"You eat the rest of the noodles." Shen Yin placed the bowl in front of Xu Xiuhe.

Looking at the table of dishes, especially the crab-stuffed orange, Xu Xiuhe knew they were complex to make.

The dishes were delicious. Zhengzheng ate a lot of crab and kept asking for more, but was stopped by Shen Yin.

"Zhengzheng, too much crab is not good for you. Have some fish instead." Shen Yin scooped some fish soup into Zhengzheng's small plate.

Despite being four dishes and one soup, everything was finished. Partly because it was truly tasty that Aunt Song and Xu Xiuhe ate a lot, and partly because Shen Yin's judgment on portions was perfect.

After the meal, Xu Xiuhe finally could not resist asking.

"Shen Yin, did you study cooking before?"

Shen Yin had already prepared her response.

"When I studied abroad, I cooked for myself. Since I love eating, I taught myself and read many books."

"The food was very delicious, thank you for your hard work. If there is anything you need to buy, just let me know and I'll arrange for someone to go buy it," Aunt Song said while standing to the side, revealing a gratified smile.

"Sir, there are some things I want to discuss with you."

"Aunt Song, just go ahead and say it directly, and keep calling me Xiúhé."

"You told me to call you Xiúhé before, but I just can't get used to changing it."

"Sir, I've been wanting to talk to you about this matter for a while now."

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